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shua, Shua! !

But wherever Du Yuesheng and Hua Peony pass, the Demonic beast that is in front of them quickly retreats to the second side.

The two of them walked like a couple, step by step moved towards a palace behind the Demonic beast.

Du Yuesheng looked at the great hall that appeared in front of him, and couldn’t help but ask the flower peony: “This is the place where Tianyuan God Venerable inheritance?”

“En!” The flower peony was nodded, “I don’t know how many waves we are…”

As soon as Du Yuesheng stepped into the palace, he found that 7 or 8 people were sitting inside the palace.

The people who were originally in the palace also moved their eyes towards the Du Yuesheng and Huadan of the palace.

“Yi! ”

“How are they?”

When everyone saw Du Yuesheng and Hua Peony intact, there was no trace of scars, which surprised them?

You should know that at the moment in the great hall, all of them basically have the color on their bodies, and even one or two arms are broken.

An old man had the Tianyuan key above his head. He looked to everyone and said, “Everyone, ten Tianyuan keys are already together, so let’s start.”

The old man took the lead in inserting the key into a Bronze gate erected in the center of the treasure hall. There were no fewer than ten gates.

Following the old man’s actions, other people also inserted their own Tianyuan keys above their heads.


After all ten Tianyuan keys were inserted into the Bronze gate, a rays of light shone from the Bronze gate.

At the same time, a silhouette shrouded in black mist appeared in front of the Bronze gate.


All of a sudden, everyone looked at the silhouette that appeared under the gate of Bronze, and they all clenched their arms in their hands.

The mysterious silhouette that appeared under the gate looked to the people, laughed and said with a smile: “haha … everyone, congratulations, I didn’t expect you to be here, to be honest, I thought no one could be here.”

“Everyone, I congratulate you first. You have passed the first test. From now on, you have the opportunity to get a real inheritance. That inheritance can be ten times more precious than the treasure.”

Everybody’s body is shocked.

More precious than treasure? Or more than ten times?

Everyone felt the heartbeat speed up.

???? “haha…… Isn’t it exciting, as for what this is, don’t worry, before that, I solemnly introduce myself.” The mysterious voice was intentionally paused.

Other people had expected this mysterious person to tell what treasure was, but now he introduced himself instead.

But… everyone is very curious about this mysterious person, I don’t know who he are you.

“I, Tianyuan Taoist, God World, invincible God Venerable.”


“Impossible, Tian Yuan God Venerable is already dead? How could it still exist in the world?”

Everyone heard mysterious person saying he was’Tianyuan God Venerable’, and no one could believe it.

You have to know that the God Venerable of Tianyuan fell from the ancient All Gods battle, which is recorded in history.

Others did not notice what mysterious person said, but Du Yuesheng paid attention.

He did not say that he was God Venerable, but that he was’Tianyuan Taoist’.

“Fuck, are you really guessed by yourself?” Du Yuesheng guessed when he saw the stone tablet outside.

Now that I heard mysterious person say the word “Tao Ren”, he already has a pretty close grasp.

“Yes, the Taoist people really fell, this is not a trace of Divine Consciousness, waiting for my successor to appear.”

Mysterious person also did not explain anything, and continued slowly said: “In order to protect the interests of future heirs, I will just say a little bit.

This last treasure… is a few stone tablets, unique and unmatched treasure in my treasure, well, so much. “

“Hope, some of you can comprehend the mystery, haha…”

mysterious person said the entire silhouette was disappeared from the Bronze gate.


What kind of stone tablet is the unique and unmatched stone tablet in the treasure of Tian Yuan God Venerable?

?this one?

Everyone looked at the disappearing mysterious person, and each and everyone seemed to be ashamed. The treasure they were looking for was a few stone tablets.

“This is really enough to fuck Niu X. It’s actually a few stone tablets. It’s like saying nothing” Du Yuesheng smiled secretly.

But he remembered what mysterious person said just now.

? Unique and unmatched stone tablet, there must be no secret!

“Since it is a unique and unmatched thing in the treasure, plus the surname of the Taoist of Tianyuan, there will definitely be no useless things, there must be his reason.”

The crowd looked at the disappearing mysterious person, and they all moved towards the Bronze door and stepped in to see what stone tablet.

When the crowd entered the Bronze gate, they immediately felt a bundle of rays of light wrapped around them, and their injuries recovered like this.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that they appeared in a huge white space.

At the same time, 5 super huge stone tablets appeared in their eyes.

“Is this the stone tablet that the man just said? What is the secret?” Hua Mudan looked at the stone tablet that appeared and shook his head involuntarily.

The same is true of everyone else, looking at the huge stone tablet that appears in front of them all without a word.

There are no words on the stone tablet, only 5 portraits.

The portrait engraved on the first stone tablet describes a boundless space. There are no living things in that space but an egg-like thing floats in the boundless space.

The second stone tablet above the portrait, depicting a giant giant appeared in that space with an axe in his hand.

Many giants like him also appeared beside him.

The portrait of the 3rd stone tablet, described above is in a grand palace in an imposing manner, with a white haired old man sitting in the center of the palace walking on a futon.

There are many people of all kinds of standing under him, sitting tightly on the ground, seeming to be listening.

The fourth picture of the stone tablet. The above depicts a woman standing on a mound, holding an unknown thing in her hand, throwing it into the air, and all kinds of things appear below.

The picture on the fifth stone tablet is that the above description is a majestic monkey, holding a golden stick in a hand and fighting a group of people.


“This…this…” Du Yuesheng looked at the pictures portrayed on the stone tablets, and he shivered involuntarily.

Others may not know what the five stone tablets mean?

But Du Yuesheng, from the civilization of China Earth, clearly understands what these 5 stone tablets describe?

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