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However, Yuqiu’s willow eyebrows tightly knit’s anger is not threatening in the eyes of the people in the night temple.

On the contrary, it aroused Ye Yu’s joking thoughts, and raised his hand, all around’s coldness was even worse:

“Why, in this situation, do you still refuse to admit defeat?”

After a pause, Ye Yu didn’t forget to shake his head and mocked: “It’s no wonder that the generation of your ancient mountain is not as good as the generation. They are all kinds of rubbish, but you have to be strong!”

“No…You are not allowed to insult our ancient mountain!?”

Seeing that Yuqiu had already sealed the Divine Consciousness and was still so hard at this time, Ye Yu immediately laughed more rampantly: “Oh? I want to insult the ancient mountain, what can you do with me?

I will not only insult your Sect, I will insult you today

In Wentian mountain range, even if your Supreme Elder descends, he dare not offend the Temple of Night for you! “

The last 4 words are extremely arrogant, but Ye Yu can speak with confidence, as if in his opinion, the question before him at this time is only to consider how to humiliate Yuqiu…

This sounded harsh and crude to Yuqiu, but it happened that the truth was so cruel and indifferent.

In this weak are prey to the strong Wentian mountain range, Yu Qiushi could not think of anyone who would offend the Temple of Night for himself.

Except… Du Yuesheng!

But now, looking at the vast frosty all around, Yu Qiu hopes that the silhouette of the young man suddenly appears in front of him!

“Senior Brother, let’s have a good night with this God Sovereign chick, how do you dispose of the waste in God King?”

Of course, the waste mentioned by the night temple refers to Du Sheng who was frozen into ice sculpture.

However, Ye Yu hearing this, didn’t bother to take another look, coldly snorted and said: “Does this still need to be asked? Are there few God King realm wastes we have killed along the way?

More than this one is not more, less than this one is a lot, keeping it is also a disaster! It’s better to kill him now! “

Thinking of this, Ye Yu Yinji’s eyes flashed a bit more viciously. Originally, he was only planning to seize the token today.

But now that things have developed to this point… when it is time to kill people, he is more decisive than anyone!

Anyway… the waste of God King is not worth mentioning in his eyes!

“Tsk tsk, they are all frozen into ice sculptures, they still look like a frightened gall, that trash God King, in the underworld, blame this little girl for annoying our night temple!”

While speaking, Ye Yu raised his right hand slightly, the palm of his palm was condensed with blue frost rays of light, and at the same time, the ice sculpture frozen in Du Sheng’s body gradually showed signs of cracking!

Yuqiu saw in her eyes, beautiful eyes were about to split, and she was extremely angry!

As a God Sovereign expert, how can she not tell that Du Sheng’s current Fleshy body and Divine Consciousness are all frozen in it, Ye Yu only needs to wave his hand… Then the latter will be the soul flew away and scattered. !

She didn’t expect that, along the way, Du Sheng, who is sometimes annoying but sincere and trusting, will follow her sister-in-law, former sister-in-law, but sincerely trusting… will die so miserably for a moment!

Moreover, is it true that, as Ye Yu said, Du Sheng…was he killed because he had no strength but preferred to bend?

“No !!!!”

Du Yuesheng, where are you? !

The heart-piercing drink, as if it could penetrate the frost and pierce the bottom of my heart.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion of grief or something, Yuqiu seems to have really seen the sky full of frost…has faded into snowflakes?

The cold wind could not exhaust the indifference on the boy’s face.

Standing in the middle of the snow in the sky, there is the stalwart silhouette that I have been looking forward to for a long time?

Is it an illusion…

Just as Yuqiu’s beautiful eyes rose out of confusion, she was coldly shouted, making her pale and pretty face suddenly happy!

“I heard, do you dare to touch my friend?”

Just a word, full of domineering!

Du Yuesheng Unparalleled Value, who arrived in time with a slight anger, broke out completely, and the powerful aura made everyone in the Night Temple keep quiet out of fear for a while.

Who is this guy? !

is it possible that is this woman’s old friend?

Came here to hero saving the beauty?

Similarly, Ye Yu, with his back to Du Yuesheng, found that his domain Divine Ability had been broken, and his face was extremely cold just startled.

This guy can actually break the blockade that a dozen of us have arranged together?

You must know that although the Temple of Night is not named after Strange Escape Gate, even the ordinary Formation, it is also arranged by Divine Power, which has condensed more than a dozen people!

If you want to break it with external force, at least you need to explode Divine Power, which is no less than that of the more than ten people in the Night Temple, and it is precisely because of this that Ye Yu dares to be so arrogant.

The reason is very simple. In this Wentian mountain range, there are indeed experts who are chivalrous and righteous, such as the gang of high-sounding hypocrites in the temple… However, the Formation of the Temple of Night is to warn them to retreat when they are faced with difficulties!

More than a dozen people joined forces, and Ye Yu was in charge. Even if God Emperor Peak wants hero saving the beauty, he must weigh the gains and losses…

But because of this, Ye Yu’s face was very ugly.

The uninvited guest behind him is just the God King who is indistinguishable from trash!

But the trifling God King can actually break the Formation he placed?

Moreover, it was almost a move to break the Formation in seconds without any response.

This tyrannical strength and realm itself are the most incredible contradiction!

When things happen impermanent, there must be demons. Cunning Ye Yu not at all answered Du Yuesheng’s questions, but…


Since things can’t be good, we can only trample to death the uninvited guest who wants hero saving the beauty at the least cost!


The dark robe flickered in the air, and in just an instant, it fell to Du Sheng’s side…

But at this time, the frost on Du Sheng’s body had not completely melted! Too late to react!

Not only that, after everyone in the Temple of Night came back to his senses from their astonishment, they knew the character of Senior Brother Xi and took out the killing move for the first time!

As long as you can catch the waste God King and chick, whether you play the pig to eat the tiger or hero saving the beauty, don’t you have to wait to die? !

“Hmph, it’s just God King? Dare to hide realm in front of us, it’s act recklessly!”

“You can break the Formation of my night temple, you are a bit of a crap, but unfortunately… you will die here after all!”

“Why don’t you learn hero saving the beauty? Daddy will wipe out your waste God King of overestimate one’s capabilities today!”

In an instant, the rays of light condensed by countless ridicules and comics from Heavenly God directly pointed to Du Yuesheng’s vitals!

However, despite the number of powerful and terrifying Divine Power attacking head-on, Du Yuesheng still did not have the slightest panic on his face, and some were just a playful arc that didn’t know when.

overestimate one’s capabilities?

Waste God King?

Kill you, why a higher realm! ?

“Executing Immortal Sword, broken!”

There was a burst, accompanied by a dazzling cold glow sword edge.

And Du Yuesheng’s figure has long since disappeared in place!


The same is a Chinese robe, the same afterimages are countless, but compared to the first shot of Ye Yu, Du Yuesheng looks even sharper!


speed to the pinnacle!

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