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“This is Ancient God Mountain?”

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and looked up at this ancient God Mountain by 2 points.

No wonder Yuqiu wants to visit this Sect.

But thinking about it, this mountain gate must be extremely strong. If you want to visit easily, I am afraid it is very difficult. Yuqiu is a woman who has never been cultivated. How to worship?

It seems that he saw Du Yuesheng’s doubts, and Yu Qiu laughed and said:

“Du big brother, don’t worry, the reason why I want to visit the ancient god mountain is because the elder of the ancient god mountain, Elder, traveled to the world. After seeing me, he already accepted me as a disciple!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was stunned: “You have been accepted as a disciple, why don’t you leave?”

Yu Qiu sighed and said: “At first, the Yu clan hadn’t forced me, and I didn’t want my mother to bump, so I asked to stay and take care of my mother for a while, and who knows that these things happened later.”

Du Yuesheng lightly nodded, this rain and autumn is an absolute filial daughter.

Thinking of this, he was even more determined to send Yuqiu to Gushen Mountain.

Du Yuesheng is not a good person, but also not a bad person. For a good person like Yu Qiu, he is naturally willing to lend a helping hand.

So he immediately took Yuqiu and flew all the way to the foot of the ancient mountain.

It seems that there are too many people who want to worship the ancient sacred mountain. The people at the foot of the ancient sacred mountain have gathered in a prosperous town. If you want to go to the ancient sacred mountain, you must first pass through this town.

Du Yuesheng immediately took Yuqiu through the town.

Along the way, 2 people attracted a lot of eyes, mainly because Yu Qiurong was really amazing.

However, the people here are all people who want to worship the ancient mountain. The cultivation base is not high, so no one dares to make trouble.

But at this moment, a young man dressed in purple clothed with an earth-yellow ancient character embroidered on his chest suddenly appeared in front of him.

The young man was just passing by, but when he saw Yuqiu, he was shocked by heaven and man, his figure turned, and he stood directly on the road, blocking the way of Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng frowned, just about to speak, the young man spoke first by himself:

“This girl, depending on where you are going, do you want to worship the ancient god mountain as a discipline?”

Yu Qiu was taken aback, and then nodded. She was relatively docile. Even before revenge on the Yu Clan, she only asked the Yu Clan to give out a few thousand blood of the Vulcan Gold Coin. If it was replaced by Du Yuesheng, it must be a slaughter of people!

Seeing Yu Qiu’s nodded, the young man’s face showed a warm smile, saying:

“Coincidentally, my name is Gu Lie, and I am also the ancient sacred mountain discipline. My father is the ancient sacred mountain deacon, grandfather is the ancient sacred mountain Elder, and Ancestral Grandfather, that is the closed mountain Elder of the ancient sacred mountain…”

“Close Mountain Elder, do you know what it means? It is an Elder that is more powerful than ordinary Elder. The entire ancient mountain, except for Sect Master and Taishang Elder, is the closed mountain Elder with high status!”

After Gu Lie boasted for a while, he glanced at his eyes and found that Yu Qiu had been stunned. Suddenly, he felt that the time was almost ripe.

So he said directly: “Today I and the girl are also destined for you. Why don’t you let me take you to the mountain and definitely let you get started. You must be an Official Disciple directly. You must know that ordinary people will have to be an Outer Disciple for at least ten years before you can become an Official Disciple. Yeah!”

There are a lot of people who pay attention to Yuqiu here, and Yuqiu plus an ancient sacred mountain discipline makes it even more eye-catching.

Soon there were many people gathered here, and among the crowd there were sharp-eyed people who also screamed as Unable to bear:

“Gulie? It was Gulie!”

“I heard that Gu Lie likes to go down the mountain. I didn’t expect to wait until Gu Li Young Master, please take me into the ancient God Mountain!”

“Gulie Young Master, I also want to enter the ancient mountain. I don’t ask for an Official Disciple, but an Outer Disciple. If Gulie Young Master agrees, my life is Gulie Young Master yours!”

For a while, I was watching the lively crowd just now, and in a blink of an eye I knelt on the ground.

Yu Qiu’s eyes were full of surprise, but he didn’t expect this to happen.

Gu Lie looked proudly towards Yu Qiu, and the meaning of showing off was self-evident.

The threat is also faintly flashing.

I can take you into the Ancient God Mountain, and naturally it can easily make you into the Ancient God Mountain all your life.

Although Yuqiu was docile, she was not stupid. She immediately understood Gu Lie’s meaning and couldn’t help but jumped in her heart and turned her head towards Du Yuesheng.

Unconsciously, she has regarded Du Yuesheng as a means of dependence.

Du Yuesheng smiled faintly: “Let’s go!”

With that said, he took Gu Lie to leave.

This Gulie may be great in the eyes of outsiders, but in Du Yuesheng’s eyes, Mao is not even counted.

For Yuqiu, it doesn’t matter, your father is just a deacon, grandfather is an Elder, and Ancestral Grandfather is just a closed mountain Elder that will never be born.

Yuqiu was accepted as a discipline by the Supreme Elder of the Ancient God Mountain early on. His status is noble, and I am afraid that even Gu Lie鈥檚 grandfather is inferior. Gu Lie鈥檚 Ancestral Grandfather must be treated with courtesy!

This status, you need a Gu Lie to help enter the ancient God Mountain?

Yu Qiu also instantly understood the meaning of Du Yuesheng, and immediately nodded, and was ready to leave with Du Yuesheng.

Gu Lie was stunned. What, he already showed his identity, Du Yuesheng and Yu Qiu even ignored him?

courting death is it?

In his eyes, cold light flashed, with a loud, extend the hand, stopped Du Yuesheng, coldly said: “Sire may not yet know how powerful I am!”

With that, he looked towards Yuqiu again, saying every word:

“The girl may also be ignorant of the world and don’t know how important I am to you. Then I said plainly that my Gulie is better than the one around you, and is no less than 1000 100 times stronger!”

“With a word of mine, you can enter the ancient mountain, and the same sentence can make you sigh for the rest of your life!”

“And I want to kill you, it’s like killing chicken chickens and pottery dogs!”

As he said, his gaze fell on Du Yuesheng again, indifferently said: “If I say that, you understand, get away immediately, this woman, from this moment on, is mine!”

Gu Lie was already showing his fierce glory, and there was no slightest emotion in his words.

It was also the first time that Yu Qiu faced such a thing, and suddenly became a little panicked.

Many people around who wanted Gu Lie’s help, also in order to please Gu Lie, hurriedly shouted at Du Yuesheng:

“Boy, you dare to ruin the good things of Gulie Young Master, without Gulie Young Master’s action, we will let you die or not!”

Some people sneered at Yuqiu:

“Little girl, you have to figure out the situation, follow Gu Lie Young Master, eat well as you please all your life, follow the stunned green beside you, but you can’t get anything.”

The accusations and curses around him, like squally storms, continued to hit Du Yuesheng.

Persuasion and temptation are like a tide that wraps Yuqiu.

Yu Qiu’s face turned pale, and she leaned close to Du Yuesheng subconsciously.

Du Yuesheng is helplessly looking at the head, looking towards Gu Lie, indifferently said:

“You said yours is yours, then I said, this ancient mountain is my Du Yuesheng’s, shouldn’t you kneel and bow to me?”

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