The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred and ninety-four. Big storm (on), floating astronomy

The Grand Duke of Berstoka, Gregory, has a feeling of a dead end.

The Armenian oil field proved to be a scam, and his son Ilya, who is responsible for all his property in the United States, completely lost contact. Exaggerated, there are few rubles in the pocket of Gregorian.

The successive betrayal of MiGroskey, Jinwok and others also made Gregory’s heart smashed, and he can’t really think of anyone else around him who is trustworthy.

Of course, there are two people except.

One is his wife, Sorkina, and the other is his little daughter, Ronanova.

Solkina has succumbed to her own yinwei for many years, and she has never dared to have any resistance. Even if she lends her a few courage, she will never betray herself. As for the little daughter Ronanova, it is a very kind woman. . . . . .

Gregory felt that he had to be prepared, or that he had to prepare some way for himself. . . . . .

He summoned his wife, Sorkina, and then said with a sly look: “My dear wife, I am sorry, I have been too harsh for you over the years. If you have any grievances, even though you can In front of me, I will never be angry. I really want to make up for my sorry for these years…”

“Grand Duke, why do you want to say this, is it that I have done something wrong?” Solkina was panicked.

Her attitude made Gregory feel very satisfied. In any case, she was extremely afraid of her. . . . . . Fear can make people dare not resist, fear can make people obey, fear will make the other party never betray themselves. . . . . .

However, Gregory decided to try again: “Sorkina, the situation in Russia is very bad now, and there will be enemies in Moscow anytime and anywhere. Therefore, I want to send you abroad, which is far safer than here. ….. ah, you probably know that I have some problems. To be honest, I don’t have any money. Except for one, I have never used it, even the secret funds that my son doesn’t know.. ….”

Said, he took out a black suitcase, this suitcase Sorkina has never seen.

Gregory opened the suitcase, and there was a tied dollar. He pushed the suitcase to Sorkina: “This is 300,000 dollars. It will be the compensation I have given you over the years. Take it out with it.”

“No, I can’t.” Sorkina said in a frightened voice: “No matter how you treat me, you need money more than us. Please take it back.”

Gregory was satisfied with the extreme. If Sorgina dares to accept the money, then she is already a dead person. . . . . .

“Sorkina, I am very grateful for your loyalty.” Gregory closed the suitcase: “In this case, take it to the suburbs of Moscow and I will give you a designated place. You must not leave this skin for a moment. Box, in case of any changes in Moscow, I will try to join you and then take the money to leave Russia, the damn place…”

Solkina nodded silently. . . . . . She knew that Gregory was not afraid to run away because there were two female bodyguards on their side who were always monitoring themselves. . . . . .

This is the first life-saving money of Gregory. He gave it to Sorkina who feared himself as a tiger. Then he should arrange his second life-saving fund.

And this money will be handed over to Ronanova.

Ronova is such a person, no matter what kind of grievances she has suffered, she can bear it, especially for her family. For so many years, no matter how he treats this daughter, Ronova has been silently enduring, and has never issued any complaints.

In a way, he trusted Ronanova even more than trusting his son Ilya. . . . . .

The same is still 300,000 US dollars, also placed in a black suitcase, this time Gregory did not conduct any temptation, but directly let Ronova pay, and left Moscow overnight, hiding himself to prepare In a good safe house, don’t bid farewell to her husband and children.

Ronova did not ask any questions, just like Sorgina, obedience seems to be their nature. . . . . .

Just before leaving, Ronanova finally asked: “Father, don’t you leave with me?”

“No, my dear daughter, I still have some things to do in Moscow.” Gregory shook his head. “The people who betrayed me have not been punished. I have not lost all of them. Not at the last moment, I am I will never give up. Those traitors and unscrupulous people are trying to make me fall, I will never let them be satisfied. I have the army, and the police, I will let the land of Moscow be dyed red by blood….. .”

Ronanova sighed softly, and she wanted to tell her father that it was all caused by himself. He had become a traitor before he hated the traitor. The real punishment is just beginning.

My father hasn’t known what a terrible opponent he is facing until now. . . . . .

She didn’t dare to say anything more, because the baron was watching it all silently in the dark. . . . . .

The two life-saving money were settled, which made Gregory relax a little. In addition to the $600,000, he couldn’t get a ruble anymore. . . . . .

Of course, now he can safely deal with those damn traitors! .

Anyone who betrays himself must accept the most severe punishment, and Gregory vows that he will never let those traitors feel at ease!

Under his instigation, all the troops and police in Moscow were armed and ready to be put into repression at any time and place. And not only that, the most elite Russian armored 8th Panzer Corps was also urgently transferred to Moscow.

This unit, commanded by Admiral Tangeronoff, is the most elite of all Russia and a force that has been most devoted to Gregory. Gregory is not willing to use this armor unless it is a last resort.

Now, this situation has finally arrived. . . . . .

Admiral Tangeronoff adhered to the consistent loyalty to the Grand Duke. When he entered Moscow, he did not hesitate to tell the Grand Duke that he and all the officers and men of the 8th Panzer Corps would swear allegiance to the Grand Duke and suppress any possibility. The rebellion that occurred.

Gregory felt a sense of security again. Those who have lost, as long as they are still in the position of the Grand Duke, can definitely get it back again. . . . . . As for the Germans and Ukrainian rebels who are advancing to Moscow, they can always solve the problem. It is a great deal of astronomical war reparations. . . . . .

Anyway, the money was eventually transferred to the Russian people.

He decided to start, desperate. The first goal is obviously to expose all of his “Moscow Herald”.

Gregory has decided to make a desperate attempt. He no longer considers the warnings of Americans. He no longer thinks about the condemnation of the international community. He must show his strength in front of everyone and tell everyone, Moscow – or himself. Moscow!

And this task was handed over to his son-in-law, Khimeletzski, and in order to make Khimeletzski loyal to himself, he also promised that as long as he can complete his task, then the foreign minister or other position, he can Pick it up at will.

Khimeletzski vowed that he would protect Moscow with life and loyalty and protect the Grand Duke. “Moscow Herald” and their editor-in-chief Podolf will certainly be punished by justice.

The task of monitoring Fristoa was given to Milosevic. Once anything happens, the great influence of Fristoa will be a good hostage. . . . . .

He is crazy, he has decided to ignore everything, even if it will cause terrible things. . . . . .

“As for Miguelsky who betrayed me…” Gregory’s gaze fell on the body of the guard of the Grand Duke’s Guard, Similov, who was appointed by him: “Send your people, go to the rice.” Groschi’s family all grabbed, listen, I need all the people.”

“Yes, Lord Duke, I will do it immediately.” Similov immediately responded.

“To make Moscow a grave!” Gregory snorted: “Let the traitors know that they are betraying me. From now on, without my order, no one is allowed to leave here. All people Armed, ready to invest in the battle to defend Moscow… Gentlemen, we will never let Moscow fall to the hands of the Germans or the Ukrainian rebels… action! ”

As the guard of the Grand Duke Guard, Similov’s status is not high, but it is the most easy to see the Grand Duke. Over the years, the Grand Duke has also given him a lot of benefits, and because of this The Grand Duke was convinced that this person would be able to accomplish any task that he had given him.

However, he probably did not think that Similov did not bring any soldier into the club of Mr. Migroski, but went alone alone.

The person he wants to meet is “Mr. Peter Goff.” In the face of “Mr. Peter Goff”, he carefully repeated the tasks assigned by the Grand Duke.

“You are doing very well, Mr. Simillov.” Wang Weizhen smiled and gave him praise: “You know how to choose, you know who to loyalty to. Go back and tell Gregory, say Miguelsky. The family is all running, you are actively pursuing. Also, no matter what happens in Moscow, you have to stay with Gregory, not allowed to leave, I must first know where he goes. …..”

“Yes, Mr. Peter Goff.” Similov’s heart was a long sigh of relief, which meant that Mr. Peter Goff had already regarded himself as his cronies.

The day of Russia is about to change. At this time, it is no longer necessary to hang on the tree of the Grand Duke of Berstoka. . . . . .

“Is it, Alice.” Wang Weizhen said to Alice after seeing Similov leave: “There are many people in the world who can be bought, especially those who seem to be loyal, they don’t have The concept of morality does not have the bottom line of being a human being. In their hearts, interests are always in the first place. As long as you have enough money, you can let them choose to sell for you…”

Alice raised her head: “Are they all bad guys?”

“Yes, they are all bad guys.”

Alice seemed to understand and nodded. “But is it a good person? Mom always said that this good person in the world will always be more than a bad person. What do you say?”

“Yeah, in my time, good people are more than bad people.” Wang Weizhen looked at her lovingly: “But now it has changed, and the interests are the first. Morality and the bottom line are the most vain things. However, we must stick to the bottom line of being a human being. We will not do the same bad people as they do, but we must understand how to deal with the bad guys… you will grow up one day, you will one day Face those people of all kinds…”

Alice listened carefully and carefully remembered that although she could not fully understand the meaning of these words, she believed that she would understand when she grew up.

Tatyana has been listening all the time. At this time she finally couldn’t help but ask: “Do you really think that telling her in Alice’s young age?”

“I don’t know how to be a competent father…” Wang Weizhen said frankly: “I don’t know how to teach a child, but the only thing I can do is tell her all that I know.” Her future path is long and long, and I must let him know the most ugly side of the world.”

He never allowed Alice to take any harm on the path of growing up, so he wouldn’t regret telling Alice what ugly things. . . . . .

. . . . . .

One after another, betrayed him without the knowledge of the Grand Duke of Berstoka, and he simply did not know what was going on around him. But at least he saw it, and Moscow is becoming a grave.

But who is buried in this grave?

A large number of police and military personnel appeared on the streets of Moscow, especially even the Tank. The command styles received by Khimeletzski, Djoshenko, and General Tangeronoff, once there is any uncontrollable thing, then they are resolutely suppressed without hesitation.

But the people of Moscow did not fear at all. They were still gathered together, shouting slogans against the Grand Duke and the government. . . . . .

No one can stop them from changing their determination!

In those marching crowds, the secret police even found the editor-in-chief of the Moscow Pioneer, the Mr. Bordedorf who was named by the Grand Duke.

“Major, I saw Bordeaux…” A secret policeman pointed to the front of the crowd: “Do you want to arrest him immediately?”

“Are you crazy?” The major glanced at his men: “Catch the Bordorfer? Several of us will soon be overwhelmed by angry people. Damn, I don’t want to take such a risk.”

The secret police grabbed his head: “But the Grand Duke has given orders…”

“My child, wake up, you have to be lucky to meet me.” The major sneered: “Do you think the Grand Duke can still sit in that position safely? No, if I guess, the Grand Duke Soon he will step down. Even his loyal subordinates MiGroskey and Kim Walker have run away, let alone our little people? I can tell you one thing, Director Khimeletzski has given orders, without his personal instructions. No one is allowed to act rashly…”

“What do we do now? Are you staying here?”

“Why not? What a beautiful weather…” The major glanced at the sky: “Or, the storm will soon cover Moscow, and Moscow will soon be changing.”

No one is willing to work for the Grand Duke of Berstoka, no one.

This once great prince is now experiencing the most terrible scene in life. . . . . .

At this time in the club of Magelsky, all the people who swore allegiance to “Mr. Peter Goff” have gathered together.

Some of them are willing to work for “Peter Goff” – Baron Alexson, some people are forced, but no matter what kind of mentality, at least they now see one thing: Gregory has been unable to return to heaven!

It is also a good choice to change a master. . . . . .

“Is it all the same?” Wang Weizhen looked at these people coldly and asked coldly.

“Yes, they are all ready.” Khimeletzski replied with respect and respect: “Gregory lost everything about him. What he is doing now is dying there. I think we can do it.”

“What about Admiral Tangeronoff of the 8th Panzer Corps?” Wang Weizhen asked.

“Lord Baron, he may have been loyal to Gregory before, but now the situation has completely changed. He knows what he should do, and how to choose when there is a sudden change. I can guarantee this.”

Wang Weizhen smiled: “Yeah, you are all smart people. You all know how to keep yourself when danger comes. So what are we waiting for now? The storm is about to wash the whole Moscow!”

The storm is about to wash the whole of Moscow – when Baron Alexson says this, the final ending is about to begin!

Everyone will inevitably be involved in this big storm, intentionally or unintentionally! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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