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“Do you know why Paragon Academy is the leader of God World, because those Old Antique wearing red robes are not as pedantic as your gods!

They know that weak are prey to the strong is the law of God World!

So they simply obeyed the law, and it is precisely because of this that the Academy has exploded your temple no matter what!

Look at you again, except for self-deception, holy light is shouted every day.

In fact, it is despicable and nasty, because you, a pretty boy who was brainwashed, was trampled on by the Heavenly Emperor, wouldn’t he kneel down? “

The face that had been drawn for a long time was flushed with anger to the extreme.

He can no longer see the slightest humility and kindness of the past, all of them are seen through the hideous anger behind the mask!

“Yes, you Du Yuesheng is all right, but even if you are right, it doesn’t matter, there is one last resort!”

The last resort?

Du Yuesheng watched the wounds all over his body for a long time, really wondering where he had the courage to take this move.

But just as he was about to start joking, the sudden changes in the surrounding Divine Power made him dashing eyebrows tight and suddenly vigilant!

I don’t know when, the long-drawn hand seems to be stuck in his heart!

“Saint Sovereign, take revenge for me!”


Huajiu’s bursting heart splashed on Du Yuesheng’s face.

However, the incomparable golden glow exudes from the eyes of the former with 5 dirty fears!

This is…body possession? !

Du Yuesheng’s figure flashed backwards, but he didn’t want the blood on his face to burn out of the temperature that burned everything.

Had it not been for him to notice that something was wrong and Divine Power flooded his body, I am afraid he would be disfigured today!

While Du Yuesheng flashed away, no matter what gowns he was wearing, all Elders headed by Kuqin rushed to the Martial Practice Stage!

“Saint Sovereign is here, welcome to all disciplines!”

Speaking politely, but the performance of the few Kuqin people did not greet them at all, but was like a dignified enemy.

After painting for a long time, how about making Saint Sovereign possessed by memorializing myself?

Although Kuqin knew that this kind of blood sacrifice that burned out of oil would not last long.

But once there is a slight error, but as much as the original ten-tailed fairy fox came!

“Jié jié …Paragon Academy Elder, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

Huajiu’s blood-stained face is full of dark smiles, but his voice is so holy and noble, which makes people have one’s hair stand on end weird.

“St. Sovereign, you came here today in body possession. I’m afraid it’s not polite?”

Kuqin greeted him, but from the bottom of his heart he had already ordered others to notify other Martial Gods to come.

However, there is nowhere to hide this thought in the paintings for a long time or in the torch-like eyes of Saint Sovereign.

“You don’t have to alarm others. The emperor is here today, just to learn about the strength of this little baby that’s all.”

After Huajiu sneered, his eyes fell on Du Yuesheng.

The moment Du Yuesheng met those eyes, Du Yuesheng understood…

After painting for a long time, it is dead.

Because Du Yuesheng knows that the long-painted eyes will not be full of madness and holiness.

This person is the most noble person in the temple-Saint Sovereign!

Of course, Du Yuesheng knows better that with Saint Sovereign’s scheming, he will never be so arrogant that he will bend himself this Venerable to Huajiu.

But just a flesh and blood body controlled by Avatar or even divine sense can have such a terrifying imposing manner…

Saint Sovereign, I am afraid it is the closest to the existence of Supreme God!

“Boy, Divine Spark, who can draw for a long time, does not hesitate to fall into purgatory forever and also make blood sacrifices. Your strength is really beyond the emperor’s expectations.”

As soon as the conversation turned, Saint Sovereign’s eyes suddenly ignited a substantial holy gold flame: “But that is the case, the emperor cannot keep you today!”

Du Yuesheng hearing this, not timid, still sneered: “With you? It’s worth it too!”

“This emperor is indeed unworthy. There is not much power left for this remnant body…”

shook the head, Saint Sovereign is still fighting intent like that: “But as long as you can pick you up, what if the stump is destroyed?”

Take this Heavenly Emperor one trick?

Du Yuesheng suddenly remembered the life and death of signing the soul brand!

After one move, if the painting hasn’t died for a long time, he will Self-destruction Divine Spark!

Of course, the breach of the covenant of life and death in this case is indeed excusable.

But let’s not talk about whether Du Yuesheng’s character will make him compromise, even the backlash of the soul Divine Spark and the pursuit of the top ten Martial Gods…

Even if Martial God spares himself, but it is Kuqin’s personal refining of life and death, binding a trace of Divine Spark of the top ten Martial Gods.

At least Du Yuesheng appeared within their sight, they must pursue and kill with all their strength, otherwise they would also be backlashed.

Just a few words of casually, can make the division between Academy Martial God and Du Yuesheng can not be ignored, Saint Sovereign…

Really horrible!

“The remarks just now are really wonderful, but since you kid regards our temple as a stepping stone, the emperor will let you see the true power of holy light today…”

Saint Sovereign’s plan is obvious, but it is impeccable. Anyway, painting is bound to die for a long time.

If you can replace the most threatening enemy with this remnant body, then the temple is naturally happy to see it!

As for the saints, don’t they even have a whole body?

Humph, this kind of puppet, Saint Sovereign wants to support as much as possible!

As soon as he raised his head slightly, horrible power appeared on the top of his long head.

It was a scorching sun that was condensed by Divine Power!

Saint Sovereign is taking the last blow with the long-drawn Life Strength!

Looking at the body’s more transparent painting for a long time, Kuqinbe teeth gritted:

“Holy Sovereign, if you stop here, I will not hold any more points for today’s affairs at Paragon Academy!”

“give up?”

Huajiu’s pale face raised a touch of disdain: “If Mu En comes to say this to me, the emperor can still consider it, and it depends on you?

Humph, Du Yuesheng, today you must die! “

This move is one of the Great Saint techniques controlled by Saint Sovereign!

Although Life Strength is not enough to use 50% power.

But as long as Du Yuesheng can’t kill the last vitality of this stupid body at the moment of shaking the judgment of the Holy Day, the person who wins is Saint Sovereign!

A glance at Kuqin and you Elder, Du Yuesheng shook the head, said with a smile: “All back.”

“What did you say? Yuesheng, do you know…”

“I said, retreat!”

Du Yuesheng’s voice is so calm, but it makes people afraid to disobey:

“Isn’t it Saint Sovereign? If you draw a blood sacrifice for a long time, it might still make the Heavenly Emperor feel threatened.

But just with a broken body, you want to win the Heavenly Emperor? To blame, blame the pretty boy for being too believe oneself infallible, Prestige of Saint Sovereign, this Heavenly Emperor wants to learn something today! “

“Today, I want you to understand why I can be so rampant!!”

Du Yuesheng stepped out next step, Executing Immortal Sword refers to Saint Sovereign, without fear.

Today he wants to let the world see what is called invincible power.

“System, use Summon Card.”


“Consumption of a Summon Card to draw characters.”

“Here is a great character!!” Du Yuesheng prayed from the bottom of his heart, and must come to a great character.


“Congratulations to the players for drawing’Ye Fan’, the ultimate BOSS character in Zhetian World.”

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