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“Redeem me…”

Du Yuesheng heard the prompt from the system, what the hell did not exchange for what to do, he is now very slow to upgrade.


“Congratulations to players who have successfully redeemed and received 500 100,000,000 EXP.”

“Upgrade required: 400 100,000,000.”


Du Yuesheng heard the helpless EXP that was needed later, and then turned to Zhou Zheng behind him and said, “Come on! Go deeper, you should reach your destination immediately.”

Du Yuesheng immediately walked to the passage, Zhou Zheng followed.


When Du Yuesheng was fighting for the holy treasure.

The mountain range outside the sky is a foul wind and bloody rain, killing scenes are happening everywhere.

Either the Demonic beast hunts down Human Race, or the Human Race hunts down each other.

The trial has entered a stage of intense heat, and the original 10000-person team has been greatly reduced.

The number of people still attending is about 3000, and the rest are either dead or sent out.

Inside a mountain range.

Du Sheng and Yu Qiu were injured and hid under a boulder, but a few silhouettes appeared not far behind them.

“Strange, where did those 2 people go?” A man in a black robe stopped in the void and looked down at the ground below.

“Senior Brother, do you want to continue chasing?” When the man stood there were two people, one of them could not help asking.

“Forget it!”

“We are still going to find other people, for these two people do not have to waste time.”

As soon as the voice fell, the three turned into a ray of rays of light and disappeared instantly. Heaven and Earth moved away towards a place not far away and chased away.


“Finally ran away!”

After Du Sheng looked at the three people who disappeared, the whole person fell directly to the ground, exhaled, and relaxed.

Yu Qiu, who was beside him, looked down at Du Sheng. She asked nervously, “Du Sheng, is your injury okay?”

“It’s okay, a real man is such a injury.” Du Sheng replied laughed, but the injury was still quite annoying.

Since entering the mountain range in Wentian, he found Yuqiu in less than a day, but troubles also followed.

Either meet Demonic beast or meet other God.

“Big brother, why hasn’t it appeared yet?” Du Sheng couldn’t help feeling depressed, and according to his estimation, Du Yuesheng could already be met soon.

However, Du Sheng and Yu Qiu searched for 5 days in the mountain range of Wentian, and they did not encounter the silhouette of Du Yuesheng.

This makes Du Sheng very helpless!

“Yu Qiu, let’s take a break for a while and go out to see if we can find the big brother.” Du Sheng said softly to Yu Qiu.

“En!” Yu Qiu nodded signaled.


God Ruins.

Because of the lack of cannon fodder, Du Yuesheng and Zhou Zheng walked very slowly. They can really be described as step by step, and will not allow any danger to come to them.

When 2 people go deep, other people go to the same depth in other places.

Some powerful people encountered danger on the way but were resolved.

However, some people are not so lucky. When they are in danger, even the token cannot be excited, Divine Spark has already shattered and died directly!

The passage is very deep, with no end in sight, gloomy.

Suddenly a beam of white rays of light appeared in front, letting the eyes of the two people suddenly shine, and quickly moved towards rays of light.

“Fuck, what the hell is that place?”

“What is this place? Ask Tian City?”

After they walked out of the dark passage, they were shocked.

In front of two people, it looks like a primitive forest, green grass, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, and even willows.

Not only that, but from time to time, you can see some hares drilling on the grass, and the endless primitive forest appears in front of you.

hidden land of peace and prosperity!

“The ruins of this holy treasure gave such a hidden land of peace and prosperity behind it?” Zhou Zheng was shocked by the scene before him.

Du Yuesheng pondered for a while, muttered: “I don’t think it’s that simple! This may be an appearance!”

Since it is a relic left by an old man, there will naturally be no such place. And this place, Ancient Battlefield came before.

It is impossible to want such an environment in a place full of fighting.

“Go, look deep!” Du Yuesheng said after a sentence, and immediately walked towards this seemingly quiet land.

While they were walking, someone from a distance away from them also came out to the hidden land of peace and prosperity.

These people’s reactions are almost the same as Du Yuesheng’s, and everyone has a look of shock on their faces.

When shocked, these people, like Du Yuesheng, wanted to explore this hidden land of peace and prosperity.

Suddenly, the entire hidden land of peace and prosperity shook abruptly, accompanied by a strong coercion.

Hong long long !

Unprecedented coercion permeated the entire field. Accompanied by vibrations and rumblings, the entire hidden land of peace and prosperity slowly collapsed. Less than 3 breaths time, it had become a ruin, and dust was flying all over the sky.

All the gods who came here flew into the air for the first time, looking at the place where the powerful pressure was exuding with extremely horrified expression.

Du Yuesheng did the same, floating in the air, looking towards the central place.

“Is this the pressure of Shengbao?” Zhou Zheng was shocked.

This kind of pressure, even if he was so far away, gave birth to an irresistible feeling, as if he was about to sleep.

After the entire land of your hidden land of peace and prosperity collapsed, every god was suspended in midair, and they could see each other, with a look of shock on all faces.

“Withdrawal one after another, this holy treasure seems to be suspended!” Du Yuesheng frowned slightly and said to Zhou Zheng.

When they all retreated, the field collapsed again, the next moment, a long sword full of crystals, rose slowly, floating in midair.

“That is!!”

“Fu Heavenly God sword!”

“It’s actually a Heavenly God sword, my God!”

“Haha, I’m going to make a fortune! The Heavenly God sword is from my Setting Sun King, no one wants to take it away!”

Everyone was completely shocked when they saw the Heavenly God sword suspended in midair, and at the same time a deep greed appeared on their faces.

The Heavenly God sword is said to be a sacred treasure used by the ancient Supreme God. This sacred treasure has a formidable power. If you can drive it and want to fight higher, it can be done in minutes.

Not only that, this Heavenly God sword was rumored to create void in the ancient times. The so-called holding a sword and controlling a World!

“Don’t move for now, let’s wait and see! If I estimate it is good, these people might fight!”

The corners of Du Yuesheng’s mouth raised slightly, and the whole person retreated instantly.

Zhou Zheng, nodded, also followed Du Yuesheng back.

The holy treasure appears, blood flowing into a river, this is absolute!

Often only people with tyrannical strength can live to the last second. Those who want to occupy the holy treasure as their own will be killed first.

“You’re Setting Sun King, dreaming of your dreams, right?” When the people of Setting Sun King wanted to rush up to get the Heavenly God sword, a cold voice came.

Immediately afterwards, only a group of 4 people appeared in the field, coldly looking at the people facing Setting Sun King.

These people are the people of the Purple Star Palace who were confronted with the Setting Sun King before. Everyone is already the God Sovereign peak realm, and they can step into the God Venerable realm just one step away.

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