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Gu Lie was taken aback, and then burst into a burst of laughter:

“Haha…boy, are you crazy? It’s yours if you see it?”

The people around are laughing again and again.

Du Yuesheng ticked the corner of his mouth slightly, and said: “Since you know what you saw, it doesn’t mean it’s yours, then go away!”

Gu Lie’s laughter stopped abruptly. He then remembered that he seemed to have said that Yu Qiu belonged to him just when he saw Yu Qiu.

In an instant, Gu Lie’s complexion sank fiercely, and there was an embarrassment on his face:

“It turned out to be waiting for me here, huh, it’s a pity, my name is Gu Lie, and you are just a nameless junior, so what I am fond of is mine, what you are fond of, you will never get it! “

“That is, you have to figure out your status!”

“Your rank and status, and Gu Lie Young Master, the difference between Heaven and Earth, kid, don’t dream!”

The people around who wanted to please Gu Lie kept ridiculing Du Yuesheng.

Upon seeing this scene, Yu Qiu pulled Du Yuesheng’s arm slightly worried, but Du Yuesheng moved towards Yu Qiu with a relieved look.

After that, he lifts the head and said, “It just so happens that I am in love with your life, do you think I can get it?”


Upon hearing this, Gu Lie’s complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body bloomed in an imposing manner. Although it was not high, it also had God 9 Layer.

The people around who wanted to please Gu Lie also bloomed their own imposing manners. Many God’s 7-layer, 8-layer, and 9-layer experts bloomed their own imposing manners, gathered together, tyrannical, and almost attracted violent wind. erupted!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Du Yuesheng sneered, and burst out his imposing manner!

Hu hu!

The moment Du Yuesheng opened his imposing manner, a gust of wind rolled up around him, directly knocking down the 7 and 8 of the crowd.

“God Soldier realm!”

Feeling this extremely tyrannical imposing manner, the complexion of the people around them suddenly changed. They didn’t expect such a low-key Du Yuesheng to be a God Soldier expert!

Even Gu Lie’s eyes showed a hint of surprise.

But soon he reacted and said with a sneer: “What about God Soldier, it’s just the Official Disciple level of our ancient sacred mountain. In my ancient sacred mountain, the God Soldier realm’s disciples are as numerous as a feather…”

He didn’t finish his words, Du Yuesheng body flashed like lightning, and Executing Immortal Sword flew into his hands instantly, wherever sword edge went, even the air was instantly cut away.


The sound of sword edge piercing the body sounded, making everyone vision freezes.

Gu Lie looked down and saw the Executing Immortal Sword that had completely submerged himself within the body.

Suddenly, a look of terror flashed in his eyes: “You…you dare kill my?”

“Say, I just took your fate. It seems that I have got it now.”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, thoughts move, Divine Consciousness rushed out, directly conflicted with Gu Lie within the body, and strangled his Primordial Spirit.

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Gu Lie and gaining 203 Shinto points!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, get props card, battle card!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng unable to bear eyes shined, killed a little Gu Lie, and actually got a prop card?

He quickly clicked on the information to open the God War card:

Item name: God War Card

Item Type: Card Item

Item description: Using the God of War card, you can let ten designated targets, the level of which is reduced or increased to the current level of the player, and then fight against the player at the same level!

Du Yuesheng has a corner of his mouth. The effect of this God War card looks very difficult to deal with. If you encounter God Lord here, can you directly pull God Lord to his level for a battle?

When he smiled in the corner of his mouth, the others around him stayed in place.

They all looked at Du Yuesheng with incredible eyes, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Did anyone dare to kill Gulie at the foot of Gushen Mountain?

Is this kid crazy, or is he so bold?

Du Yuesheng turned his eyes on everyone present after turning off the information on the God of War card, indifferently said: “If no one wants to avenge Gu Lie, I will go!”

A group of ants, Du Yuesheng is too lazy to kill them.

Where did everyone dare to get revenge directly, their cultivation base is not as good as Gulie.

But some people stood up with courage: “You… you have the courage to leave your name!”

Du Yuesheng hehe smiled, indifferently said: “Slayer, Du Yuesheng is also!”

After thinking about it, he said indifferently: “It seems that you have a heavy heart to avenge Gu Lie and can’t keep you!”

Before the words fell, Executing Immortal Sword blew into the sky with a bang, and then suddenly turned into a stream of light, directly piercing the chest of the person who asked the question.

The questioner’s cultivation base is only God 7 heavy. Where can I stand this sword, even Primordial Spirit is under this sword, and dissipate in an instant!

Kill a God 7 heavy without turning around.

Seeing this scene, the crowd gasped again.

Switching to a common God one, I’m afraid you can’t do this. Is it possible that this kid’s cultivation base is more than God one?

But they did not dare to ask again, and Du Yuesheng also took Yu Qiu and moved towards the ancient god mountain.

Yu Qiu was still worried and said: “Du big brother, we just killed Gu Lie. Isn’t it good? The ancient surname seems to be the surname of the ancient Shenshan.”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said: “Don’t worry, your Master is too elder, and his identity is 10,000 times more noble than Gulie, and killing him will not involve you!”

Hearing this, Yu Qiu said with some worry: “I’m fine, but what about you, big brother?”

Du Yuesheng hearing this is laughed again: “This world, the person who can stop me is not born yet!”

Yu Qiu froze, involuntarily lifts the head moved towards Du Yuesheng. Looking at it, somehow, she couldn’t bear a bit of doubt in the face of such arrogance.

Not long after, 2 people came to the ancient god mountain.

The road to Ancient God Mountain was a winding stone pavement. Although not at all guarding the mountain discipline, Du Yuesheng saw at a glance that there might be something strange on this road.

After thinking about it, Du Yuesheng directly opened the mouth and said: “Du Yuesheng came to worship the mountain to see Elder too!”

With this shout, the cultivation base was carried up the mountain, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the middle of the mountain.

Suddenly, there was a flowing light down the mountain immediately. Looking closely, they were all ancient Shenshan disciplines wearing the same costumes as Gu Lie.

Not long ago, the ancient Shenshan discipline came to Du Yuesheng and proudly said: “You are asking to see Elder too?”

With that said, the eyes of these disciplines fell on Yu Qiu, and there was also a trace of amazing color in their eyes.

But not long after, they seemed to suddenly remember something, face changed and said: “This girl, but Yuqiu Imperial Tutor ancestor?”

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