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Hearing this, Du Yuesheng smiled now, thoughts move, and shouted directly in the heart: “system, use a character lottery card!”

At present, Du Yuesheng has 2 character lottery cards left, and there is also an Unparalleled Value mall as a trump card, so use one that can’t be considered!

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for getting a Summon Card for the character “Nie Zheng”!”

Nie Zheng?

Du Yuesheng was immediately dumbfounded when he heard this name. Nie Zheng is a famous assassin in ancient Chinese history, and he still exists. Didn’t expect to be able to summon out himself!

He quickly asked the system to open the information bar to leave and check:

Name: Nie Zheng

From: China historical figures

Level: unknown

Introduction: The first of the 4 great assassins in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, young chivalrous, bravely crowned 1000 army, ten thousand man but without a match brave, 10000 people beyond the wisdom, with one man one sword single assassination of the king of Han, from the front gate Enter, kill countless guards all the way, and swear to never stop until the goal is reached!

Description: This character can last 3 hours, please use it carefully!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng’s eyes suddenly brightened. This is a super tyrannical figure. In the era of ancient China, he could assassinate the king of a country by the strength of oneself, which shows that its military force value is not generally high!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng unable to bear grinned and shouted in the heart without hesitation: “system, use Nie Zheng Summon Card!”

In a flash, a gleam between Heaven and Earth fell directly, and Nie Zheng, dressed in spring and autumn costumes, with swords hanging from his waist, full of face, and handsome and handsome, appeared in front of Du Yuesheng.

“Who is this…” Feng Ye’s uncle saw that Nie Zheng appeared suddenly, and he was shocked for a moment, his eyes fell on Nie Zheng, but how can he see Nie Zheng through his cultivation base.

After Nie Zheng appeared, he did not look at the others for half a second, and said directly to Du Yuesheng: “Have seen Heavenly Emperor, I don’t know why Heavenly Emperor called me to come? Who is going to kill?”

Nie Zheng knew very well that he was an assassin. The only purpose of being alive was to kill people, so he directly asked Du Yuesheng who he was going to kill.

Du Yuesheng grinned and said, “No hurry, let’s go together!”

Nie Zheng’s summon time is 3 hours long, so you can take it slowly, unlike other summon characters that must be used immediately or they will disappear.

Nie Zheng was nodded immediately, and obeyed Du Yuesheng’s words.

Feng Ye’s uncle saw that he was unable to bear and raised his eyebrows. Both Nie Zheng and Du Yuesheng ignored his question. He couldn’t help but coldly snorted and opened the mouth and said: “Boy, you didn’t hear me…”

call out!

There was an extremely sharp and piercing sound, and the sword light flashed among everyone, and then the bun on the top of Uncle Feng Ye’s head suddenly fell, and the black hair was scattered on his shoulders.

And Fengye’s uncle stood in place and was stunned.

Not only Uncle Feng Ye, apart from Du Yuesheng, I am afraid that only Feng Ye is calm, and the rest of the people have been stunned.

They didn’t see anyone moving at all, and the strongest uncle Fengye among them was cut off his hair with a sword.

As everyone looked for the hand of the shooter in a panic, Nie Zheng’s voice slowly rang: “The Lord humiliates the officials, and if Sire has another half-line disrespectful words to the Heavenly Emperor, I will kill your whole clan and wash Heavenly. The shame of the Emperor!”

“What… it was you who just shot?” In a flash, everyone’s eyes focused on Nie Zheng, wanting to see if Nie Zheng lied.

But if you think about it carefully, if there are really other experts nearby, it would be meaningless for Nie Zheng to lie like this.

For a while, Feng Ye’s uncle looked shocked, and he no longer dared to say a word of disrespect to Du Yuesheng.

Just now he wanted to catch Du Yuesheng as a petition, and now he only dares to stand back and stand motionless.

Du Yuesheng looked towards Feng Ye with a slight smile, and said, “Let’s go out and see Liu Ze. I thought he would return to the family to take a good rest after his vitality was lost. He didn’t expect that he likes to run around. Then he will not have to go back.”

Du Yuesheng said it easily, but the killing intent contained in the tone can be felt by everyone.

Feng Ye was nodded, and the three of them immediately jumped into the void and walked directly to the outside of Feng Ye City.

At the moment, outside of Fengye City, aura’s languishing Liu Ze’s face was full of anger, and his undulating chest proved how strong his anger was at the moment.

Beside Liu Ze, there is an old man with gray hair standing in the void, looking at Liu Ze with a smile and saying, “Ozawa, don’t get angry anymore. After we kill the Feng Family, we will help you. You’re so angry, you have to go home and cultivation!”

Liu Ze snorted and said: “Of course, but 2 grandfather, you must help me kill these Feng Family people, let them not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death, otherwise they can’t kill grandson. Aura!”

“Don’t worry.” The Huafu old man said with a smile: “Your grandfather has already greeted me. I will definitely let you finish your breath, and the family will send someone to Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace to find Fengye. Now, when the time comes brings her back, you won’t be disappointed!”

Hearing this, Liu Ze nodded with satisfaction and said: “It’s still 2 grandfather that is good to me.”

The Huafu old man was nodded for a while, and said earnestly: “2 grandfather is good to you because your innate talent is very good. It is the future of our Liu Family, understand?”

Liu Ze hearing this heavily nodded: “Of course I understand, I won’t let 2 grandfather and grandfather down…”

“The future of Liu Family is actually on you, no wonder Liu Family will be destroyed by me today.” At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded.

And as the voice came out, the three of Du Yuesheng were also feet Void Treading step by step into the air, standing over the wind leaf city and facing the Liu Family’s cultivator!

Liu Ze’s complexion was stagnant, and his face suddenly turned red after he had just recovered, and the violent fluctuation of his chest was 30% more than before: “Du Yuesheng…you dare to come out of Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace by yourself? That fairy lonely What?”

Du Yuesheng disdainful smile said lightly: “If you want to call out Xianji, you will not be so concerned about this Heavenly Emperor.”

The shadowy rays of light flashed in Liu Ze’s eyes: “Very well, since you are alone…oh no, since you still sent Fengye back to me, I will plead with 2 grandfather, not to kill you, but Let you not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death!”

After Liu Ze finished speaking, standing on his side 2 grandfather also slowly spoke:

“You are the Du Yuesheng who harmed my grandson? Hehe, it’s just a 4-fold cultivation base for the Great Encompassing Golden Immortal. It seems that you still have some means.

But unfortunately, in front of the old man, any of your methods are just a waste of effort. In the face of absolute strength, all crafty plots and machinations are small child things! “

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