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The people who occupy the active night temple, they really didn’t expect, this woman from the ancient mountain is so tough!

Does she really think that as long as the token of our Night God Temple does not take lives, it is not because you are afraid that you two will fight either the fish dies or the net splits, or that the ancient mountain will retaliate in the future.

I’m just worried that fighting in this Wentian mountain range will cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, in the current period, they have to be extra careful in each step, otherwise it would be bad if they become their prey.

“Sister-in-law…No, Yu Qiu, listening to your tone, can you play a God Emperor plus a dozen God Sovereign? Are you sure we are not doing it by ourselves.”

Seeing the murderous aura from his side, Du Sheng couldn’t help but cleverly said: “I think it’s really impossible. Let’s give them the token. Anyway, we have a lot of opportunities for the 8 days of the mountain range. ,and……”

And with the strength of the two of us, there is no hope of entering Paragon Academy! Don’t you guys from Ancient God Mountain understand the truth of accepting as soon as you see it?

Of course, the second half of the sentence was stared at by Yuqiu’s beautiful eyes full of anger, which can only become Du Sheng’s bottom complaint.

“Du Sheng, I really don’t know what Du big brother likes about you. The enemy is currently, and instead of fighting intent at all, he voluntarily conceded and sent the token?

I want to give it to you, anyway, Yuqiu will never give in! “

Around, the ignored people in the Night Temple heard this, and a lot of ridicule and frivolity amidst the sarcasm: “Never retreat? How did this woman cultivation to God Sovereign? I really don’t know that I have only one life?”

“Tsk tsk, although he is a little arrogant, but his face and body are all top grade, daddy loves this pungency! Little girl, not only your token, but also your body is mine.”

“Damn! Lu Liang, your brat worm burned his brain? This kind of top grade stuff, First Senior Brother hasn’t spoken yet, which round is it for you?”

“Hehe…Yes, honor the First Senior Brother first, and then we will be happy after a few of us.”

While speaking, everyone immediately cast their flattering eyes on the headed black robed youth.

It was a black robe like night.

Just like the eyes of a young man, as cold and cruel as the night.

Ye Yu, who is in the middle of the God Emperor, is the Chief Disciple of Ye Shen Temple!

Facing Du Sheng 2 people, Ye Yu has enough qualifications to look down.

But Ye Yu just sneered at the ridicule of the Junior Brothers.

Can become the Chief Disciple of the Night Temple, Ye Yu has not only strength, but also a city that can definitely be regarded as a cunning.

The most important thing is that he understood from the time he became a God Emperor realm: the mader the person, the worse he will die in the end.

So even if there were more than a dozen God Sovereign’s same sects behind him, even if he knew that the man and woman in front of him were definitely not his opponents, Ye Yu did not humiliate Yuqiu with his arrogance.

Even when Yu Qiu despised his Sect, Ye Yu still did not order the same sect, which was enough to kill the former, to shoot.

However, Ye Yu, who has always been cautious and surly, didn’t mind using words to hit the act recklessly woman before her before seizing the token.

Especially this woman still has a face that is devastatingly beautiful enough to make him feel evil.

Looking down on this top grade woman is enough to make Ye Yu feel more enjoyable than breakthrough God Emperor: “Are you a woman from the ancient mountain? Ha, several decades have passed, and more and more talents are withered.

Trifling, a God Sovereign, still has the courage to look down on our night temple. It seems that it is time to invite the Elders to visit the ancient mountain!

1000 years ago, maybe I can give you the face of Ancient God Mountain. But now…”

As soon as the conversation turned, the young man enveloped by the black robe raised a grin: “Oh, hand over the token, I might take what you just said as fart.

Of course…it depends on how you performed tonight ah ha ha ha! “

When the words were over, Ye Yu no longer concealed the arrogance in his heart, raised his head and laughed wildly.

Yuqiu, who was successively frivolous, couldn’t bear it, and was furious: “With…with more and less waste, I will kill you first!”

“Kill me? Huh, relying on your act recklessly strength?”

After coldly snorted, looking at Yuqiu who drew his sword towards him, Ye Yu’s eyes were cold, and the air all around suddenly condensed frost!

Field Divine Ability!

Divine Ability, the domain of God Emperor expert, is terrifying!

The freezing frost in the sky not only caused the all around air to drop to zero, but even made Yu Qiu’s limbs stiff to the point of not letting her be forced!

Not only that, once the Divine Ability of Yeyu’s domain was deployed, Yuqiu’s bloodline was instantly blocked. Except for the four limbs, the Divine Consciousness of the Primordial Spirit was frozen!

And this is the situation where Ye Yu didn’t explode with all his strength!

Yuqiu’s exquisite lovable body is covered with frost, not to mention Du Sheng who only has God King realm!

“ka ka ……”

In just a few breaths, Du Sheng was frozen into an ice sculpture, and even the expressions of astonishment and fear on his face could be clearly seen.

“How? Do you recognize the gap between you and me? Anyone here will kill you with no difficulty.”

“Hmph, huh, what nonsense is First Senior Brother talking to this woman, wouldn’t it be fun to take it directly under your crotch?”

“What do you know, First Senior Brother, this is called strength conquest! I am afraid there will be a good show of Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven later…”

“Hehe, this woman was sharp-tongued just now, but now she can’t even hold the sword securely.”

With his hands on his back, Ye Yu’s expression on his face is even more arrogant under the flattery of same sect.

At this time, Yu Qiu was only 100 meters away from Ye Yu, but now in Divine Ability, the latter’s realm, let alone a sudden explosion of 100 meters, her sword’s right hand was struggling to support it, and she would not be embarrassed. The weapons are dropped off and discarded.

But even so, Yu Qiu never intended to surrender. With her eyebrows tight, she madly switched Divine Power in an attempt to break the frost area covering the radius.

However, all this was nothing but futile in Ye Yu’s eyes. The only reason that kept him from being a killer was to enjoy the stubborn and miserable appearance of Yuqiu’s struggling but to no avail and unwilling to give up.

“Trying to use Divine Power to break my frost field? Or do you want Divine Consciousness sound transmission for help?

Save it, unless it is God Venerable coming, even if it is God Emperor Peak, don’t even want to break the rule blockade that I and ten same sects have arranged together! “

While smirking, Ye Yu looked towards Yu Qiu’s gaze ignited filthy heat at night: “But do you think that God Venerable level expert will offend our night temple for you as a woman?!”

The sight in front of her became more and more hazy, but Yu Qiu could clearly feel the wanton frivolity and mocking gaze, which made her teeth clenched and did not back down:

“If the person who is willing to shelter me from the wind and rain is there, you…you will all go to hell!”

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