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One pot end?

Hearing this, the ancient demon and 2 Elder looked at each other in blank dismay, I don’t know where Du Yuesheng’s self-confidence dare to have a dozen more Sects!

However, Du Yuesheng has opened the Wushuang Mall and started to check the products in the Wushuang Mall.

At present, he still has 5000 300 seventy two Unparalleled Value points. With his own strength, it is a bit difficult to want to get rid of this nearly 3000 cultivator in one breath, but if there is a Wushuang Mall, it will be different.

The remaining Unparalleled Value breaks through the 5000 mark for the first time, and the items in the Wushuang Mall also seem to be richer.

Pulled to the bottom of the item bar at a stretch, I saw a huge array at a glance. This array is black, and the name is also very simple: “Shift the Great Array!”

Du Yuesheng unable to bear clicked on the information of Great Array and took a look:

Product name: Yitian Great Array

Commodity type: Array

Commodity price: 5000 300 points Unparalleled Value

Product description: This array cannot kill the enemy, but it can be arranged to directly contain the Array encountered by a player as its own, move it to any place he wants, and attack the enemy, but this array can only be used once. Please use caution!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. I understand that this so-called Shifting Great Array is actually equivalent to a space mover, which can take away the Array he wants and at the same time can turn the selected Array into himself. , And then used to attack the enemy!

Du Yuesheng unable to bear turned his head and looked towards Gu Yao and 2 Elder and asked: “Everyone, do you know what Array has the strongest attack power in this Valley of Souls?”

“This…” 2 Elder and Elder glanced at each other and said:

“That must be Primal Chaos Great Array. Although the treasure in Primal Chaos Great Array is a shield, in fact this Primal Chaos Great Array itself is the main attack. Once it is fully launched, it is nothing difficult to turn over the mountains and fill the sea. !”

Du Yuesheng nodded, thoughts move, directly bought Yitian Great Array!

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the players for successfully purchasing the Great Array with Unparalleled Value 5000 300 points!”

The Unparalleled Value was used to the bottom in one breath. Du Yuesheng did not feel distressed at all. He was about to face nearly 3000 enemies. If good luck, Unparalleled Value might reach 2.

For 2 30,000 Unparalleled Value, the price of 5000 Unparalleled Value is nothing.

As a result, Du Yuesheng immediately appeared in the hand of Yitian Great Array.

This disk is as dark as ink, flat, and there is no rune depicted on it. It glances over, and there is only a slight space fluctuation on the Great Array.

Gu Yao and 2 Elder were puzzled: “This is the Space Teleportation Array?”

“The two Elders really have unique vision. This array does have the function of Space Teleportation, but it’s not just that!”

After Du Yuesheng finished speaking, he jumped over and moved towards Primal Chaos Great Array.

But 30 minutes, everyone came to the front of Primal Chaos Great Array. Gu Yao and 2 Elder were full of doubts. They didn’t know what Du Yuesheng was doing here at this time.

Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit mumbled in his mouth: “Why are you doing so much? Why don’t you kill them all at once?”

“Even if you hold the Heaven Opening axe on all four legs, it is impossible to kill several thousand cultivators!” Du Yuesheng ruthless hit, and at the same time thoughts move, throwing the Tiantian Great Array array directly into the air.

The array flew into the air, and under the control of Du Yuesheng, it flew directly above the Primal Chaos Great Array.

This wonton Great Array is gray and yellow, as if it is really a Primal Chaos space, it is impossible to see its true content at all.

When the Shift Great Array appears above it, the Shift Great Array is at the speed visible to the naked eye, so it rises in the wind and the array expands rapidly. Less than a few breaths, a huge black array is It is completely covered by the Primal Chaos Great Array.

“This…” 2 Elder and Gu Yao are still a face of doubt and don’t know what Du Yuesheng is going to do, but in their eyes looking towards Du Yuesheng at this moment, the color of reverence is getting stronger and stronger.

Under Du Yuesheng’s gaze, after the Skyshift Great Array completely covered the Primal Chaos Great Array, one after another black brilliance bloomed immediately below. After a short while, the Primal Chaos Great Array was completely covered by the black brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, a stunned scene appeared, only to see the Primal Chaos Great Array under the brilliance of the black, from the extremely solid state, gradually became illusory.

Now when they look at the Primal Chaos Great Array, everyone seems to see the water and moon in the mirror, as if they can be broken.

“This is…breaking the formation?” The ancient monster looked surprised. He had never seen the breaking the formation method of Breaking the formation before, and the shock in his heart could be imagined.

“Breaking the formation, I can do it myself, why bother?” Du Yuesheng smiled and looked towards the front. The brilliance on the Primal Chaos Great Array became weaker and weaker, and the illusory shadow became more and more illusory. Like Mirage, faintly discernible.

“Boss…you have too many methods!” Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit’s mouth opened wide.

After getting the Heaven Opening axe, the Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit can definitely be described as supercilious, but this kid was still fiercely shocked at this brief moment.

“Is this shocked?” Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, looking very calm.

When Primal Chaos Array continued to become illusory, and finally with a clear breeze hitting, directly disappeared on the spot, the eyes of the three ancient demon’s wide-open eyes almost popped out.

Du Yuesheng directly body moved, put away the remaining Primal Chaos shield, and then moved towards the Great Array on the sky and waved.

Suddenly, the Great Array’s dark black array immediately shrank, and after a few breathing times, it became a compass size and flew back to Du Yuesheng’s hands.

“Go, go kill!”

Du Yuesheng looked towards everyone with a smile.

The ancient demon has shocked speechless, but only pointed to the original direction of Primal Chaos Great Array, and then pointed to the Yue Tian Great Array array in Du Yuesheng’s hands, with a puzzled look on his face.

But Du Yuesheng could see what he wanted to express. Why can he kill people after breaking the Primal Chaos Great Array?

Du Yuesheng was just laughed and said: “I didn’t break Primal Chaos Great Array, but collected Primal Chaos Great Array and put it into my own. Now I have a Primal Chaos Great Array that can be launched at any time. Of course you can kill those mobs!”

The ancient demon and 2 Elder have just been able to compare hands and feet, but when they heard this sentence, they were as if was struck by lightning in an instant.

Primal Chaos Great Array is the ancient Heavenly Dao Array. It is hard to crack like heavenly ascension, but… Du Yuesheng not only can crack it easily, but can also take it as his own, and move it away like a mountain?

This… I’m afraid it is a means only available to God!

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