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“You know I will come?”

Du Yuesheng unable to bear narrowed his eyes, but soon he wanted to understand, Hua Heavenly Sword Sect must know that he had killed Hua Luo, and it would not be difficult to guess that he would come to collect the debt.

And at this moment, in Hua Heavenly Sword Sect, an extremely angry voice rang: “Du Yuesheng, you killed my son, and even dared to come to my Hua Heavenly Sword Sect. Could it be that you are really my Hua Heavenly? Sword Sect is a bully?”

As soon as you hear this, you can guess that the speaker is the Sect Master of Hua Heavenly Sword Sect, the father of Hua Luo, Hua Tianxia!

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng smiled without anger, and said, “Hehe, your son came to kill me first. He was inferior in skill and was beheaded by the Heavenly Emperor.

But the Heavenly Emperor’s anger has not disappeared, why cannot come to your Heavenly Sword Sect, do you think your little mountain guardian Great Array can stop me? “

Hua Tianxia was hearing this more and more angry, he roared to the impossible to bear:

“Bully intolerably, fellow Fellow Daoist, show up, help me behead this child this time, and in the future, I will be rewarded with Heavenly Sword Sect!”

With this scream, 3 stream of light flew from 3 directions.

In the frontal Hua Heavenly Sword Sect, Hua Tianxia also turned into a stream of light and rose up. At this time, opponents appeared in all four directions.

Du Yuesheng raised his brows, and his gaze swept away to see that the four enemies were all experts of Immortal Venerable, and their strength was terrifying!

“Hehe, Hua Sect Master, today you told me to wait, saying that there was something good, but it turned out to be killing Du Yuesheng!”

An Immortal Venerable expert flew up close, saw Du Yuesheng, and said “unable to bear” said with a smile.

Another Immortal Venerable expert was nodded and said: “Now most of the Immortal World is looking for Du Yuesheng and Demoness, but I have to say that this is indeed a good thing!”

“In this case, I will not treat you badly when I wait for Hua Sect Master. When the time comes Du Yuesheng half of the Magic Treasure is owned by you, how about it?” The last Immortal Venerable expert also laughed.

Hua Tianxia nodded again and again, saying: “You all come to help my son take revenge, and are willing to take out half of Du Yuesheng’s treasure, I remember this kindness in Hua Tianxia!”

When Hua Heavenly Sword Sect’s discipline saw Du Yuesheng, he was a little panicked. Now when he saw that he had 4 Immortal Venerable level experts, he suddenly became proud of himself and shouted:

“The thief Du Yuesheng, dare kill my Young Sect Master, I will definitely let you come alive today and die!”

“A arrogant thief, dare to come to Heavenly Sword Sect in our country, really bring about one’s own destruction!”

“Du Yuesheng, I heard that you are very arrogant, but now you are arrogant and take a look? Don’t let Young Master look down on you!”

Drunk Mo face changed, and 4 Immortal Venerable experts gathered together. Even in the battle between immortals and demons, they rarely see them. She said, “They have ambushes, it’s better to go one step ahead!”


Du Yuesheng grinned, would Daddy still be afraid of these people?

At the same time, he shouted in his heart: “system, use a character lottery card!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for getting a Jiang Ziya Summon Card, do you want to use it!”

“Jiang Ziya?”

After hearing the name, Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows as Unable to Bear, and quickly clicked on Jiang Ziya’s information to check.

Name: Jiang Ziya

Origin: Ancient China

Level: unknown

Description: At the beginning, Shang Zong had no way, repairing wine ponds, standing meat forests, loss of life, the world complained, Jiang Ziya took the Investiture of the Gods fishing and waited for King Zhou, overthrew Shang Zong, sealed Thunderclap Seed, Erlang Shen, Nezha, etc. For god!

Description: This is a movie version of the character… The player has a permanent TV version of the character.

Description: Have 2 “Jiang Ziya” permanent cards that can be merged…

Note: The duration is 5 minutes, please use it carefully!

“Damn, Jiang Ziya summon actually came out!”

Du Yuesheng’s heart moved, but this is a great god holding Investiture of the Gods in mythology, the joy in his heart can’t be suppressed.

He thoughts move directly and said, “system, use Jiang Ziya Summon Card!”

As he shouted, suddenly, the sky and clouds changed color, the thunder blew, and the electric rain, a wave of horrible coercion emerged from the void, the cultivation base was a little lower, Heavenly Sword Sect disciple, immediately Scared to the point of shivering.

Even Hua Tianxia is heart startled, with a surprise in his eyes: “Who?”

At the same time, above the sky, a splash of Chinese pierced the clouds, and a silhouette fell from the Huaguang, it was white hair white beard, a commoner, holding a roll of Investiture of the Gods Jiang Ziya!

With the emergence of Jiang Ziya, a tremor seemed to come from the depth of one’s soul, making many people present could not bear to look directly at Jiang Ziya, not knowing how many people were in the heart guessing, who the expert is, What are you doing here?

At the moment, Jiang Ziya was covered with hazy glory, which seemed extremely mysterious.

However, it was at this time that Jiang Ziya turned to look towards Du Yuesheng, and then respectfully bowed his hands, saying: “I have seen Heavenly Emperor, Heavenly Emperor needs what this seat does, this seat certainly dare not have to quit!”

Hearing this, Hua Heavenly Sword Sect’s discipline was dumbfounded, what? This expert is called Du Yuesheng Heavenly Emperor, and is he so respectful to Du Yuesheng?

How can it be?

The common disciple of Hua Heavenly Sword Sect cannot accept this fact. Hua Tianxia and other 4 Immortal Venerable experts are also eyes opened wide.

Although they didn’t directly fight, they also knew that Jiang Ziya was not a general, but why did such experts respect Du Yuesheng so much?

Glancing at each other, a grave expression flashed in the eyes of the four Hua Tianxia people. Without any hesitation, Hua Tianxia stepped up immediately, arched his hands, and said without arrogance:

“Sire has such a cultivation base, why do you have to contribute to Du Yuesheng’s younger generation?”


As soon as Huatianxia finished speaking, a loud noise came out. Huatianxia was just fine. Suddenly, it was a volcanic explosion, which turned into flesh and blood, and drifted into the air.

In an instant, everyone was stared wide-eyed, and even more surprised than before. The founder of Hua Heavenly Sword Sect, Immortal Venerable Hua Tianxia, ​​died like this? It was just a word!

At this time, Jiang Ziya turned back and said lightly: “Who dares to insult the Heavenly Emperor, die!”

At this point, the remaining three Immortal Venerable experts understood that Jiang Ziya contributed to Du Yuesheng, which clearly made Du Yuesheng his own Elder!

Suddenly, the other 3 Immortal Venerable experts looked at each other, without saying a word, they all waved their hands and tore the side void directly, trying to escape directly.

But Jiang Ziya is faster. At the moment they started, Jiang Ziya raised his hands to Investiture of the Gods, and immediately Investiture of the Gods on the rays of light masterpiece, shining all directions!

The three Immortal Venerables were immediately illuminated by the luminous light on the Investiture of the Gods, and then they froze in place, with one foot in the void and one foot outside the void, as if they were petrified. even a little bit!

At this time, Jiang Ziya faintly opened the mouth and said: “Heavenly Emperor hasn’t spoken yet, and you want to leave, it’s too rude!”


This Jiang Ziya is the movie version

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