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“It’s all a bunch of waste!!”

The people at Purple Star Palace saw that some of them had already touched the token to go out and ask Tian City, and their expressions became gloomy.

“Whoever helps me get the sacred treasure from the Purple Star Palace, I definitely offer a Divine Pill!”

“In addition, our Purple Star Palace can also guarantee that during this time trial, we can help everyone enter Paragon Academy, at least it is an outer sect!”

Those who originally wanted to leave, each and everyone hesitated under the words of the people of Purple Star Palace.

High in the sky, Du Yuesheng also looked at everyone coldly. Not at all, he made consecutive shots, but was restoring his Divine Power.

Everyone is moved!

A Divine Pill can be used for any realm under God Lord. If taken, it will be a medicine pill that improves the breakthrough realm. This is really hard to find.

For example, if a person cannot beat the God Sovereign level, as long as there is a Divine Pill to help, then the probability will be greatly improved. Even if it fails, there is no need to worry about being injured by the backlash. This shows how tempting it is to beat the Divine Pill. People.

“Is this true?”

“Absolutely seriously! I swear in the name of Purple Star Palace, as long as it is to help obtain the holy treasure, I will do it!”

The leader of the Purple Star Palace bit his finger, dripping out a strand of blood essence and swearing to the sky.

Seeing this, the people around were moved once again.

If they were worried that the people of Purple Star Palace would lie to them as cannon fodder, but at this moment, they all chose to believe it.

Because as long as you swear to the sky, there will be a bondage in the dark. If you don’t do the oath, it will be punished!

The higher the realm, the stronger the sanctions will be, and it is even possible that Heavenly Dao’s revenge may be encountered at the first moment of repentance.

Therefore, after everyone swears, they will do their best to prevent themselves from encountering the sanctions of Heavenly Dao.

Du Yuesheng was also shocked. He didn’t expect that the people like Purple Star Palace should have such a blood capital. They all swore for a sacred treasure that was incomplete and did not know what they used, and promised to buy a Divine Pill for them. Eligibility to enter Paragon Academy.

Chong Divine Pill, it is indeed hard to find in the outside world, but in Purple Star Palace, there is still a small amount of money. As his successor to the Purple Star Palace, if you want to get Chong Divine Pill, it is with no difficulty. Things, after all, this is the premise of winning the holy treasure.

In the case of Sacred Treasures, the elders of Purple Star Palace would naturally not begrudge Divine Pill.

As for helping these people enter Paragon Academy, it’s even easier!

As long as the sacred treasure is obtained, it will sweep the entire Wentian mountain range, and their helpers will also have so many more people. When the time comes, it is a matter of minutes.

All this is calculated by the descendants of Purple Star Palace.

“Brother, what do you think of this proposal?”

“Can you stay?”


One person resolutely said, and some others, after pondering, all agreed.

“Okay! From now on, you will be the benefactors of my Purple Star Palace!” The people of Purple Star Palace couldn’t help smiling after seeing these Loose Practitioners agree.

At the same time, after these people gathered at the 3 people in the Purple Star Palace, headed by the 3 people in the Purple Star Palace, they all looked towards Du Yuesheng above the sky.

Zhou Zheng below, after seeing this situation, couldn’t help but pale.

A team of ten people, each of them possesses tyrannical strength, and the realm is much higher than Du Yuesheng.

Although I know that Du Yuesheng is good at strength, it is difficult for one person to resist under the attack of so many people.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zheng suddenly rushed out, no longer hiding his figure, and flew directly to the sky, standing side by side with Du Yuesheng.

“Didn’t it make you hide it? Why did you come out?” Du Yuesheng couldn’t help feeling depressed when he saw Zhou Zheng coming out.

“I can’t be so selfish! Although my strength is poor, I can deliver Divine Power to you continuously. This is my stunt!” Zhou Zheng said solemnly.

Du Yuesheng hearing this, also did not say anything.


“Kill this man!”

Encouraged by the people of Purple Star Palace, these Loose Practitioner, and the people of Setting Sun King, were finally mad, and everyone sacrificed their strongest Magic Treasure.

When everyone was mad, the Divine Power on his body was completely berserk, and his eyes became extremely red.

Du Yuesheng looked at these people coldly, and also sacrificed his Executing Immortal Sword.

“Give me Divine Power! Let me kill all of them!”

After a low growl, I saw Zhou Zheng’s mouth incanantation murmur, and then an invisible soft light connected him and Du Yuesheng closely.

When this scene appeared, Du Yuesheng only felt that his Divine Power within the body suddenly became stronger. After this Divine Power with holy light was submerged into his within the body, people became extremely holy.

Not only that, Du Yuesheng also found that he didn’t have a little repulsion of Zhou Zheng’s Divine Power. Instead, after integrating his Divine Power, he seemed to have endless power.

In this case, Du Yuesheng can’t help but startled.

In fact, he didn’t know Zhou Zheng’s secret technique. He had already deteriorated his Divine Power. Even if it was transferred to anyone, it could be merged without title.

With Sheng Yan in berserk, Du Yuesheng in this brief moment, as if incarnation has become a Spirit God, no longer a demon who kills boundlessly.

The attacks of those people in the field arrived at this time in an instant, and the attacks released by each person were extremely powerful, intertwined, making the entire space seem to be shattered.

The sky, the dust rolling, the sky full of debris, and the dark black clouds made the people present feel a little difficult to breathe.


Du Yuesheng’s words fell, and the transparent Executing Immortal Sword, with an aura of unrivaled aura, was suddenly drawn out.

With one sword, it completely collided with the attacks of Purple Star Palace and Loose Practitioner.

Suddenly, a loud bang of “hong” came out, and Baoguang made a masterpiece.

“help me!”

“Big brother, help me!”

Each and everyone cries for help in this brief moment sounded, spreading far from the sky.

I saw a few people suspended in the day before yesterday, the body exploded in an instant, and the blood was all over the sky.

Not only that, at the moment when their cry for help fell, Divine Spark was suddenly detonated by a powerful impact.

The three members of the Purple Star Palace had quickly retreated after realizing the horror of Du Yuesheng’s sword.

But Rao is so, each of them also suffered from trauma.

When the blazing light fell silent, no one stood in the field anymore. Everyone from the Purple Star Palace fell on the ground, propped on the ground with one hand, and looked at the people in the sky with disbelief.

This sword, like a sword that crossed over 10000 1000 Space-Time, came with a variety of unmatched imposing manners, making them directly injured by the shock.

The first few people who rushed to the next one were directly broken, and even Divine Spark was not guaranteed. You can see how tyrannical this sword is.

“Go! It is not suitable to stay here for long!” The people of Purple Star Palace finally realized the importance. After the words fell, everyone took out their tokens and injected Divine Power to quickly trigger the tokens.

“Want to run?”

Du Yuesheng looked at all the people who needed to escape. No one he wanted to kill had escaped, and a quaint big clock appeared in his hand.

It’s an instant!

The Space-Time around is condensed, and Space-Time is frozen.

“This… what’s going on?” Purple Star Palace Those who crushed the token, each and everyone looked at what happened.

They didn’t deliver successfully! !

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