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Hearing this, Du Yuesheng immediately burst into laughter.

In front of him, who dares to say absolute strength?

Even if Lord of Immortal World said such a thing, he had a way to beat the opponent into a pig head.

Now, a character from a small family speaks this boast shamelessly in front of him, Du Yuesheng is naturally unable to bear smiling.

When Liu Ze’s grandfather saw this, his old eyes narrowed slightly, coldly snorted and said: “hmph, laugh? See if you can laugh later! Liu Qi, go, get this kid’s head!”


A middle-aged man hearing this immediately volleyed out of the Liu Family cultivator group, without a word, moved towards Du Yuesheng and killed it.

Du Yuesheng stood still and didn’t move. Feng Ye was still a little nervous, because this Liu Qi was an expert of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 5th layer, which should not be underestimated, and she also noticed that Nie Zheng stood in place and simply didn’t make a move.

But when this middle-aged man named Liu Qi flew to a distance of about 10 feet from Du Yuesheng, his eyes suddenly widened, and bloodshot bursts in his pupils, and then aura was cut off instantly, and the whole person seemed to be broken. Like a bird with wings, it drew an arc from the air and slammed it on the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, the Liu Family cultivator present was all taken aback, not knowing what happened.

Only Liu Ze’s grandfather felt that Liu Qi’s aura had disappeared, so she couldn’t help but frowned and looked towards Du Yuesheng.

He just stared at the three Du Yueshengs carefully. Their three people absolutely did not take action, but why did Liu Qi die like this?

Where did he know that Nie Zheng directly gave birth to his murderous aura to the extreme. As soon as Liu Qi approached, he was attacked by his almost matchless in the world killing intent, and Liu Qi’s cultivation base was insufficient, so it’s the blame for not dying. Up.

In other words, even if Nie Zheng shot, at the speed of Nie Zheng’s shot, Liu Ze and his grandfather could not see exactly what happened.

As a legendary assassin, Nie Zheng still has this ability.

“Grandfather, don’t underestimate this Du Yuesheng, he has a lot of means. In the virtual God World, forcibly killed a dozen of grandson’s subordinates in Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace this Venerable!” Liu Ze hurriedly said. .

“Oh?” Hearing this, Liu Ze and his grandfather slowly nodded, and dispelled the idea of ​​sending a more powerful clansman to shoot. He moved towards the previous step and stood up. Sneered said:

“It seems that I still underestimate you, but as long as the old man takes the shot himself, you still have no life…”


Before he finished speaking, Liu Ze saw a sword light flash in his grandfather pupils, and then his consciousness quickly blurred and plunged into darkness.

In the eyes of outsiders, Liu Ze’s grandfather’s voice stopped abruptly, and then the whole person fell from the air like a rock, hitting the ground with a bang, and the dead could no longer die.

“What!” At this time, Liu Family cultivator couldn’t calm down, they lifted the head one after another to look towards Du Yuesheng: “Boy, what weird means did you use, just say it, otherwise I’ll wait to kill you!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

A burst of screaming sounds rang abruptly, one after another sword light Sword Qi arrogantly crisscrossed the crowd. Those Liu Family cultivators did not even have the power to resist half a point, and were constantly beheaded and slaughtered by the sword light.

It was as if an elephant rushed into a group of rabbits, but these Liu Family rabbits didn’t even have a chance to escape, and they were immediately beheaded by Nie Zheng’s sword light.

But after a few short breaths, among the Liu Family cultivator group that was still majestic just now, there was only one Liu Ze who was panicked.

He couldn’t think of meeting Du Yuesheng here, and he didn’t even think that there was such a tyrannical assistant beside Du Yuesheng!

He brought almost 1/3 of the Liu Family’s power this time, and he was killed by others in just a few breaths.

For a while, his fear of Nie Zheng almost surpassed Xian Ji.

At this time, Du Yuesheng looked towards Liu Ze with a smile, and said lightly: “Do you want to marry Fengye?”

Panicked, Liu Ze shook his head again and again: “no no no…I haven’t thought about it that way. I made it very clear in God World, Fengye is yours…”

“That means you dare to abandon the Heavenly Emperor?” Du Yuesheng asked rhetorically.

Liu Ze was stunned, and shook his head again and again, wanting to say that he didn’t dare, but after thinking about it carefully, wouldn’t it be contrary to what he said earlier? Only then did he know that Du Yuesheng was simply playing with him.

But Liu Ze still didn’t dare to get angry. He knelt directly on the void and kept moving towards Du Yuesheng, begging for mercy: “Don’t kill me, Du Yuesheng, Sir, if you don’t remember the villain, just go around me!”

This is not the first time that Liu Ze begs for mercy. This shows how afraid of death this child is.

However, Du Yuesheng also understood the truth that wildfires could not burn Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More, so he smiled, turned his head and looked towards Fengye and said: “Where are the others in Liu Family?” “

“Fengqizhou’s largest city-Fengqicheng!” Fengye said lightly.

Nie Zheng glanced at Liu Ze. In an instant, Liu Ze seemed to have seen something terrifying. His pupils dilated in an instant, then the 7 orifices bleed, and Aura broke off, fell from the air and turned into a dead body. One!

At this moment, in Fengye City, Feng Family clansman watched all this, his mouth opened wide enough to squeeze a fist.

They had never seen such a tyrannical cultivator of Nie Zheng. In their eyes, it was already a Liu Family cultivator of aloof and remote. It was killed like clay chickens and pottery dogs, which was beyond their knowledge.

After the Liu Family cultivator was completely wiped out, Feng Family clansman was also excited about Unable to bear.

At this moment, they no longer resent Du Yuesheng for causing them trouble, and they no longer dare to say three things about Fengye’s choice of Du Yuesheng, and only hope that Du Yuesheng and Fengye can come back.

This kind of expert must have a lot of benefits, as long as he is willing, he can increase the strength of Fengye City countless times with any shot!

Even if it doesn’t benefit them, their Feng Family can get a lot of benefits through the name of Fengye and Du Yuesheng, replacing Liu Family and becoming the strongest family in Fengqizhou is just around the corner!

Feng Ye’s uncle turned directly to the cultivator instructed behind him: “Third Brother, you go and prepare for the banquet of Feng Ye and the future uncle!”

“Yes!” Fengye’s 3 uncle turned back beamingly.

“Brother, you will come with me to meet Feng Ye and Du Yuesheng later. We were rude to them just now, and now absolutely can’t be rude to them! You don’t have to worry that Feng Ye will not come back. She belongs to my Feng Family. My child, naturally it is towards our Feng Family!”

“Big brother is smart!” Fengye’s 4th brother also said beamingly.

But when the Feng Family members were all dreaming of unifying Fengqizhou, Fengye’s voice suddenly rang over Fengye City:

“From now on, I, Fengye, will stand alone in Heaven and Earth and have nothing to do with you anymore!”

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