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2 Elder froze on the spot.

What does Du Yuesheng at this time mean?

He quickly turned his head and looked back, and then he was dumbfounded.

I saw that Du Yuesheng had stepped onto the high platform, stood on the highest platform where the bow and arrow were held, and picked up the bow that was not shot!

“This … my God!”

2 Elder almost bit his tongue. How long did it take for Du Yuesheng to break the formation and take the bow?

The big Elder and the ancient monster were also speechless for a while. The last time Du Yuesheng breaking the formation took another quarter of an hour, this time breaking the formation, it takes at most time it takes to drink a cup of tea!

Standing on the high platform, Du Yuesheng still took the surprised expressions of two people in the entire scene. He smiled at the impossible to bear. The last time he broke the Pangu Great Array was very troublesome because he wanted to transform the Array for his own use. This time simply breaking the formation to take the bow is of course much simpler.

After walking down with the non-shooting bow, Du Yuesheng still had some doubts in his mind: “Everyone, why does this non-shooting bow only have a bow and no arrows?”

The ancient demon finally came back to his senses from the shock, he couldn’t help but smile, and then he said, “The reason why this bow is called not shooting is because this bow does not need to shoot arrows. You only need to open the bow and draw the strings. The formidable power is so tyrannical, and it never needs to be supplemented!”

Du Yuesheng hearing this was nodded again and again, and glanced down at this non-shooting bow, and felt the tyrannical aura contained in it, and thought to himself in his mind that impossible to bear.

If Fengye got this bow, coupled with her recognizing Master’s god cauldron, her strength would definitely be a qualitative leap.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng just put away the bow without shooting, looked towards the ancient demon and said: “The ancient demon Elder has decided who we will save next?”

The ancient monster was nodded and said: “Third Elder and 4 Elder were unfortunately killed by the Wangtian League, save 5 Elder!

He should be in the hands of the Wangtian League, and the Wangtian League should now be in the Primal Chaos Great Array. They want the Primal Chaos Shield in the Primal Chaos Great Array! “

“Primal Chaos shield?”

Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit eyes shined: “This thing is also in the Valley of Souls?”

“Do you want?” Du Yuesheng glanced at Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit.

Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit shook his head for a while and said: “I have the Heaven Opening axe. If anyone is upset, I will cut him off and do what I want a shield. But Wang Kaixuan’s fool, stupid, needs a shield to protect it, or else it’s his point. Strength, being caught is the dead end.”

Du Yuesheng was nodded again and again, saying: “It is true. That kid is fine in Cultivation World innate talent, but he seems a little weak in Immortal World. Cultivation progress is too slow, and he really needs a great treasure!”

After the 3 people agreed, they immediately turned around and moved towards the location where Primal Chaos Great Array was located.

At this moment, at the Primal Chaos Great Array, Wang Tianmeng’s cultivator 4 stands in great numbers. A youngster sits on the highest mountain and takes a dozen or more li around the Primal Chaos Array. scene.

But at this moment, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was closing his eyes to rest.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, light flashed in his eyes.

Waiting by his side, a Wangtian League cultivator saw this and quickly asked, “What’s Keqi’s Alliance Leader’s instructions?”

“Du Yuesheng is here!”

Ke Qi murmured, the cold light in his eyes flickered, and he still remembered the Avatar that he was destroyed outside the city of Demon Fairy Race.

“Du Yuesheng?” The side Wangtianmeng cultivator didn’t know Du Yuesheng’s name.

Ko Qi didn’t bother to explain, but just said: “My puppet in Sword Spirit Mountain died, so did the puppet in the Treeheart Clan, and the puppet in Kunlun Faction was seriously injured. I’m afraid things have changed.

If the order is passed down, people will immediately leave here with 5 Elder of Enchantress Race, and by the way inform other forces, it is best to gather at the agreed place immediately! “

“What?” Wangtian League cultivator turn pale with fright: “Now take 5 Elder? But in one day at most, we can break this Primal Chaos Great Array. At this time, take away Race 5 Elder, behind Have to start all over again.

Moreover, the Primal Chaos Great Array can repair itself. If it takes a long time and becomes more and more troublesome, we may never open this Primal Chaos Great Array! “

When Ke Qi saw this person daring to oppose him, he couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes and said, “Why, you don’t listen to the words of this Alliance Leader. Do you want to wait for this Alliance Leader to make you a puppet?”

Hearing these words, the Wangtian League cultivator shuddered suddenly, he shook his head quickly, and then said: “I will do it right away!”

Before Ke Qi was nodded, he stood up, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the spot previously agreed by Great Influence.

Looking back to Du Yuesheng’s side, Primal Chaos Great Array was not too far away from the Great Array. After more than 2 hours, everyone appeared outside Primal Chaos Great Array 50 li.

“There are a lot of people from the Wangtian League, at least over 1000, and there should be their spies before going forward.” Elder the ancient monster stopped and said.

Du Yuesheng nodded said: “Then follow the previous raid on the tree heart clansman, kill the spies in one breath, and then directly rush in and beat them one completely unprepared to rescue people!”

He said that he was looking towards Nine Heavens Xuan Lingtu said: “You can hear how many people are in front of you.”

Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit wrinkled his nose and sucked in the air for a while. After a long time, he frowns returned: “Although there is a smell of people here, there are no people, as if they had all left not long ago!”

“En?” Du Yuesheng didn’t dare to believe too much in the nose of the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit. He quickly asked the system in the heart: “Scan how many people there are from here to the Primal Chaos Great Array!”

“Ding, the system prompts, the detection is complete, no one is within the range specified by the player!”

“What?” Du Yuesheng snorted in his heart, and quickly said: “Expand the search range!”

“Ding, the system prompts, the detection is complete, there is no one around the player within 100 li!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng frowned tightly, and said directly: “I’m afraid the people in Wang Tianmeng already know that we are there, and they also know that we are difficult to deal with, so they all ran away!”

“Run?” The ancient demon Elder raised his brows and his face suddenly became extremely ugly: “Then it will be troublesome. The Alliance Leader of the Wangtian League is very cautious. Since they ran away, it means that we were indeed discovered, and , He will definitely inform the other forces, now I am afraid they have gathered together!”

“How about gathering together? Let’s chop together!” Nine Heavens Xuan Ling Rabbit waved his Heaven Opening axe and said domineeringly.

The corner of mouth twitching of the ancient demon hurriedly waved his hand and said, “No, we have to take a long-term view. There are also dozens of large and small Sect forces, no less than 3000 people, how can we kill them together!”

After thinking about it for a while, Du Yuesheng grinned and said with a smile: “I think Nine Heavens Xuan Lingtu was right. It was just right to gather together, and I took them all in one breath!”

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