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“What? 10000 silkworm bundled fairy rope? Master passed this thing to you?”

“Yes! Not long ago, the Master gave it to me! You said, with 10000 silkworm bundles, should we still fear him?”

“Don’t be afraid of him! This holy treasure seems to belong to us!”

The people at Purple Star Palace can’t wait for everyone in the field to fight, when the time comes, they can fish in troubled water and become the biggest winner.

10000 silkworm tying fairy rope, that is a Magic Treasure made of a kind of silkworm silk, its formidable power is endless. The person who is bound, even if it is God Venerable, cannot break free!

Rumor has it that if this bundle of immortal ropes were refined in the past, with the help of the God Lord, they might be promoted to the realm of the false holy treasure. From this we can see how powerful the formidable power of this thing is.

This is also the trump card stunt of Purple Star Palace!

Setting Sun King saw that his companions had been killed, and they were all completely mad and shot completely at Du Yuesheng.

Everyone, aura berserk and Magic Treasure are emerging one after another, in order to revenge.

At the same time, they also understood that only by destroying Du Yuesheng, the biggest enemy, could they win the holy treasure.

As for the Purple Star Palace, it is not the existence they are worried about now.

I have played against the people of Purple Star Palace all year round, and each has a few kilograms2. Both of them know very well.

Du Yuesheng was suspended in the air, with deep eyes, coldly watching the attacks released by the three people: “Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

After the words fell, only Du Yuesheng’s aura was seen, rising a step up again, as if a single coercion of God Venerable radiated from him.

Not only that, as his aura climbed, the Saint Baofu Heavenly God sword in the field began to tremble, making a buzzing sound.

“Well, what is going on?”

“This person actually made Shengbao respond, impossible, right? This is absolutely impossible!”

Everyone on the field went crazy, just because Du Yuesheng resonated with Shengbao.

Underneath Zhou Zheng, his eyes widened at this time, an unbelievable expression.

It was originally believed that Du Yuesheng was just a God King 4 person, didn’t expect more than just leapfrogging.

Now it can still resonate with Shengbao, which is completely beyond his expectation.

The people at Purple Star Palace were also shocked at this time. They all placed their expressions on the holy treasure suspended in midair.

“It’s going to be a shot! This person can resonate with the holy treasure, that must be someone who is favored by heaven! We must kill him when he fails to win the holy treasure, otherwise we will be finished!”

“kill him!”

“Yes, kill him first!”

Everyone yelled when they heard the words of the people of Purple Star Palace.

Originally, the setting Sun King was destroyed by a single move. If he were to win the sacred treasure, no one in the field could beat him. They still had this common sense.

Du Yuesheng frowned as he listened to the roaring sound below and the raging anger of these people.

Originally, according to my own thoughts, it was the forces of each and everyone collapsed, and in the end, all the people in the field were killed, or all of them were driven away, so as to win the holy treasure.

But I didn’t expect that at this critical time, he actually caused Sheng Bao’s resonance, and he suddenly became the target of everyone.

“Kill! Kill him!”

Everyone yelled. Everyone hovered in midair, 3 floors inside and 3 floors outside, completely surrounding Du Yuesheng.



Du Yuesheng looked at the crowd around him, he didn’t care, but it was just a group of mobs.

At the same time, the attacks of these people in the field were also directly moved towards him at this time. Everyone showed their strongest strength.

When Shengbao is in danger, no one will hide their frustration again. Their unanimous enemy is Du Yuesheng!

“Come on! See who can have the last laugh!” Du Yuesheng rolled aura on his body, coldly said.

An Executing Immortal Sword, a God King with 4 weights, stands proudly in the sky, like an infallible Battle God.


I don’t know who yelled, and all the attacks that were ready to go were moved towards Du Yuesheng and attacked away.

Divine Power, long hair, big axe, Divine Sword…

All kinds of berserk aura are intertwined, and the whole void seems to collapse down. The loud sound of hong long long is endless.

Zhou Zheng, who had not participated in the war, completely returned his aura and hid it in a secret place, staring at the battle above the sky, shiver coldly.

Gorgeous moves, each and everyone struck.

“All go die for me!”

Du Yuesheng let out a low growl, and the whole person burst out an aura that was much more tyrannical than other people’s auras. With one hand, the Executing Immortal Sword turned into a giant sword and suddenly moved towards the surrounding area.

The coercion exploded, and the energy flooded the sword.

With a sword, the sound of peng~ peng~ peng~ appeared, and the whole piece of void in this brief moment was shaking violently.

Those unreached attacks turned into invisible after touching the sword of Zhu Xian, berserk’s Divine Power blasted on every inch of the ground, dust filled the sky, debris flying, like the end of the world.

puff puff puff!

Hong long long !

A huge murmur came out, and everyone under Du Yuesheng’s sword felt an irresistible force, and they stepped back in a flash.

Among them, there were two Gods, relying on the fact that they might not be the target of the main attack, they retreated a little bit slowly, and were swept across the body by the Executing Immortal Sword.

There was another person who seemed to want to sneak attack Du Yuesheng, but he was shot flying by Du Yuesheng. The whole person turned into a black spot and disappeared in the field, and the person’s aura disappeared all at once.

Everyone was shocked, everyone looked towards Du Yuesheng with wide eyes.

One move, just one move, forced more than a dozen of them back. Not only that, but one person, it seems that Divine Spark was all shot to pieces and disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

The two people who were hit were also hurried to take out the treatment of the injury from the kit, quickly make up for the injury, and not let themselves be in an extremely weak position.

“How to do?”

“This person is too strong, and we can’t stop him at all. What should I do this time?”

At this time, no one is wrong!

Du Yuesheng looked at the people in the field coldly, and then sucked into the void not far away.

In an instant, a kit suddenly flew into his hand from a distance.

“Let’s go, this demon, too terrifying!” A God, panicked, shivered coldly.

“I don’t want to fight for this holy treasure! Even if I can join forces to kill the demon high in the sky, there are people with the Purple Star Palace, I can’t afford it!”

Words fell, this Loose Practitioner God immediately took out his token, and then triggered.

Next moment, the person completely disappeared from the field.

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