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‘hmph! ‘

Du Yuesheng lifts the head looking at the old man with endless Raging Flames shining in the sky, coldly snorted his nose.

He stepped across the ground in one step, soaring to Peak in an imposing manner, looking disdainfully towards the sky.

Du Yuesheng stretched out a finger to point to the sky, indifferently said in his mouth: “Is Pure Yang Realm strong? Torture you like playing!”

‘Annoy daddy, I will slaughter you in minutes! ‘

With Du Yuesheng’s words appearing in Heaven and Earth, all of the people standing on the ground longed for him in an instant.

each and everyone looked at Du Yuesheng who pointed a finger to the sky as if seeing a monster.

Leng Yan heard Du Yuesheng saying that he almost fell directly to the ground.

‘Lying trough! ‘

‘I served, big brother, I really did…’

‘You pretend to be’forced’ Kung Fu… Take it! ‘

Leng Yan has been conquered by Du Yuesheng’s kung fu outfit, you know it is’Pure Yang’ Martial Artist.

It seems to exist as any cat any dog ​​in Du Yuesheng’s eyes.

‘courting death! ‘

‘Pure Yang Heaven and Earth! ‘

‘cut! ‘

The old man in the sky was also irritated by Du Yuesheng’s words, he was the powerhouse of’Pure Yang Realm’.

Actually, he has been so scolded by a Martial Artist of “Return to the Market” again and again.

‘cut! ‘

No more nonsense, the old man clenched the Great Blade covering the flames with both hands and slashed Heaven and Earth down.

Blade glow tears the cloud layer Space-Time, strong wind scattering the last clouds sweeping Heaven and Earth.

On the ground below, Du Yuesheng felt the terrifying energy oppressed from the sky.

He didn’t panic at all.

Even if Heaven and Earth collapsed at this moment, Du Yuesheng was fearless.

Du Yuesheng reached out a hand moved towards the sky and suddenly waved, and instantly a purple card appeared in Heaven and Earth.

As soon as the purple card appeared, a terrifying imposing manner that overwhelmed Nine Heavens erupted into Heaven and Earth.

A woman of peerless grace and elegance is engraved on the purple card. She stands in a vast starry sky.

‘ding! ‘

‘Is the player summon’fierce person empress’? ‘

‘summon! ‘

‘Come out and suppress the 10000 ancient invincible empress…’

Du Yuesheng heard the system prompt sound in his ear, he directly chose summon.

He also looked at how strong this’Great Empress Ferocity’, known as the first empress of the sky.

‘ding! ‘

‘summon is on! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

After Du Yuesheng said the word’summon’, the purple card suspended in mid-air quickly spun up.

‘bang! ‘


In an instant, black clouds appeared in the white sky of 10,000 li, and one after another Divine Thunder appeared from the black clouds.

The strength of Divine Thunder makes the old people who are impacted have to stop moving forward.

The whole person was suspended in the air, lifting the head looked towards the heavenly God thunder that appeared.



A bunch of red clouds light burst out from the purple card, and directly rushed into the sky.

Appearing in the endless Divine Thunder in the sky is also attracted by this beam, and constantly strikes into the beam.

Together, Divine Thunder turned into a tribulation thunder, and emerged around the beam roaring Heaven and Earth.

Slowly, a huge stone gate appeared in the skylight beam, and a powerful force of destroying heaven extinguishing earth was transmitted from the stone gate.

It directly oppresses the Vault of Heaven for 1000 miles, and opens this imposing manner with the portal a little bit to make it stronger.

The scope of oppression is also broader.

‘coming! ‘

‘That’s how it feels…’ Du Yuesheng lifts the head looked at the stone gate in the beam.

He felt the imposing manner that emerged from the oppression of Heaven and Earth, and could not help but open his arms and shouted.

‘Come out! ‘

‘Invincible Empress, let this Heavenly Emperor see your invincible posture! ‘

‘roar! ‘

‘roar! ‘

A loud roar kept coming from the stone gate on the beam, one after another violent collision sound kept coming from the stone gate.

‘hiss! ‘

‘What it is? ‘

At the moment when the stone gate appeared, the old Rhinoceros who was still floating in midair fell directly onto the ground.

A terrifying pressure swept from the sky, making him unable to stand up directly.

The whole body began to bend under the pressure of this terrifying imposing manner.

As if carrying a towering mountain on his shoulders, so heavy, weak, pale…

‘My mother, big brother, what are you doing? ‘

Leng Yan was also shocked by the sudden appearance of the stone gate, and he knelt down on the ground.

More than he knelt on the ground alone, as did everyone standing around.

All of them were oppressed on the ground in this imposing manner, and some Martial Artists of Divine Martial Realm even died on the spot.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

The impact sound of stone gate is getting louder and louder, and the imposing manner passed from inside is more and more scary.

In less than an instant, the terrifying aura that appeared from the stone gate directly enveloped the entire undefeated mountain range.

How big is the undefeated mountain range?

To make a comparison, for example, the area of ​​Earth is 5.1 square 1000 meters, then the undefeated mountain range has 1/3 of it.

Can you imagine how huge an undefeated mountain range is?

A couple of 10,000-Man Teams are constantly walking away from 100 li in the sleepwalking village.

However, they were suddenly oppressed by this sudden imposing manner, and each and everyone knelt on the ground.

‘hiss! ‘

‘What happened? ‘

‘very powerful imposing manner, is this definitely a powerhouse beyond Spirit Transformation Old Ancestor? ‘

In front of the 100-Man Team, a Martial Artist riding Demon Beast, he was also forced to roll off Demon Beast’s back by this horrible imposing manner.

Being directly suppressed and kneeling on the ground, you must know that he is a Martial Artist in a disaster situation.

This is not just the case here.

At this moment, the entire undefeated mountain range is countless regions, and they are all oppressed by this sudden imposing manner.

On the ground, a piece of black Demon Beast and Human Race appeared, and they all knelt on the ground.

‘roar! ‘


In the innermost part of Heaven and Earth, the undefeated mountain range, a 5-claw gold Divine Dragon stands on the ground.

From the mouth of the five-claw gold Divine Dragon, a roar continued, and a burst of berserk energy appeared in Space-Time.

‘boom! ‘

However, no matter how struggling or roaring it was, it was pressed to the ground by the aura oppressed from the sky.

Can’t move one cent at a time.

If Martial Artist of the continent of the blood moon sees it, he must be very surprised, because of this 5 claw gold Divine Dragon.

However, the existence of Super Divine Beast, the blood moon continent exists at most a few.

at the same time.

Throughout the blood moon continent some Martial Artists of cultivation base Heavenspan, they also opened their eyes and moved towards the’undefeated mountain range’.

They all felt a terrifying aura passing from the “undefeated mountain range”.

Let them stand at the powerhouse of continent peak of blood moon, each and everyone are also terrified.

‘Click, click…’

With the sound of the impact getting louder and louder, the stone gate that appeared in the sky finally opened the gate at one point.

Ps: The fifth more.

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