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The right arm is slightly raised, and the sword edge is pointed directly at the flame!

After the Unparalleled Value broke out completely, Du Yuesheng’s temperament became sharp and cold like a sword.

“Now I want to come, you gangs of bullies and bullies, simply have no brains?”

As soon as this word came out, I was so proud!

Even Yan Yandi didn’t expect everyone to be scorned by a trifling God King for IQ? !

This is unprecedented provocation!

You should know that several people in Yantai are asking God Mountain God Sovereign to kill mountain range. There are countless of them.

Some people once despised Yan Shi’s strength to bully the weak, while others ridiculed Yan Shi’s strength as a shame to God Emperor, and even more tempting…

For those wastes that are kneeling under their feet and still act recklessly, what Yan Shao can do is to make them suffer the torture of karma before they die.

However, this is the first time Yan Shi has been insulted by his IQ!

What’s more, the man was unable to withstand a single blow in his eyes!

How can this endure Yan Yan? !

Not only the sorrow, but even the arrogant God Sovereign who wanted to be light and rainy, was already full of anger!

“Act recklessly waste, today I’m going to crush your head to see how smart it is!”

Cultivation base The youth of God Emperor Peak is full of violent personality, but he has not lost his mind.

He has long seen that the Executing Immortal Sword out of the ordinary in Du Yuesheng’s hands is at least much stronger than the holy objects in his hands.

I took the lead in violating myself, and it is not appropriate for other people to intervene even if Yan Shi wants to intervene. When the time comes …… Isn’t it a matter of course for this fairy sword to be in the bag?

Thinking of this, the young man’s arrogant face was more proud.

“Hmph hum, even if you rely on the fairy sword in your hand to get rid of the flames of the flames, but the waste is waste in the end, I don’t believe you took Laozi’s Breaking Heaven Halberd!”

Before the words fell, a halberd blade of a whole bronze appeared in front of Du Yuesheng, which was the life source holy weapon of the teenager!

Seeing the teenager taking out Life Source Divine Artifact Breaking Heaven Halberd, Yan Shi and several other companions laughed more proudly. They who know the former are sure that this waste God King is dead!

Even if the fairy sword in your hand has Divine Ability, but it is stared at by the expert of God Sovereign Peak, once you take out the holy weapon, there is absolutely only a dead end!

“Tsk tsk, Lu Chen is still so irritable, stepping on a piece of waste, as soon as you come up, take out the Life Source holy weapon?”

“Haha…I see what this waste has to do this time, it is estimated that I can’t even hold ten rounds!”

“It’s a pity that the fairy sword actually made Lu Chen the early bird catches the worm, but… this little girl, I’m welcome!”

While speaking, Yan Shi and others sent a disgusting smirk, and their thin eyes fell on Yu Qiu.

With Yu Qiu’s reserved personality, how can he tolerate, and immediately glared: “hmph! Snake and rat nest of scum, I really thought there was a God Emperor to support the scene can act wilfully? Singles alone, this Miss really did not put you In your eyes!”

This sounds very provocative, but why is Yu Qiu not smart?

As a result, Yan Shi, the other party’s most powerful person, was thinking of a shot. Wasn’t he actively admitting the scum of the snake rat that bullied the woman in a nest?

Not to the point of casting aside all considerations for face, Yuqiu must have been dying for God Emperor’s face, so he tried to be patient.

In fact, Yu Qiu, a person like Yan Shi, has seen much more. At this time, they must think about how to conquer in a self-righteous way to show off the offensive frivolous means.

And Yu Qiu is an expert of the ancient Elder Mountain Saint Elder level, and there are few opponents in God Sovereign realm.

In addition to Yan Shi, the most powerful Lu Chen has been pinned by Du Yuesheng, the remaining few…

Yu Qiu can say without exaggeration that even if he is incapable of fighting the enemy, he will protect himself…

Sure enough, when Yu Qiu was irritated, Yan Shi’s face flashed with anger first, and then he shook his fist and endured.

But even so, the cruelty between the expression of Yan Shi has not faded: “hmph, fangs are sharp, and sooner or later there will be time for you to beg for mercy in bed!

Li Kang, you are also Jian Xiu. Isn’t it a problem to deal with this little girl? “

That one called Li Kang hearing this, immediately sneered nodded: “hmph hum, I can’t wait.

naughty little girl, don’t say that Laozi doesn’t understand have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex! “

While speaking, Li Kang raised his hands to take out his Life Source Sabre, flashing cold glow, rushing towards Yuqiu.

Feeling the oncoming sharp sword intent, Yuqiu’s beautiful eyes are narrowed, and the jade hand clenched on the hilt seems to be fuse together with the Heavenly God sword!

Human and Sword Unity!

Without Sword Spirit’s contractual loyalty, in just half a day, Yuqiu could turn the ancient holy sword of the Holy Artifact level into his own use, just like his arms!

Even Du Yuesheng was amazed by the Sword Technique at heaven defying.

No wonder, behind the girl’s delicate and delicate beauty, there is her own arrogance.

The arrogance unique to a genius sword repair!


The Heavenly God sword was born, the simple lines on the sword edge outline the traces of years, but at this time in the hands of Yuqiu, it turned into a terrifying killing intent!

Unlike Executing Immortal Sword who looks at all the sharpness, Yuqiu’s Sword Technique is like a pretty shadow, elegant and smart, just like Fairy.

Suddenly, the sword edges of the two swords were together, and even Yuqiu didn’t notice that once he entered the fierce battle, how could he still defend himself a little bit? !

The arc of the Heavenly God sword suppressed Li Kang’s retreat and gained the upper hand…

On the other side, the battle between Du Yuesheng and Lu Chen didn’t seem as exciting as previously expected.

It’s just that over time, Du Yuesheng’s water chestnut face gradually became bored.

“It seems that the strength of God Sovereign Peak is no more than that. I really overestimated him before.”

The Breaking Heaven Halberd that was stabbed at random was picked up. Du Yuesheng’s previous unremarkable performance fell to Lu Chen’s eyes, but it became the illusion of exhaustion.

“Hmph hum, waste is waste. It seems that I can only hold on to the present with the fairy sword, but Laozi hasn’t even stretched his bones.”

Du Yuesheng sneered at Lu Chen’s mockery: “Sure enough, he is a foolish fool. God Sovereign Peak can’t even use the power of the Life Source holy artifact.

To tell the truth, you are such a water realm, wouldn’t it be piled up with the Spiritual Pill? It’s not as good as the sword waste next to it. “

Lu Chen heard this, suddenly a little flustered and exasperated: “You…what did you say?!”

Indeed, his God Sovereign Peak realm has a lot of moisture, and its true strength is probably on par with Li Kang.

But this was a tasteless secret to Lu Chen, but Du Yuesheng completely saw through it within a few breaths!

It is precisely because of this that the flustered and exasperated Lu Chen’s killing intent is even more surging!

“Yes, my realm is not as high as you think.

But this waste, since you can see through my secrets, shut up forever! “

While roaring wildly, the rim of the eyes of Lu Chen, who was breathing rough, gradually turned red.

The Breaking Heaven Halberd in his hand is also like a master, with a layer of bloody rays of light, flustered and exasperated neighing…

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