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what! !

Du Yuesheng froze, and then the whole person went crazy.

Who is Ye Fan?

That’s the Heavenly Emperor of Invincible.

Especially the classic’I am Heavenly Emperor, when it suppresses all enemies in the world! ! ‘

Special Item: Summon Card

Mythical epic character: Ye Fan

Title: Ye Heavenly Emperor

Attribution: cover the sky

Cultivation Technique: Unknown

Weapon: unknown

Strength: Unknown

Note: With this Summon Card, you can summon Ye Fan with a hint of Divine Consciousness Avatar, the time is one minute.

“Summon!!!” Du Yuesheng did not hesitate to choose summon, he also saw the majesty of’Ye Heavenly Emperor’.


In an instant, the entire sky is like a crack like a black hole!

Because of Ye Fan’s coming, the vast God World hung suddenly and suddenly.

Even the wilderness of God World 8, which was originally calm and peaceful, is raging wildly!

Although it is just a summon symbol, the existence of Ye Fan makes the whole God World tremble…

Rao is God World like God World, but can’t accommodate Ye Fan!

Ye Heavenly Emperor!

Regardless of the cultivation base level, all the disciplines of Paragon Academy only feel black immediately before losing consciousness.

Obviously, with them, it is not enough to look up to Ye Heavenly Emperor’s qualifications!

Even if it is dignified Martial God, the white forehead is tightly twitched, and a pair of divine eyes is stimulated by the men’s invisible light in front of the golden blood, it is difficult to see Ye Fan’s appearance!

Kuqin only knows that the back of this man named Ye Heavenly Emperor has only been seen on one person…

That is Du Yuesheng!

Du Yuesheng, who is also Heavenly Emperor, is qualified to compare with Ye Heavenly Emperor!

Even Saint Sovereign himself, after being scanned by Ye Fan’s inadvertent gaze, only felt the heat that ignited the soul, and the flame of the Holy Sun controlled by the palm was almost released!

And this is just Ye Heavenly Emperor’s Supreme tip of the iceberg.

Up and down God World, I don’t know how many icefield volcanoes collapsed, how many Gods who are in dire need of Divine Power breakthrough bottleneck, cultivation deviation ……

“Du Yuesheng, what is calling me?”

Hearing the inquiries that were mixed with Paragon Supreme’s tone indifferently, the consternation on Du Yuesheng’s face disappeared.

Originally drawing Ye Heavenly Emperor summon was enough to surprise him, but didn’t expect ……

When Ye Fan really came down, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but feel wasted on Saint Sovereign, the old magic stick!

Just one Divine Consciousness Avatar shook God World! !

I really don’t know if the real Ye Fan’s coming will make God World collapse in an instant.

However, after Divine Power resumes operation, Du Yuesheng can at least look directly at Ye Fan and stand upright:

“Ye Heavenly Emperor, didn’t expect this Heavenly Emperor can summon you today.

Time is running out, and this Heavenly Emperor has only one thing to ask for, helping me to destroy the old god stick in front of me…”

After a pause, Du Yuesheng stopped his words. He wanted to tell Ye Heavenly Emperor that he had only one chance.

But turning to think about it is an insult to the latter if it is said…

Dignified Ye Heavenly Emperor, the supreme existence of Myriad Realms, squeezing this kind of ants, one move is already an honor for Saint Sovereign!

“Oh? Is this the one? It’s just Avatar. How about this Emperor letting him the soul flew away and scattered?”

You don’t need to use any Divine Ability, just with Ye Heavenly Emperor’s broken eyesight, you can see through the real face of the body possession and painting the long body.

Locked by the former, Saint Sovereign looked surprised in the distant holy light temple.

Calling the side ten Archbishop to protect the law again and again is the courage to speak.

“Du Yuesheng, don’t you think it’s too unfair to do this? If there is a species, dare to come to my temple alone!”

It’s fair to be an extremely boring shield, Du Yuesheng of course only sneered to disdain as beneath contempt, but what he said later surprised Side Ye Fan.

“Okay, after today, Ben Heavenly Emperor will come to visit!

At that time, your gang of gods will wash your neck and wait for this Heavenly Emperor to pick it up! “

Du Yuesheng, did you really plan to level the temple alone? !

Is he crazy?

Kuqin, who knows the strength of the temple, is anxious and wants to remind her, but finds that whether she is Primordial Spirit or Fleshy Body is all sealed by the invisible power that is far above her.

Obviously, Ye Heavenly Emperor doesn’t want to hear too many people making noise. If it were not Ku Qin and the others who were Du Yuesheng’s friends, I am afraid they would not even be able to stand here at this time.

“You… this idea has been decided?”

Rao is aware of Du Yuesheng’s strength out of the ordinary, potential heaven defying, but Ye Fan also knows that the former can summon himself, it is simply luck, he is going to waste it at such a good opportunity?

Du Yuesheng will certainly not be so stupid.

Ye Heavenly Emperor has his strength, but Du Yuesheng also has his own arrogance!

From the moment he came to God World, he had already decided to dominate God World. The temple is just a larger stepping stone, relying on Ye Fan’s power.

Then he Du Yuesheng…how to break through 9 Layer days and rescue Xiaoyu! ?

“This Heavenly Emperor, this meaning… has been decided!”

Looking at the unshakable perseverance on Du Yuesheng’s handsome face, Ye Heavenly Emperor’s eyes were full of unconcealed appreciation. The arrogance in the former was exactly the same as he used to be.

Worthy of being chosen by nature! !

“Okay, this Emperor will help you kill the ants for the time being. If you are destined, I really want to see the day when you can match my strength. At that time, we will fight for 300 rounds!”

Nodded, Ye Fan shot, Du Yuesheng naturally did not have any concerns: “There will always be such a day, and this Heavenly Emperor guarantees…the day of the battle between you and us will not be too long!”

“You two, is it true that the emperor does not exist?”

While Du Yuesheng 2 talked, with the help of ten Archbishop’s holy powers, Saint Sovereign’s holy sun flames are now approaching perfection!

The 10,000 feet rays of light above the head is like a scorching sun, causing the fairy grass and spirit trees of Paragon Academy to burn and wither.

Ignored by one after another, Saint Sovereign is finally angry!

“No matter what kind of uninvited guest of World you are, in front of the emperor, it is not your turn to be rampant!”

From the mad drinking of Saint Sovereign flustered and exasperated, Ye Heavenly Emperor could only hear the pitiful and ridiculous ignorance.

Because Saint Sovereign is nothing but ants to him, so ants will never know how terrifying his provocative power is.

“Oh? Divine Power can be used to create the sun, although it is an ant, it has several points of fun.”

As soon as the words changed, Ye Fan’s calm and composed face finally showed a little playfulness: “However, it’s just fun that’s all.

10000 1000 Heaven and Earth World this Emperor can both be overwhelmed or destroyed. Trifling a holy sun, dare to display one’s slight skill before an expert in front of this Emperor? “

After all, Ye Fan moved.

Just lightly raised his hand…

But Du Yuesheng felt that half of God World’s Divine Power was dried up by Ye Heavenly Emperor, who seemed to raise his hands casually!


A palm fell in the Vault of Heaven that was broken because of Ye Fan’s arrival.

A golden glow palm made of 10000 1000 ancient Vanilla seals!

The coercion of the Fan Seal fell, and the Paragon Academy X2 Temple Defense Array, which was personally under the hands of the ancestors, was instantly shattered!

Under the palm of his hand, the scorching sun above Saint Sovereign’s head is so small.

Not to mention that the figure has been close to the transparent painting for a long time, and after all the aftermath is swept away, it will be crushed into powder!

“Although Yue Sheng wants to take the life of your ant with his own hands, how can he not pay any price for shouting in front of this Emperor!?”

Leafly Emperor’s coldly shouted, directly transformed into a divine might like a substance, and collapsed the holy light temple beyond 10,000 li.

The bishop of the top ten God Lord cultivation base spit blood flying upside down, and Divine Spark was hit hard.

It is conceivable that Saint Sovereign, who faced Ye Fan’s punishment directly, would end up, if it weren’t for relying on the right time and place plus a few holy artifacts.

In addition, Ye Fan did not want to kill him, otherwise the soul flew away and scattered on the spot would be possible!

This is the power of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor who pushes Heaven and Earth horizontally.

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