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Come for Saintess, the broken army?

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but tick the corner of his mouth. This army breaker is also a very popular genius. Killing him will not also offend many cultivators!

Sure enough, after Saintess and Du Yuesheng passed by, they flew to the shore of the lake, only to see the blood and flesh flying in the sky of Po Jun, Huarong suddenly turned pale, and shouted:

“Who! Who killed my broken army!”

This Saintess was also an expert of the Immortal Lord level. With a loud cry, the cultivator shiver coldly came ashore. Those cultivators raised their fingers and pointed to Du Yuesheng in the distance.

In an instant, Saintess turned around, a flash of fire flashed in his eyes: “Kill me and break the army, no matter who it is, you must die!”

Upon hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and a look of disdain appeared on his face: “You are not the first or the last to kill me, but I am still alive and well!”

“Ranking!” The Saintess swept towards Du Yuesheng’s eyes and flashed, immediately frowned.

Although she is Saintess, the cultivation base is only the weight of Immortal Lord. Du Yuesheng can Sha Pojun, indicating that the opponent’s strength has exceeded the weight of Immortal Lord 4 and putting it that way. It is not possible without the expert of Immortal Lord 5th layer.

Thinking of this, Saintess didn’t to act blindly without thinking, but crushed a jade slip in his hand.

Afterwards, she said with a sneer: “hmph, you are so powerful, can you be better than many of my sisters?”

She did not say that she is the Saintess of the Red Door of the Primal Chaos, and in the Primal Chaos, the Red Door is the Sect of many female nuns yearn for something even in dreams, and she, as the Saintess of the Red Door, is under her Amazing female nuns, I don’t know how many!

The jade slip she just crushed is a distress signal agreed by the sisters. I am afraid that all her sisters will come here.

Good luck, maybe even her sisters will come over if they are good.

When the time comes, Du Yuesheng is by the strength of oneself.

When Hongchen Saintess was speaking, the gaze looking towards Du Yuesheng didn’t feel a bit of temperature, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly. He has offended the top 10000 geniuses in the 20 world, and it doesn’t matter if he offends more women!

Thinking of this, he immediately waved a big hand, and the speed suddenly accelerated. He wanted to send Ling Xiaojun black robe and the others to the other side, and then freed up his hands to fight this group of women!

But his accelerated action fell into the eyes of Hongchen Saintess, but it seemed as if he had a guilty conscience.

Suddenly, Hongchen Saintess’s sarcasm was like a tide moving towards Du Yuesheng: “Huh? Didn’t you just make your mouth hard, why are you leaving now?”

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, naturally discovered to pay attention to him.

But Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit couldn’t bear this tone, and immediately tilted his neck and turned his head back and said:

“You’re still a Saintess. Is your brain bad? Boss of course wants to find a spacious place to fight with your people!”

“You… you a demon rabbit, dare to talk to me like that?”

Being scolded by Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit so much, she dignified a Hong Chen Saintess. Where can he stand this tone?

Nine Heavens Hearing this becomes even more disdainful:

“Demon rabbit? Sure enough, hair is long and short-sighted. Laozi is the Nine Heavens mysterious rabbit, not the demon rabbit in your mouth. Who is your Elder? Pull it out and let this handsome rabbit see how stupid he is to teach Out of your juniors!”


Regarding the bickering, the ten Hongchen Saintess are not the opponents of the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit. For a while, Hongchen Saintess’s angry 7 orifices were smoked, but he didn’t know how to respond.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng suddenly felt a burst of space fluctuations in front of him. Only one hand, appearing out of thin air, directly opened a dark hole in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette with a strong body, as if all his body was filled with explosive muscles, appeared in front of everyone.

“This… Holy Son of Yueshan Gate?”

Seeing this scene, Hongchen Saintess’s brow was a pick of Unable to Bear, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes:

“Yueshan Holy Son, I am here, help me stop those few young people!”

“Hongchen Saintess has an order, I, Yueshan Holy Son, naturally dare not refuse!”

Holy Son looked towards Hong Chen Saintess’s eyes are full of love, after one sentence is finished, it is carefree to block Du Yuesheng’s route, said with a smile:

“Have you heard the words of Hongchen Saintess? Leave Laozi!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, this Yueshan Holy Son, but only Immortal Lord 2’s heavy cultivation base.

So he immediately said indifferently: “Just you want me to stay? You don’t deserve it!”

While speaking, Du Yuesheng waved his big hand, and a forceful spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk flew out directly and moved towards Yueshan Holy Son and flew over.

Seeing this scene, the disdainful smile on Yueshan’s Holy Son’s face became more and more intense: “Did such insignificant ability also be used in front of this Holy Son?”

Of course, Du Yuesheng knew that with a spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk, it was impossible to defeat Yueshan Holy Son.

So at the moment when the spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk was about to strike Yueshan Holy Son, Du Yuesheng thought move: “Divine Consciousness attack!”

In an instant, the Divine Consciousness in Du Yuesheng’s mind was shot out like a sharp arrow, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced into the Yueshan Holy Son within the body, hitting Yueshan Holy Son that pitiful A ray of Primordial Spirit!


Yueshan Holy Son only felt as if he had been hit in the head by a huge mountain, and a roar rang in his ears, making his whole person fall into Primal Chaos instantly, and every move was impossible to move even a little bit!

Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge force coming and hit him fiercely.

The Yueshan Holy Son in Primal Chaos didn’t have any resistance at all. The body that was hit by that huge force sank like a meteor, moving towards the bottom and falling.

In the distance, Hongchen Holy Son only saw Yueshan Holy Son being hit by Du Yuesheng’s spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk.

It stands to reason that the ordinary spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk impossible made Yueshan Holy Son suffer any harm. After all, Yueshan Holy Son practiced spell fleshy body tyranny.

But after the spirit strength unrolled bolt of white silk flew over, it directly smashed the entire body of Yueshan Holy Son into a crooked shape.

Immediately after Yueshan Holy Son fell head down towards the lake.

There was a huge splash of water.

The whole person of Yueshan Holy Son is directly planted in the lake.

And inside the lake, those huge silhouettes that have been waiting for a long time have opened their mouths, moved towards Yueshan Holy Son and bit them in the past.

Not waiting for Yueshan Holy Son to come back to his senses from the Divine Consciousness attack, Yueshan Holy Son was directly torn by those huge silhouettes, and even Primordial Spirit was swallowed!


Du Yuesheng watched this scene happening under his feet. Unable to bear raised a corner of his mouth. Originally, he thought of fighting on the shore.

But now, it seems to be a battle on the lake, which is more convenient!

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