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Just after Du Yuesheng gave the order, the air in front of the few people suddenly became agitated.

“The really strong coercion is worthy of the God Emperor, Yuesheng, be careful!”

Although he knows that the strength of the comer is far superior to himself, Yu Qiu not at all retreats. On the contrary, the jade-like pretty face ignites a raging fighting intent.

In this battle, since Du Yuesheng did not let her and Zhou Zheng retreat together, it shows that he still trusts Yu Qiu’s strength extremely.

And Yuqiu will never disappoint Du Yuesheng’s trust!

“Hmph, huh, the trash delivered to the door, realized that Laozi’s aura is not running yet? Then take your life obediently!”

The twisting in the air gradually turned into a karma fire that burned 10000 things, making all around boil like a scorching fire, and the figure surrounded by karma fire was even more arrogant!

It is indeed the most potential elite discipline in the Yan Prison Palace-Yan Shang! As soon as he appeared, it was a killing move!

Before the words fell, all around the original surging air rose with a powerful suction force, sucking Yu Qiu’s figure involuntarily into the fire of karma!

“Hs… the overbearing Divine Power, the gap between God Emperor and God Sovereign is really hard to make up!”

Although she had been prepared for a long time, Yuqiu didn’t expect Yan Shang, who had stepped into the God Emperor realm, to be so overbearing, she could use Divine Power at will to make her body fly backwards uncontrollably!

But now is not the time to marvel at the God Emperor’s strength. Yan Shang’s Karma Formation can be released slightly to melt the air all around 100 meters. Once he is sucked into the Karma…

I am afraid that the fleshy body of God Sovereign will not be able to hold for a few seconds before it disappears!

But don’t forget, Du Yuesheng is always in the middle of 2 people!

“Formation outside? It’s because I underestimated you. Divine Power is so pure that it doesn’t shame the God Emperor.”

As soon as the conversation turned, Du Yuesheng immediately sneered: “However, it will end here!”


Executing Immortal Sword was released, and the industry fire was forcibly cut off!

What made Yan Shang’s face a flash of consternation was that he felt clearly that the moment this waste God King pulled out his sword in front of him, his Divine Consciousness had been disconnected from Karma Huo for a moment!

You must know that from stepping into God World, Yanshang’s cultivation is Life Source Karma. I stepped into God Emperor realm a few days ago, and my first Karma Burning Heaven is Major Perfection, but…

Today, he was broken by a waste God King who drew his sword casually? !

How can this be? !

You must know that as a Life Source fire, Yan Shang admits that even God Emperor Peak’s expert can only defeat himself here, but absolutely can’t cut off Divine Consciousness with Sword Dao!

is it possible that, this waste is deliberately hiding strength, wanting to play the pig to eat the tiger! ?

In an instant, Yan Shang’s arrogant within both eyes became suspicious.

However, after a few breaths, this suspicion finally passed away.

“No, this waste, whether it is the call of Divine Power or the intensity of Divine Consciousness, is no different from an ordinary God King. Could it be that Laozi overestimated him?!”

But no matter what, the dignified God Emperor’s rash sneak attack failed to succeed, and at this time he had to withdraw and make plans.

“A trash in the God King realm, plus a woman in the God Sovereign realm, don’t you even know how to write it when you die, dare to stop Laozi from going!”

In the face of Yan Shang’s arrogance, Du Yuesheng casually smiled like that casual sword just now that people can’t guess the depth: “It’s not just to stop you, I will also borrow your head and token to use it!”

What an arrogant tone!

Yan Shang thought that he was an innate talent overflowing elite, and he was arrogant enough to behave normally, but he didn’t expect that Du Yuesheng in front of him didn’t put himself in the slightest!

Trifling a God King, threatened to use the head of God Emperor…

Still the same sentence, doesn’t he know the difference between the two big realms? Still don’t know how to write dead words? !

“Although it’s an act recklessly trash, there is a treasure on his body. That sword is extraordinary, and so is the ancient sword in the woman’s hand!”

As Yan Shang was thinking about the previous details, the air on the side was distorted again. Six Paths aura’s fierce figure appeared at the same time beside him!

Seeing the strong lineup of the comers, even Du Yuesheng couldn’t help dashing eyebrows, not to mention that Yu Qiu had already willow eyebrows tightly knit, and doubted the chance of winning this encounter.

However, for Du Yuesheng whose realm is lower than everyone present, everyone seemed to ignore it, and instead mocked Yanshang slightly.

“Hey, Yan Shang, when you deliberately released water, you didn’t kill this waste in a second!”

“Intentional release of water? Why do I think that the Yan big brother has been fighting too much recently, and Divine Power is a little haggard? It really doesn’t work. I laughed at the two tokens of waste for a man and a woman?”

“Fuck! When is it your turn? This waste can block the big brother’s blow. There must be some trump card. I think this sword is very extraordinary!”

“So what, kill this waste, the sword is still ours… Wait a minute, I think this woman looks pretty too.”

Everyone while speaking, looking towards Du Yuesheng is not just the previous madness: “Hey, that waste, you are bad luck when you meet us.

Laozi, no matter if you are bad luck or courting death yourself, in short, hand over the token and the treasure on your body, then kneel down and knock ten times.

Maybe Laozi is happy, and can let your this waste go as fart. “

The headed Yan Shi added smirkingly and added: “As for that woman…the token can not be handed over, but it depends on your ability to serve Laozi.”

When a few traitors laughed, the mocking words were even more unscrupulous. After all, in their opinion, with the strength of a few people, wanting to kill the two in front of them is completely with no difficulty.

In fact, when they wantonly hunted God King, they did not do such things as treasure humiliation and Overlord’s hard bow. When they met Du Yuesheng this time, they thought they were the same as the previous ones.

Yuqiu, who had been aggressively gazes by the crowd, could not bear it, and immediately flushed with a pretty face and drew his sword angrily: “Nonsense! Eat this Miss sword first!”

However, before the Heavenly God sword was out of its sheath, he was stopped by a two-handed palm extremely domineering.

Looking around, Du Yuesheng’s handsome face was reflected in the girl’s eyes.

Yu Qiu was a little puzzled. In her impression, Du Yuesheng was definitely not the kind of person who was indifferent to such humiliation.

But after seeing the gesture from Du Yuesheng, Yu Qiu was suddenly relieved.

Even the scallion-pointed jade hands holding on to the primitive scabbard gradually loosened…

Du Yuesheng has always maintained a zero tolerance attitude towards enemy provocations.

There is only one case why he hasn’t done it yet.

That is behind the star-like indifferent eyes, thinking about how to make the person who provoked him die even worse!

“Tsk, it’s really bullying and being afraid of being hard. Time can give people the illusion that the world is invincible, don’t you use your brain before you speak?”

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