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From Yuecheng to the ancient land, Du Yuesheng has met this woman in black dress for the second time.

And every time she will be dragged into trouble by her rosy face.

Du Yuesheng confessed that he had never seen this woman before, and he was not a good person. Once it was found that this woman deliberately harmed him, Rao was that she had a beautiful face, and it was true!

Hearing the question from Du Yuesheng, the black dress woman Xiu didn’t change her expression, just indifferently said: “Do you know Xian Ji?”

“Xian Ji?” Du Yuesheng’s eyes were cold: “Where is she!”

When he entered the ancient land, he was separated from Xianji. There was no news. He thought that Xianji would wait for him in the ancient land, but he didn’t encounter him on the way. Du Yuesheng was going to wait for her in the Core Zone.

If you can’t wait any longer, you can only wait to find other places in Primal Chaos after leaving the ancient land.

didn’t expect This black skirt lady actually knew Xian Ji.

The black skirt lady said slowly: “The place where the fairy is located, I can’t elaborate. When you enter the God World, naturally know.”

“Into God World?” Du Yuesheng’s killing intent flashed, he didn’t know what the woman said true or false, it was true that’s all, anyway, sooner or later going to God World, if it is false…

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng raised his hand without hesitation, thoughts move, a prohibition appeared directly in the palm of his hand.

In the next second, Du Yuesheng body flashed appeared like a momentary movement next to the woman in black skirt, with a palm printed on the eyebrow of the woman in black skirt.

In an instant, Du Yuesheng’s palm light banned was directly submerged between the black skirt women’s eyebrows and transformed into a small light black 3 horn shape.

“If God World can’t see the fairy, I thoughts move, the prohibition explodes, you will definitely die!”

Du Yuesheng has incorporated his own Primordial Spirit into the ban, and when the woman is promoted to Immortal Lord condense’s own Primordial Spirit, his Primordial Spirit will also actively merge the woman’s Primordial Spirit and dominate the opponent.

Although you can’t control the opponent’s actions, it’s easy to kill the opponent!

It’s strange that Du Yuesheng did all this, but the woman in black skirt didn’t resist at all, and even the expression didn’t change, just indifferently said: “Okay, you can take me across the lake now.”

Du Yuesheng eyebrows slightly frowned, and finally nodded.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, the broken army that had been laid aside suddenly flashed away, separating Du Yuesheng from the black skirt woman, killing intent in the corners of her twitching eyes, like rainbow:

“Boy, it seems that I will give you a little color to look at, you don’t know how powerful I am!”

Du Yuesheng’s face sank, and the news of Xianji just made him in a very bad mood. Now this broken army is coming up, which is completely courting death!

Du Yuesheng was too lazy to talk nonsense, immediately thoughts move, and shouted in his heart: “Summon Divine Kingdom character Qin Shihuang is here!”


A golden light descended from the sky and fell beside Du Yuesheng, holding the emperor’s sword, Qin Shi Sovereign, also appeared suddenly.

Seeing Du Yuesheng, Qin Shihuang immediately bowed his hands in courtesy: “Heavenly Emperor called me to come, why?”

“Heavenly Emperor? Du Yuesheng?” Upon hearing Qin Shihuang’s words, Po Jun could not help laughing out loud:

“You are the Du Yuesheng holding 6 ancient land keys? Haha, it really is heaven helps me. I still think of where to find you, but you brought it to your door.”

Du Yuesheng glanced coldly at act recklessly’s broken army, coldly snorted and said: “Cut the noisy!”

Qin Shihuang in Immortal World, swept the opponent with many Divine Kingdom characters, has not shot for a long time, this time, naturally can shoot.

Therefore, he immediately walked forward, holding the sword of the emperor, pointing straight at Pojun, and said word by word: “Offending the Heavenly Emperor, you should be punished for crimes!”

“Haha!” But the broken army was not at all half fearful. Instead, he smiled more and more happy: “Du Yuesheng, you just find a piece of garbage that you don’t know where, and dare to cut me, you are my broken army…”


Sword light flashed, and the arrogant voice of breaking the army, also at this moment, stopped abruptly.

After everyone’s eyes came later, they looked at the word light, and then saw Qin Shihuang’s sword, which had already pierced the broken army’s chest.

A strand of blood exuding the rays of light, flowing from the chest of a rather broken army, made people look cold.

The broken army even lowered his head in an unbelievable way, looking at the Heavenly Sword that was still inserted in his chest, his eyes were puzzled:

“who are you?”

Qin Shihuang raised his eyelids, saying one by one: “Heavenly Emperor, under the leadership of the government.”

While speaking, Qin Shihuang burst out with a radiance of light from his sword.

Along with the Huaguang bursting, although the body of the broken army is still as it was before, his Primordial Spirit within the body was broken into pieces by that Huaguang, turning into spots of light, and flew into the air. died.

At this time, Qin Shihuang slowly withdrew the Heavenly Sword and turned his head towards Du Yuesheng, saying one by one: “What else does Heavenly Emperor have to do?”

Du Yuesheng shook his head. Although Qin Shihuang is now a Divine Kingdom character, he can only make one shot within 3 days, which is no longer useful at this moment.

Qin Shihuang understood, immediately body flashed and left the ancient land.

The surrounding cultivator has long been dumbfounded.

An Immortal Venerable 4 heavy super genius, the top 10000 expert in 20 genius battles, was killed by a sword.

What is the origin of Du Yuesheng, who actually knew such a powerful expert?

Du Yuesheng did not care about the eyes of these cultivators. These cultivators were stopped in front of the lake, which only showed that they were not strong enough and had no background. Otherwise, they would have been taken away by their powerful cultivator with Immortal Lord cultivation base.

With a wave of his hand, Spirit Qi stretched out, directly holding up Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit, Ling Xiao Jun and the black skirt female Xiu, flew into the sky, and flew directly above the lake.

As soon as he flew above the lake, Du Yuesheng felt a huge force emanating from the lake, like a magnet, and wanted to pull everyone into the lake.

Looking down at the moment, there is also a weird water beast with a huge head and aura in the lake. I am afraid that once it falls into the lake, even Du Yuesheng will have to spend some effort.

The most important thing is that the suction is arrogant, there is no Immortal Lord level cultivation base, even if it is Immortal Venerable 9 Layer, I am afraid it is difficult to resist, no wonder that many people stand by the lake, but no one dares to cross the lake.

And at this time, a burst of screams suddenly broke in front.

Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but looked up towards the front, only to see a stream of light in front of him flying towards this side.

If you look closely, the stream of light is a female cultivator with gorgeous clothes and a beautiful face.

And this nun hasn’t flown here yet, far away is tenderly shouted:

“Broken army, if you dare to hook up other women here, this Saintess will surely want you to look good!”


What are you doing?

I want to sleep for sure.

After the tortoise was off work for a while, the nonstop code word… asked for subscription…

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