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When the people of Setting Sun King saw the arrival of the Purple Star Palace, their faces became serious.

There are only a handful of dozens of people in the field. They already account for 40%. They are a big team!

But now the arrival of the Purple Star Palace has completely compared them, because there are also 3 people in the Purple Star Palace.

Not only that, there are also Loose Practitioners such as Du Yuesheng in the field, and every Loose Practitioner is also good. If this is a fight, it is still unknown who has the advantage.

“Hmph! You purple Star Palace is it possible that you want to swallow the Heavenly God sword alone?” Setting Sun King said coldly toward the leader youngster.

“Li Batian, I think we can discuss it!” Purple Star Palace said a red clothed woman with a smile on her face.

This woman is the big sister led by Purple Star Palace-An Ling. She has already reached half a step in God Sovereign’s strength. It only takes one realization to enter the realm of God Sovereign. Her strength is extremely powerful.

The youngster, known as Li Batian, said with a sneer: “What do you think can be discussed? is it possible that let us give you the Heavenly God sword? I tell you, this is impossible!”

Although a holy treasure is not a complete holy treasure, even if it is broken, from the previous Heavenly God sword can transform into World by itself, it has already understood its value, and it is simply abandoned by impossible.

“According to me, let’s clean up the miscellaneous fish in the field first, and then our two sides will compete by strength, how about?” An Ling didn’t mind Li Batian’s words, and said slowly.

The Loose Practitioner on the field heard this, and his face changed.

They are all alone, or two people, and the realm is not as strong as the people of these 2 Great Sects. Originally, I entered this ruin because I wanted to fish in troubled water. If this were the 2 teams I took the lead in cleaning up, Then there is no chance.

Zhou Zheng, who was not far away, said angrily: “These two people are really damning! They want to clean us out!”

“It’s okay, let’s take a look. It is not easy to win the holy treasure!” Du Yueshang sneered with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and didn’t mind.

The people on the field, except for the Purple Star Palace and Setting Sun King, there are about ten more Loose Practitioners coming. If they angered the Loose Practitioner on the field, they will definitely unite, and they will be able to resist this by then. 2 centaur.

Although the realm is inferior to these people, if it really fought, it might still be a 5/5 situation, which Du Yuesheng can completely guess.

Li Batian hearing this, also stunned, then looked around a circle of people, mouth corners raised, said: “I agree with this! First clean up these fish that want to fish in troubled water, and then we compete with strength! “

“it is good!”

After the agreement here is reached, the surrounding Loose Practitioner has already shown anger.

One of the youngsters has bulging veins on the surface and said to the surrounding Loose Practitioner: “Our Loose Practitioner should unite to resist these two forces. If not, they will die directly in their hands! And Shengbao will also die. not my business!”

“I agree!”

“I agree!”

Everyone listened to this suggestion, and you moved towards this youngster to gather together and suddenly gathered 7 8 people.

However, there were two people who did not get close, Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng.

Zhou Zheng saw that the expressions of the people in the field were falling on them, and he became a little nervous, and asked Du Yuesheng, “Aren’t we getting closer?”

“No need for this!” Du Yuesheng shook the head with a smile on his face.

“Hey, do you two want to be the first to die?” The leader of the Loose Practitioner shouted at Du Yuesheng.

“We just cross the road to make soy sauce. You don’t want to do anything.

Du Yuesheng’s words fell, and the expression of everyone in the field became completely gloomy.

Typical death!

“Very good, with courage!”

“Laozi just watched how you died!”

For Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng who did not join their Loose Practitioner camp, these people were extremely annoyed, and they all started to curse Du Yuesheng.

“Unable to tell good from bad, let me see if you have a few pounds a few 2!” The person who issued the order in Loose Practitioner coldly left Du Yuesheng and Divine Power gathered himself in an instant.

battle skill: 5 Buddha Divine Palm!

When the words fell, I saw only a heavenly giant palm phantom transformed into, the sky that was already dark, when the palm appeared, it completely blocked the original light, and accompanied by a terrifying aura descending from the sky The hurricane suddenly formed on the field, blowing this ruined land, and the dust was flying all over the sky like the end of the world.

The people around were slightly shocked when they saw this person making a move.

This imposing manner alone is extremely powerful, not to mention the coercion in it, and suppresses some people with lesser strengths to the point that they cannot breathe, as if they have to sleep.

“Tiangang boxing!” Before Du Yuesheng made a move, Zhou Zheng on the side already roared.

Then I saw him hanging in the air with one hand moved towards the midair. Wherever he went, the golden light flickered, and the rolling justice aura was forced to come, and there was an unmatched aura suddenly. Permeated the audience.

When Du Yuesheng saw Zhou Zheng’s move, he didn’t stop him, but all his mind fell on Zhou Zheng.

Zhou Zheng, in the future, he will be used by himself, so he must not let him make any mistakes.

Although his attack happens to be to restrain the opponent, the strength of the opponent is not low. If he is careless, the opponent may blow Divine Spark.

The Loose Practitioner on the field saw the two people fighting, and they all quickly backed up in a moment, fearing that they would harm themselves.

But the people of the Purple Star Palace and Setting Sun King did not back away, they just wiped their hands, a shield appeared suddenly, and enveloped themselves in it.

One palm and one fist intersected, and there was no loud noise or destroying heaven extinguishing earth. The fist and the giant palm touched in midair.

Suddenly, the voice of Zizi was uploaded from Skyrim.

I only saw the giant palm of the Loose Practitioner, which was instantly covered with lightning, making noises, not only that, but also a scorched smell permeating the entire field.

“Want to destroy my battle skill, this is impossible!” Loose Practitioner coldly snorted, Divine Power keeps coming out, with a face of fortitude.

He is already in the late God Sovereign. Although he can’t compare with those who are half God Sovereign, he has absolute self-confidence and can beat God King’s 4 weeks of Zhou Zheng.

However, just when he wanted to use 80% of his strength to kill Zhou Zheng, the situation in the field suddenly changed.

The Heavenly God sword that was originally suspended in midair burst out again at this time with a terrifying coercion. At the same time, it seemed that there was a kind of suction, directly connected to Zhou Zheng’s Tiangang fist.

Zi zi!

A sizzle sounded, and in Zhou Zheng, the face turned dark immediately, and quickly turned white.

Not only him, the Loose Practitioner who shot, the same is true, he was originally invincible, at this time he suddenly became afraid.

Then I saw that he didn’t hesitate at all, he drank suddenly, and took his Divine Palm back in an instant, spitting out old blood in midair.

Zhou Zheng’s situation was exactly similar to that of him, his face completely pale, as if he was extremely weak.

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