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What is described in the first image is not exactly the beginning of all Great Desolate novels, the initial judgment of Primordial Chaos, the era before Primal Chaos.

And that big egg floating in space is not the Pangu god who gave birth to Heaven Opening.

The description of the 2nd image coincides with the first pair, Pangu was born, and 3000 Primal Chaos Demon God was also born.

The palace described in the 3rd image shows the old man holding ups and downs, and the silhouette of all kinds of sitting below.

It’s not that “High lying 9 Layer cloud, futon has Daozhen. Heaven and Earth is Xuanhuang outside, I am the head teacher. Pangu produces Taiji, 2 rituals and 4 Xiangxun. Together, 3 friends, 2 teaches interpretation. Xuanmen leads the show. , Hongjun is transformed into one gas.”

As described in the fourth image, when the Great Desolate was in progress, Nuwa felt it, and made a fortune to become a Saint.

As described in the fifth image, the simplest one, a monkey and a golden giant stick, is the scene where Great Sage Equal of Heaven pushes Heavenly Hall horizontally.


Du Yuesheng looked at the picture described in each image, and he gave an explanation of its content in the heart.

“Is it? Tian Yuan Taoist is also a crossed over person, and he is also a crossed over person in the Great Desolate era?” Du Yuesheng wondered frantically.

Because in the previous period, he had guessed that Taoist Tianyuan had several points of in his heart.

The stone tablet that appeared in front of the tomb was written in the authentic’China’ font, but Strange World would definitely not have text.

In addition, Tianyuan God Venerable said that he was named Tianyuan Taoist. Taoist is a name that cultivators would only say in ancient China.

With the addition of these 5 images, Du Yuesheng feels that this Tianyuan Taoist is definitely a crossed over.

This is the 3rd crossed over he met, Long Fei in front, and Martial Ancestor the Great…

“Haha, 100,000,000 10000 years, some people finally realized the meaning of these 5 blessings, and God will never die.” A voice of laughter echoed in the space.

After that, everyone saw the Taoist Tianyuan who had disappeared in front appear again.

“What? Someone is comprehended?” Everyone heard the words spoken by Tianyuan Taoists, and some of them were comprehended.


In an instant, everyone moved towards the few people around them looking at them, wanting to know who it was that comprehended these 5 blessings.

“Go, wait for you 100,000,000 10000 years, you finally come.” Taoist Tianyuan looked at the place where Du Yuesheng was, and shot a rays of light moved towards him in his hand.


Suddenly, Du Yuesheng, who was hit by the rays of light, did not even resist, and the whole person was directly disappeared.

“It’s him!!”

Others looked at Du Yuesheng, who was disappeared, and all shouted: “How could it be him, ah…”

“Since he is comprehended?” Hua Mudan looked at Du Yuesheng who had disappeared, and she was shocked again.

She knows these stone tablets, but no one can comprehend it for 100,000,000 10000 years.

‘Where is he from? “Hua Peony is eager to know whether it is that place that cultivates such a perverted existence.

Tianyuan Dao Ren looked at the crowd, and with a wave of his hand, several treasures that exude monstrous aura appeared in the air.

Everyone present looked at a few treasures that appeared in the air, and the energy radiated from each piece was everywhere indicating their identity.

Holy treasure.

And there is still a top-level saint.

“Relaxed that the Taoist people will not treat you badly, there are several treasures here, and they should be given to you.” Tianyuan Taoist said lightly.

It seems that these seem invincible treasures in their hearts, but they are as unimportant as trash in his eyes.

Hua Peony held the treasure that appeared in front of her, and felt the aura released from it.

Her face changed drastically, “No? Isn’t this a holy treasure?”

It’s not that Hua Peony has never seen Shengbao, but she found that the treasure in her hand is definitely not the energy that Shengbao can possess.

“Could it be…” Hua Mudan thought of a possibility, and suddenly even her breathing became tense.

“Okay, you can go out.” Tianyuan Taoists did not have the mood to control these people, and waved them away.


And Du Yuesheng who was transmitted and disappeared by Taoist Tianyuan.

He looked at the situation in front of him very depressed,’What is this place? “

He was teleported by Taoist Tianyuan to appear in a cave.

The top of the cave is covered with numerous rays of light. The pale-yellow rays of light illuminate the entire passage and appear even narrower and deeper.

Is there something weird in the cave?

shook the head, Du Yuesheng shook his head and continued to walk into the cave.

The cave goes higher and higher, and gradually has a tendency to float up to rays of light. After walking more than 100 meters, it is only a few meters in radius and it appears smaller.

Du Yuesheng looked up and looked shocked.


“Want to be so nonsense!!”

“Even his sister’s Great Hall of the People came out…”

The empty cave is very wide, up ahead Under the bright light, a great hall stands, surrounded by 100 Han white jade colonnade surrounded by 7 8 people.

This scene is exactly the same as the Great Hall of the People that Du Yuesheng saw in his previous life.

It’s just a few laps smaller, but the height is several times higher than the real Great Hall.

The Great Hall of the People is 33 meters high, and this guy has more than a hundred meters!

Du Yuesheng stepped up along the densely packed steps. After walking a short distance, he saw a huge plaque hanging up ahead of the great hall.

The plaque is several dozen meters long and 7 8 meters wide. The golden light above is engraved with 4 large square fonts “Heavenly Yuan Cave days”

“Sure enough, I guessed…” Du Yuesheng watched the Chinese font appear again, as well as the four large characters’Heavenly Yuan Cave days’.

He is now sure and sure.

This day, Yuan Taoist is absolutely 100% crossed over from China.

And he crossed over from the 21st century, otherwise he would be impossible to know the appearance of the Great Hall of the People.

When Du Yuesheng was preparing to enter the cave, he was blocked by a Bronze giant door and he wanted to enter the cave.

“Break for me…Zhu Xian!” Du Yuesheng didn’t care, holding onto the Executing Immortal Sword, facing the Bronze gate, fiercely’s sword slipped down.

But under Du Yuesheng’s sword, the Bronze gate just trembled slightly, and then… there was no more.

“Isn’t it? How awesome?” Du Yuesheng watched his sword pass through the Bronze gate. The one he had just now was enough to kill God Sovereign in a flash.

But Bronze’s door only trembled slightly.

“What is that?” Just when Du Yuesheng was about to take a sword, he saw a line of words appear beside the Bronze gate.

“Poem?” Du Yuesheng looked at the line of words that appeared beside the gate, which was a famous poem by Li Bai.

However, Du Yuesheng found that this poem was incomplete, as if someone only wrote the first half sentence…

On the wall, only the first half of Jing Ye’s thought was written:’Moonlight in bed, suspected to be frost on the ground. ‘.

The latter half of the sentence is blank, as if waiting for someone to fill it in.


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