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Hearing this, Hua Heavenly Sword Sect disciple, who was behind Hua Luo, suddenly smiled and said:

“Young Sect Master, are you serious?”

“Many thanks Young Sect Master reward!”

“Following Young Sect Master, it’s really good!”

When everyone laughed, they didn’t notice the drunk ink trapped by Huatian sword array. At this moment, the index finger of the right hand was bent into a circle and made a very strange decision.

This is Sacred Demon Cult’s method of San Gong. At the moment of being captured, Zuimo didn’t want to go back alive.

But Hualuo and other young men and women, obviously there are not many EXP walking in the world, grabbing the drunk ink, even without knowing the cultivation base that prohibits drunk ink.

Within cave, in Du Yuesheng who condensed the heart of Immortal Emperor, Aura suddenly jumped up, and the bottleneck, which had been imprisoned for a long time, finally broke through at this moment.

The Immortal Emperor’s heart condenses successfully.

At the same time, bursts of system prompts also sounded in my ears:

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for his level increase, the current Level: Immortal Emperor is the first!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level increase, the current Level: Immortal Emperor 2!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level increase, the current Level: Immortal Emperor 3rd-layer!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level increase, the current Level: Immortal Emperor 4!”


At this moment, above the sky beyond the cave, Hualuo was still looking at Drunk Mo, grinning grimly: “Quickly, where is Du Yuesheng!”

“Who is looking for me?”

An abrupt voice with a slight look of ridicule sounded suddenly, like a thunder rolling down from the sky, making people unclear where the source of the sound was, like the voice of a god, making people tremble.

Hualuo complexion slightly changed and immediately raised her hand to make a gesture. Suddenly, many of Hua’s Heavenly Sword Sect’s disciplines all surrounded Hualuo all around, watching all directions vigilantly.

Afterwards, Hualuo was coldly smiled and raised his head and shouted at all around: “Du Yuesheng, don’t dress up as God, playing the devil, come out, and at the same time advise you, it is best to surrender obediently, otherwise I can’t guarantee the Demoness Safe!”


He tone barely fell, and the mountains where Du Yuesheng was hiding burst open with a bang. The earth roared for a while, dust and smoke rose up between Heaven and Earth, and the gravel flew away.

The silhouette of Du Yuesheng is like a fairy, floating out of the dust and smoke.

Seeing Du Yuesheng appear, the drunk fingertips were slightly trembled, and then spread out directly.

When Du Yuesheng appeared, she naturally didn’t have to commit suicide anymore.

Du Yuesheng also seemed to have noticed that Drunk Mo just wanted to commit suicide, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter: “Wait a moment, I can save these people by killing them. You get out of trouble!”

“Kill us?” slipped didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to completely ignore his threat, he couldn’t bear to raise his hand, shouted in a low voice said:

“The young boy first cut off one of the arms of this Demoness, let you know that it is great!”

While speaking, the decision in his hand changes, Huatian sword array suddenly burst into rays of light, a sword light flew out suddenly, fluttered in the air, intending to cut off the drunk ink arm.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng glanced at Hualuo, moved his heart, and launched the killing ability!

Suddenly, Hualuo, whose eyes were full of stern colors, suddenly became scattered in his eyes, and the sword light in the air was also dissipated directly.

Hua Luo is also a cultivation base of Immortal Emperor. Where can I stop Du Yuesheng’s ability to watch?

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Hualuo and getting immortal dao points 10,000 3000!”

“En? Young Sect Master?”

Hua Heavenly Sword Sect other discipline looked back strangely at Hua Luo, but only saw Hua Luo’s body soft, the whole person was like a heavy stone, directly moved towards the ground and fell down!

“Young Sect Master is dead?”

Hua Heavenly Sword Sect other disciplines suddenly turned pale with fright, Du Yuesheng was still far from 100 feet away, and Hua Luo was killed by him. What strength is this?

Immediately, there were 2 Chinese Heavenly Sword Sect disciplines that were scared the soul flew away and scattered, body flashed, and turned into a sword light directly to escape from the distance.

Du Yuesheng raised his hand and the space was trembling. The two disciplines that escaped were directly fixed in the air, unable to move even a little bit. Then, Du Yuesheng clenched his fists with a bang, and escaped Hua Heavenly Sword Sect disciple burst directly into the sky, blood splattered in the sky.

The remaining Hua Heavenly Sword Sect disciple became more and more frightened, and quickly loudly shouted: “Heavenly Emperor, I and others were all coerced by Waro, this father is Sect Master, we have to listen to him!”

“Strong eloquence, die!”

Du Yuesheng coldly shouted, glanced at the remaining Chinese Heavenly Sword Sect disciple, all of these Chinese Heavenly Sword Sect disciple were a groan, aura cut off, and moved towards the ground!

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing all 3rd wave enemies. The Fourth Wave enemy is Hua Heavenly Sword Sect. Please follow the system prompt and go to Hua Heavenly Sword Sect to complete the mission. The time limit is within one day! “

What surprised Du Yuesheng was that the recipe that killed these Chinese Heavenly Sword Sect had no EXP to take, but since the task has already reached the next step, you don’t have to worry too much about it.

Hearing this, he came to the drunk ink who was trapped by Huatian sword array. He raised his hand and waved it, which was to directly lift the Huatian sword array that no one had hosted.

Only then did he grin and stretch out his hand to naturally pick up the drunk ink hand. A sword light was born around the body and took 2 people to the sky, saying: “Go, take you to kill!”

Drunk ink is about to thank Du Yuesheng for another life-saving grace. After hearing this sentence, he was unable to bear and hesitated slightly: “Kill someone?”

Du Yuesheng laughed, saying: “Naturally it’s the trouble of looking for Hua Heavenly Sword Sect. An Immortal Emperor’s heavy dude dared to kill me with a group of Immortal Monarch cultivation base’s disciples. Let everyone in the world think that this Heavenly Emperor is bullying?”

Although Du Yuesheng didn’t say anything, there was actually another reason for him to find Hua Heavenly Sword Sect. That is, since the people of Hua Heavenly Sword Sect dare to insult the drunken ink, they should naturally revenge!

Hua Heavenly Sword Sect is not too far away from this place. The two people spent less than half a day, but they have already arrived outside Hua Heavenly Sword Sect.

At this moment Hua Heavenly Sword Sect up and down, has actually risen one after another defense Array, each and everyone Hua Heavenly Sword Sect’s recipe is also like a big enemy patrol in the sect.

The moment when Du Yuesheng appeared, Hua Heavenly Sword Sect’s recipe responded instantly.

Suddenly, the entire Chinese Heavenly Sword Sect immediately became a mess: “Du Yuesheng is here, and the Great Mountain Array is rising!”

“All the disciples gathered at Qianshan immediately!”

“Notify Sect Master and Elder soon!”

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