The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 954. “The Day of Judgment of Destiny”, Astronomical

Corret and his 2 armored cavalry division were mercilessly betrayed by the Italians.

Corret had almost no anger when he received a telegram from Takivot’s own Akmote armored division that was unable to move because of the “attack” of the Germans.

That’s it, just like this, anyway, the Italians are not the first to make such an incredible thing.

Why are you angry? Is it necessary to be angry? Instead of igniting the Italians, it is better to think about how to get rid of the predicament.

At this point, Corret is still quite calm.

At this time of the battlefield, the Germans have gradually taken the initiative, and the positions defended by the Allies have been attacked by the Germans to varying degrees.

The entire Allied Forces have been completely transferred from the previous offensive to the defensive.

More seriously, after the start of the second Berlin offensive and defensive war, in the orders of the heads of Baron Alexson and Adolf, Berlin’s almost all occupied areas broke out from large-scale armed forces.

Westmoreland was forced to fight fire everywhere, and a large number of troops were sent to these cities. Before the arrival of new reinforcements in the country, he was temporarily unable to send more troops to the front line.

Not only is there an 2 armored division, but all the Allied forces that are being attacked by the Germans are like this. They have to fight alone on their own for a long time.

This is a very serious situation, but it is also quite helpless. . . . . .

It is impossible to solve it by relying on Corret. . . . . .

The German offensive wave was higher than the waves, and the calls for help from various positions continued to reach Corret’s headquarters, but what good way can he have? . . . . .

The only command he can give is to order the ministries to hold their positions firmly and get the reinforcements to arrive.

In such a passive situation, Corret had to let go of the dignity of being a US military officer, asking the Italians who had been so timid before asking for help, and asking them to move closer to themselves.

This time he used the request, not the form of the order. . . . . .

However, he once again got the news that he was angry: General Taziwonna told the Americans that the pressure they faced was also very large. The German attack was too fierce, and he had no way to move closer to the US military.

The intelligence of the aerial reconnaissance tells Corret that only a small group of Italian troops operating near the armored division of Akmoot in Italy will not pose any threat to the Akmote armored division.

“When the battle is over, I swear I will kill him…” Corret gnashed his teeth. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen put down the telescope in his hand. Although the attack was smooth, he could not fully satisfy himself: “The command, the unit directed by Guo Yenfeng immediately approached me and joined the attack on the 2 armored cavalry division. in.”

He must end the war in the shortest possible time, otherwise there will be no way to know what will happen with the delay of the battle.

Wang Weizhen thought for a moment: “Command, Grand Deucthland group quickly launched an attack on the US 7 Infantry Regiment, ‘Telphi Tank Group, to help join the attack. Defeat the enemy little by little!”

Ernst . Once the order of Marshal Breem was released, the Grand Deucthland group quickly got out of the frontal battlefield. This made their opponents quite puzzled, but they absolutely did not have the guts to leave the position to pursue.

Similarly, the “Telphitan Tank Group” quickly approached the US 7 Infantry Regiment.

Some armed helicopters appeared in the sky, which was the air force that Germany helped the infantry to fight.

The missiles on the helicopter whistled and rushed to the positions of the Americans, and soon the earth was caught in the fire and smoke.

Then, the screaming German soldiers, under the cover of the Tank and the assault guns, launched an attack on the enemy positions.

The US 7 Infantry Regiment has been working very hard. The armed helicopters responsible for supporting them are also working very hard. But what is frustrating is that the two US military helicopters were quickly shot down.

3. The German helicopter gunship is still raging overhead. . . . . .

It was hard for American soldiers to imagine this happening before. . . . . .

After joining the Grand Deucthland group and the “Telphitan Tank Group”, the US 7 Infantry Regiment, which had a bad situation, became more passive.

The last soldier in his hand was also put into the battlefield by Colonel Nuck, but he found himself unable to stop the German attack.

The soldiers are bleeding and are dying. But he is powerless. This is the most sad thing for a commander.

He can’t remember to call General Corret for reinforcements on the first few times, but every time he gets the same response:

General Corret is working hard to deploy reinforcements. . . . . .

What does it mean to work hard? Colonel Nath would like to ask General Corret. He doesn’t know that every minute of delay, will more soldiers die?

But he is just a small colonel.


After the offensive launched by the Germans, the soldiers who could continue to fight in Colonel Nath had only 500 left, and most of his positions were thrown to the Germans.

Colonel Nath is very clear. When the sun rises tomorrow, he can’t keep going anyway.

The cold wind whimpered, and the surviving American soldiers frustrated and sat on the ground.

What else can I do? Colonel Turner sighed desperately. . . . . .

“Colonel, can we surrender?” A lieutenant asked carefully when he saw the colonel again.

“Maybe, maybe we really should consider surrendering.” Colonel Turner smiled bitterly.

Before, he always thought that surrender was a very shameful thing, but now he knows that living is more important than anything else.

“Colonel, General Corret’s phone.”

“Hello, Lord General.”

“The colonel, I respect the courage of the 7 Infantry Regiment, and I hope that you will be as brave as ever.” There was a voice from General Corret who was not confident in the phone: “I tell you again, the reinforcement will soon be Arrived, I hope you fight for the honor of the United States. So tell me now, are you willing to do this?”

This is the first time the general told me that the reinforcements are about to arrive? Colonel Nath had figured it out, about three times. But every time the general did not fulfill his promise. Should I tell him the idea of ​​surrender? No, you can’t say that the gendarmerie will soon appear.

Colonel Turner reinvigorated the spirit: “Yes, general, I promise that I will see the glory of the United States better than everything.”

He hung up the phone, then summoned all the officers of the regiment and shared the news of his decision to surrender.

The officers are silent. . . . . .

“Choose it, Mr. officers.” Colonel Turner’s tone sounded so desolate: “Either fight to the end, or let us live alive and return home.”

“You make a decision, you are the colonel.” Finally, a major spoke up: “But, I really want to see my wife and children.

When this sentence was said, someone shed tears quietly. . . . . .

The sun rose as always. . . . . .

When the Germans re-prepared to attack, they made a strange scene.

On the position of the 7 Infantry Regiment in the United States, a white flag was raised.

The Americans surrendered.

“The war will end, those who survived, I will find ways to get them back home.” Wang Weizhen sighed softly, then said lowly: “This cursed war….. .”

This cursed war. . . . . .

Corret This is the second time I heard the news of a surrender. The previous time was French, and this time it was the turn of the Americans.

He is not angry, just a little sad. He knew that some of his troops had lost the enthusiasm for fighting.

Or will one day choose to surrender?

On the one hand, the chief of staff, Ryan, was silent. After a long while, he quietly said: “The surrender of Colonel Turner has had a great impact on the troops. Our intelligence analysis will have more in the near future. More troops are doing this.”

“Not in the near future, but today.” Corret’s tone revealed an unspeakable bitterness: “Ryan, do you say I will choose to surrender?”

“No, they can surrender, but only you can’t.” Ryan boldly put forward his own suggestion: “You can suffer failures or you can choose to escape, but only surrender is not possible, this will let you from then on.” Into the abyss.”

“Yeah, terrible abyss.” Corret sighed deeply. “Are we really going to fight this war? Before that, I never doubted our victory. I didn’t even fear the Baron Skulls. But the reality has defeated me and told me that a country is definitely not so easy to conquer.”

Corret finally understood this truth, but it seemed too late for him to understand. . . . . .

At this time, Wang Weizhen decided not to give the Americans any chance to breathe. After the US 7 Infantry Regiment surrendered, he quickly ordered the troops to attack the 8 Infantry Regiment.

Corret, who decided to give up his fantasies, was desperate and made a tit-for-tat deployment. He deployed the power of an armored regiment to the 8 Infantry Regiment.

I can’t let my subordinates have no hope anymore. Although there are not many troops that can be mobilized in their hands, they still try hard to pull out the reinforcements.

Once the troops have hope, they may be able to break out of their power.

There will always be miracles on the battlefield. . . . . .

Corret’s judgment is not wrong. His only mistake is to choose the wrong opponent.

His opponent is Ernst. Alexson . Feng. Breem – Baron Skulls!

Wang Weizhen will never allow victory to slip away from his own hands!

He also put all the forces that can be used on the battlefield, which may be the final battle!

1966 3 month 22 day, the German army under the command of Wang Weizhen, and the US troops under the command of Corret set a battle in the battlefield on the west line of Berlin.

In order to support this decisive battle, the Germans and the Allies used almost all the forces that could be used.

The plane was fighting in the air, and the cannons roared on the ground.

Perhaps the Allies did not expect that such a situation would happen before.

But this scene has really come. . . . . .

“Germany has shown the courage to die in times of crisis, and now it is time to show the courage of Germany.” Wang Weizhen calmly followed the fierce battlefield and then issued his own orders:

“let’s start!”

In the roar of artillery, Germany will start! !

The tank whizzed out, the soldiers roared out, and the entire battlefield fell into a frenzy.

The enthusiasm of the German soldiers, the enthusiasm of the American soldiers, and the enthusiasm of all people are intertwined.

Fight for the honor of the country and fight for your own life!

The bullets are flying wildly in the air, hitting the target from time to time, and then a life leaves the world like this. . . . . .

This is a very shocking scene.

Those who can survive and see this scene with their own eyes, some people will relish the memories, some people may never want to think of what kind of nightmare they have encountered.

A soldier fell in a pool of blood. He has not died yet. He painfully pleaded that his companions around him could help himself, but he was disappointed. No one wants to take care of him.

Only you can save yourself on the battlefield. . . . .

An American soldier was scared by this horrible battlefield. He grabbed a grenade and yelled, as if he was afraid that the enemy would not know his existence.

He’s crazy.

Of course, the bullet did not pity him because of his madness. When the American soldier fell, his body was almost hit into a honeycomb.

Still no one is willing to look at him more. . . . . .

The battlefield is so cruel, you can choose to fight to the end, you can also choose crazy.

Everything is your own choice!

The battlefields are intertwined, and it is almost impossible to tell where the main battlefield is, and the more this time, the more time it takes to test the senior commanders.

Rommel and Guderian are undoubtedly the representatives of excellence.

When the decisive battle reached its most important moment, I got Adolf. After Hitler’s permission, Rommel pulled out the last available power in his hand:

All the guards around the Imperial Heads of the Guards and Marshals are handed over to Ernst. Commander Mars Breem!

They are too aware of one thing, or they will win. Otherwise, there will be more guards around them that will not stop Germany’s failure.

Wang Weizhen would like to thank Rommel, Guderian and Hitler for everything they have done, and the reward they can give them is the same:


Wang Weizhen personally took these troops on the battlefield.

“So, let us move forward now.” Wang Weizhen’s voice reveals the determination to be calm and win: “Let us fight our enemies together!”

Let us together – defeat our enemies! “

The Germans no longer keep a pawn. All those who can act are engaged in the battle.

The Germans are desperate, and the Americans are also desperate. They know that once they fail, they lose their lives and freedoms.

This is the contest between the two armies. This is the 1966 3 day of 22. . . . . .

Judgment Day of Destiny!

“General Corret, the troops of more than two divisions are moving closer to the battlefield.” The voice of Commander-in-Chief Westmoreland finally sounded on the phone: “This is all the reinforcements we can organize now. I ask you to insist on it.” 3 month 24 day.”

“I don’t know if I can stick to that day.” Corret decided not to hide anything: “It is certain that the Germans are prepared to make a decisive breakthrough today, up to tomorrow.”

“I still hope that you can live up to our expectations of you.” Westmoreland said on the phone coldly: “The president has personally called, in addition to asking about the progress of the battlefield, I also specifically mentioned you. I You must be reminded that General Corret, you have failed once, and if you fail again, I think your future will be destroyed.”

Corret smiled sarcastically. future? At this time, the Commander-in-Chief of Westmoreland actually used these two words to threaten himself?

Whether you can survive the war is not sure. . . . . .

“I will try my best, Mr. Commander-in-Chief.” If Westmoreland is next to Corret, he will probably be able to see the contempt on Corret’s face: “But if I am unfortunately killed here, I I hope at least I can cover my coffin with a flag.”

“I can guarantee that I am more willing to do what you say than your failure.”

When the contact was interrupted, Corret fully understood what the other party meant. Either win, or die here, he has no other choice.

Your own death and death are acceptable to any force. At least this can transfer domestic contradictions. Corret even thought that at his funeral, a boss would say a heavy expression:

“General Corret fought for the glory of the United States to the last moment. He is the pride of the United States. He is a model for all American soldiers…”

Then, his coffin will be buried, and in a few years no one will remember himself.

A sad life, a poor life.

“Let’s do what the politicians demand, Ryan.” Corret picked up his hat and put it on his head: “The commander-in-chief has promised me, at least we can have a flag covered. At least, our family Not to be ashamed of us. At least, those cursing politicians have a reason to explain to the people!”

Ryan also smiled bitterly and helplessly. In addition to doing this they can’t do anything!

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