The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred and ninety-three. Tsar, floating astronomy

This is something that everyone feels incredible.

As the spokesperson of the Grand Duke of Berstoka, Jin Walker applied for political asylum during the press conference! This is tantamount to an explosive news.

This is also a very heavy blow to the upper-level people of the Russian government, which makes them suddenly fall into the hearts of the people.

Obviously, as the confidant of the Grand Duke of Berstoka, no one thought that King Walker would choose to betray on such an important occasion.

This happened, which made everyone have to think about their future.

The location of the Grand Duke is already in jeopardy. Is it going to follow him to the black, or is he planning for himself in advance like Jin Walker?

This is actually a very difficult choice…

Even this has been alarmed to the Russian tsar Boris Dramivuf Romanov.

The tsar, who has been a shackle for many years, is actually unwilling to take care of too many things. In his view, the facts of those troublesome countries are making them hate. In your own palace, peace of mind should be a good choice, it should be a good choice.

However, more and more winds have been passed to his ears recently, and the tsar has to pay attention to it.

Otherwise, there will always be a lot of rumors…

“Your Majesty, do not have to worry about these things, it is a blow to the minister.” In front of His Majesty the Tsar, Gregory swears: “The loyalty to this country, all people are because of jealousy … as for cutting Colonel Narnakboqi and Kim Walker, both Russian traitors, who committed treason and will surely bring them to justice.”

“Lord Duke, you should know that I am not willing to worry about these things…” Tsar Boris said lazily: “But recently people have said in front of me all kinds of faults, which makes I am annoying, I hope that you can handle these problems as early as possible… Ah, I still trust you. But I hope you will not let me down on my trust…”

“Yes, Your Majesty, then I will leave.” Gregory looked very humble and went out.

He swears that he must pull out the teeth of those who chew their tongues…

At the moment, Gregory left his palace, and Boris immediately changed his face: “Ah, please ask Mr. Peter Goff and tell him. The Grand Duke has already left.”

“Mr. Peter Goff” – Wang Weizhen reappeared in front of the tsar.

“Oh, these people always bother me, even the Grand Duke is no exception.” Seeing “Mr. Peter Goff”, Boris immediately smiled at his face: “Mr. Peter Goff, let us continue just now. Let’s talk about it.”

Wang Weizhen also smiled there: “Yes, Your Majesty. We will buy a spacious and luxurious villa for you on the island of Hawaii. All the servants and all the facilities are provided by us. As long as you can, feel free to do so. You can spend a pleasant holiday there…”

“Ah, I am so yearning…” Boris did not hide anything at all: “Thank you for providing me with this, but you know that travel is a very troublesome thing and costs a lot of money. And Russia The funds are not rich. I heard that our soldiers on the front line are almost out of food. I can’t waste money for my own enjoyment…”

Wang Weizhen smiled again: “Are you insulting me, your majesty? If you can go, it is our greatest honour, all the expenses are entirely borne by us. Ah, when it comes to this, I have a hundred here. A million-dollar check. You can cash it at any time, I hope you can accept my little gift…”

Boris opened his eyes and smiled. Although he is a tsar, the government’s annual allocation to the royal family is very limited. He does not have any other financial resources, which makes his life far less affluent than others think.

For a million dollars, Boris has never seen such a huge check so much.

His greedy expression fell completely into the eyes of Wang Weizhen, if it was possible to get real power. The tsar is actually no different from Gregory.

To see the Tsar is not a particularly difficult thing, even very relaxed, Gregory simply did not take the Tsar too.

“If you still need anything, you can ask my assistant in Moscow, Mr. Capone to help…” Wang Weizhen gradually turned the words to the topic: “You just mentioned. The Russian soldiers on the front line are almost ready to eat. I can confirm this because I have just returned from the front line. The Russian soldiers there are lack of food and clothing. The fighting power is very worrying. Will our enemies hit Moscow, whether Moscow can hold it, I said that it is serious. Suspicion…”

Boris was frightened, and he couldn’t imagine what would happen if this terrible thing happened.

“Don’t it be true?” Boris asked palely: “I thought it was those who deliberately exaggerated. Our weapons? Americans help us with military funds? Why not use them immediately? I have to leave the Grand Duke to summon the question.”

“No need.” Wang Weizhen shook his head. “Because the Grand Duke won’t tell you anything. In fact, all of Russia knows it, only you. The Grand Duke always wants you to think that the Russian army is invincible. If you want the enemy to appear in front of you, he will give up his lies.”

The meat on Boris’s face leaped a few times: “Mr. Peter Goff, can you talk to me if you like?”

“Of course I am willing to serve you, kneel down.” Wang Weizhen faintly responded.

He carefully and carefully told Boris that the things that happened in Russia were originally… As he said, Boris’s face gradually became difficult to look…

He was not worried about the status quo in Moscow, but he was angry that Gregory had actually embezzled such a huge sum of money, but he let himself live a life of stretched life.

Although he is very clear that he is a beggar, but he is still a nominal tsar, how can Gregory do this?

This damn big duke… this cursed guy… If he can give the money of corruption to himself, even if he is one tenth, he will live a very luxurious life…

“All the precious artifacts and artworks left by the tsars of the past have all lost him?” Boris felt that he had to make sure.

Wang Weizhen nodded solemnly: “Yes, now the whole world knows.”

“That’s my responsibility too…” Boris wiped his eyes in a pretentious manner: “I am against my ancestors, I have not been able to preserve the legacy of my ancestors.”

Wang Weizhen sneered a little, but the face still respectfully said: “There is nothing to do with you. Your Majesty, if you have to be held accountable, this responsibility will be entirely borne by the Grand Duke alone.”

The murder was as early as Boris’s heart, and the only thing that made him helpless was that he had no army and power in his hands…

The change in his expression on the face cannot be concealed by Wang Weizhen: “Your Majesty, please allow me to say disrespectful words. Russia is the tsarist Russia. Russia is your Russia. It is definitely not a kind of Gregory. People come to control everything. Your situation is not as good as an ordinary official in a sense.”

This sentence poked the pain of Boris. He licked his lips and said nothing, he would not say more…

Wang Weizhen said coldly: “Your Majesty, in fact, this time I came to be entrusted by the commander of the Moscow defending prince Djoshenko, the Marquis of Anderak, Milosevic, and the Marquis of Perez. They all hope that the true strength of Russia can be fully in your hands. They are ready to be loyal to you…”

The ecstasy flashed over Boris’s face, but he immediately became confused: “The Marquis of Andrék, Milosevic, the Marquis of Perez, Khimeletzski? Are they not the son-in-law of the Grand Duke? ?”

“Yes, they are the sons of the Grand Duke, but they are even more of your courtiers…” Wang Weizhen has a well-thought-out: “I think you have heard about some rumors about how the Grand Duke treats his family? In such a situation, they can’t be without complaints, so they also want to get your trust in some special way. Not the Grand Duke.”

Boris understood completely… These people saw Gregory’s upcoming situation, so they decided to find a new backing… What more trouble than the Tsar?

At this moment, Boris was a little fluttering, and he seemed to have seen countless people stumbling in front of themselves to swear allegiance.

What a wonderful moment…

“Tell me, what should I do?” Boris decided to make a desperate attempt at this time, and to succeed he must rely on “Mr. Peter Goff.”

You know, it’s Boris’s unwillingness to let Gregory take so much money out of his pocket. He had no choice before. But now he has seen hope.

And this hope comes from “Mr. Peter Goff”…

Wang Weizhen slowly said all of his plans…

Boris listened to the blue and white, he had to admit that if you really want to do it, it is too risky…

“This is your best and only chance.” Wang Weizhen knows when to cheer on the fire: “Gregory has been rebellious, no one will choose to stand on his side, and in such a case. Need someone With a vibrating arm, who else is more suitable than you?”

Boris kept continually nodding his head. He said after a long silence: “If this is the case, let us do a big job. But in the palace. There are Gregory’s eye lines everywhere, I am afraid very much. Hard to have a chance.”

“So I need another check at this time.” Wang Weizhen smiled and took out the second check: “This is another one million dollars, squat, I think you should know how to use it. The reason why Gregory is Being able to let them sell their lives is nothing more than money, but now you have more power than him…”

The name of this power is called “money.”

Boris no longer has any hesitation. He received two checks: “Mr. Peter Goff, if successful, you will become the new Grand Duke of Russia. I will assure you in the name of a tsar.”

Wang Weizhen smiled coldly. is it? The new Grand Duke? Did Boris still think that Russia will continue to have the second largest Duke of Stolka?

Germany has already suffered a loss in Russia. If you fall to the second place on the old road, then this person is undoubtedly a stupid person…


At this time, the Grand Duke of Berstoka did not know that a conspiracy was happening quietly around him. At this time, he has become a mess.

The Armenian oil field was confirmed to be a scam, which caused Gregory to suffer huge losses. A number of Russian cities dominated by Moscow are continuing to demonstrate demonstrations and protests against the government’s arrogance and incompetence. No one knows better than Gregory about what the Armenian oil field means for himself and for Russia as a whole.

Now, this scam completely and completely puts Gregory into chaos… The government has never got a ruble money anymore…

Those demonstrators. Shouting slogans such as “returning our hard-earned money”, “letting our loved ones go home” and so on, and they firmly demanded that the Grand Duke of Berstoka step down and accept the investigation of the Special Committee.

Even the army began to become confused. The officers and men knew that the salary they should have received long ago, but they were put into a false scam by the Grand Duke. Their angry feelings are completely understandable.

even. Mutiny can happen anywhere, anytime…

In addition to these, even more so that Gregory is anxious, his own son Ilya has completely lost contact.

God, Gregory knows exactly what it means to be terrible.

All of my own family is in the hands of Ilya… If Ilya really has any problems, then she will become a nameless…

Gregory is absolutely reluctant to do such a terrible thing. He is constantly trying to restore contact with his son, but Ilya seems to have disappeared from this earth…

The Grand Duke could not imagine. The huge wealth that has accumulated so many years of hard work will be lost in this way…

But at least at this time, his heart still has a strange fantasy…

“The situation in Moscow is quite bad.” After the death of Lilipolski, the words of Milosevic, who finally became the security minister, sprinkled a handful of salt on the wound of Gregory: “Yesterday, one company There have been more than a dozen parades, and everyone is shouting slogans that are enough to put them in several prisons.”

“Why don’t you grab them all?” Gregory snarled in anger.

“The policeman’s manpower is seriously inadequate…” Khimeletzski said: “We have already dispatched all the staff, and now we are almost closed in prison.”

“What about the army? Why not send the army?” Gregory simply did not want to hear any explanation: “To deal with those despicable guys, you must use blood to make them honest!”

The defending commander of Moscow, Djoshenko, said carefully: “If you use the military to suppress it, I am afraid it will cause severe criticism from the international community…”

“I will not take care of the condemnation of the international community now!” Gregory is like a gambler who is red-eyed: “Americans are preparing to abandon us. Do we still want us to follow behind them? Resolute repression! Ah, what do the Germans need? I can give them whatever they need, but they must tell them that I need their help now!”

“There is a bad news…” Andreas hesitated: “It was this morning. The German team and the Ukrainian rebels re-launched the offensive. Because we are unprepared, Kursk has already It fell into their hands. Now, the Deu coalition is approaching Moscow.”

Gregory swayed. Almost fell to the ground.

The Deu coalition re-launched the attack and also captured Kursk? Damn, the Germans lied to themselves!

He felt that he was betrayed, but he never thought about it. It was he who first betrayed Germany and suffered such a terrible result…

Gregory took a deep breath: “Can we defend Moscow?”

“It’s hard to say.” In this regard, Djoshenko still has some say: “The defense force in Moscow is not very strong, we lack soldiers, lack the necessary weapons, and the enthusiasm of the soldiers in my opinion is in my opinion. It is not particularly strong.”

Gregory suddenly had the feeling of a dead end…

Why is this happening? Why is this happening? No one can give him an answer.

The style of the Grand Duke has completely disappeared from Gregory. He asked almost pleadingly: “Dr. Djoshenko, I need you to tell me clearly, once the enemy appears, can you cover me safely?” ”

“Ah, I think I can do it.” Dujoshenko’s answer is very positive: “Even if I want to give my life for this.”

At this moment, Gregory felt that Dujoshenko was the most terrible person!

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