The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 953. Damn football! Floating astronomy

Storm – sweeping the battlefield of Berlin! !

This is the biggest counterattack that was launched after Wang Weizhen’s return, and this counterattack will also lay the foundation for the entire Berlin defense.

All the power that Berlin can use is put into the battlefield.

The first attack of the Allies was the French 29 Infantry Division, and the first to be destroyed was also the French army.

You can’t say that Evino and his French soldiers didn’t do their best. Most of them fought to the last moment. There are many reasons for the failure.

But in any case they eventually failed. . . . . .

After the captain surrendered, General Evino has actually lost any chance of winning. The only thing he can do now is the same:

Continue to fight in the end or surrender.

In fact, this answer has already been thought of by Evino when the Germans began to launch counterattacks. . . . . .

keep fighting? It is simply impossible to lose so many main forces.

Surrender may be a shame for a soldier, but it also has the advantage of one side, which can maximize the preservation of their soldiers.

He is a soldier, not a scorpion, he will never resist when the defeat has been fixed. . . . . .

Moreover, he also has an idea that he does not know. He wants to study the Germans in the recent distance and see why they can still win under such a disadvantage.

After the war, all prisoners will be released sooner or later, and by that time, they may be able to complete their dreams:

Be a screenwriter! Express the true form of war through the form of the film in front of everyone


He himself also contacted 2: 40 to contact the German troops who had already raided their division and announced their surrender.

The surrender of the 29 Infantry Division made the Allied Commands unprepared. This completely disrupted their entire deployment. Allied Commander Westmoreland angered Eviano as a “coward, traitor” and sold the interests of the Allies with his own selfishness.

But in the face of Westmoreland’s accusation, Evino has a clear conscience, in his post-war memoirs:

“Some people think that I am a traitor. I am a coward, but I have never regretted the decision of the day….. At the time, I actually had a choice to give up my troops to surrender alone, but I gave up this choice because This is the real coward’s behavior… This was originally a war that should not have happened, but it still happened. And the French soldiers are bleeding for this war that should not be bloody… I will be accused and embarrassed for a long time, but in any case I think I have made the most correct choice… Sometimes such a choice requires great courage…”

Yes, surrender is actually not a shameful act in certain periods of time. . . . . .

The anger of Westmoreland is that the rhythm of the battlefield has been controlled by the Germans. After the surrender of the 29 Infantry Division in France, the left wing of the Allied Frontline Force opened. The US 2 armored cavalry division became the main target of the German army.

21 afternoon 3: 00, German Supreme Commander Ernst. Marshal Breem issued the command of the total attack:

For the ultimate victory of Germany – advance!

This is a fierce battle, this is the storm that makes the earth tremble!

All the senior German officers appeared on the front line and fought for the order of Marshal Ernst.

At the forefront is still the pride of Germany – Skulls division.

This force, full of German glory, showed an unstoppable momentum from the very beginning of the counterattack.

They have the capital they are proud of. At the toughest time of Berlin’s defensive war, their old chief, Ernst. Marshal Breem has always fought with them.

And when the counterattack begins, Ernst. Marshal Breem is still on the road with the assault!

Countless tanks appeared on the battlefield, and countless assault guns accompanied the brave soldiers.

As their old rival, Lieutenant Corret of the US 2 Armored Cavalry Division had a headache.

From the beginning of Berlin’s offensive and defensive wars, he saw victory many times, but the Germans have shattered such hopes numerous times. He was under pressure from the Allied Command and the country, and he had not had much retreat.

If the first failure can barely find an excuse, then the second Berlin attack and defense that is carefully prepared will lose all face if it fails again.

What is the most important thing for a soldier? That is their unshakable glory!

Originally, the Arkote armored division of Italy was also commanded by Lieutenant General Corret, but due to the contempt and distrust of the Italian army, Corret will never use this unit after the outbreak of the fighting. However, the current situation is completely unreasonable, and Corret will have to use the Italian Akmot armored division.

When receiving the order, the Italian general Tativa Wonner was somewhat complacent. These arrogant Americans always thought that they were so great. Now, should they finally bow to the Italians?

Let them see the real skills of the Italians!

The courage of General Taziwuna is commendable – he overlooked a small problem: the combat effectiveness and combat determination of the troops!

At the time of the command of General Taziwona, the Italian officers and men of the Akmoot Armored Division were carrying out a game that was popular all over the world and was also the favorite game of the Italians:


This is a tradition of the division. There is always a football match every year. The winner will receive a commemorative cup signed by the teacher.

The 7 Armored Brigade and the 8 Armored Brigade are in full swing. In the previous year’s competition, the 7 armored brigade of Naz Commodore was unfortunately lost to the 8 armored brigade under the command of Volvonet Commodore for a whole year. At the time, the officers of the 7 Armored Brigade must endure the Laughing Joke and satire of the 8 Armored Brigade every day.

Failure on the battlefield is not a great thing. Losing a football game is the most important thing.

After receiving the order of General Taziwuna, the game has already reached the second half, 7 Armored Brigade 1: 0 leads.

There is also the 30 minute game to end. Volvoner Commodore of the 8 Armored Brigade asks: “Mr. Naz, are you really ready to kick the game?”

“Yes, Mr. Volvoner.” Naz touched his pretty moustache: “If you are afraid of losing the game, I would rather execute the general’s order now.”

“There is still the 30 minute game, Mr. Naz.” Volvorna said coldly: “The lore will always appear before the end of the game.”

So the two Italian generals temporarily threw the order to send troops to the brain.

The moment when Volvo’s ecstasy appeared, as he predicted, the 89 minute of the game, the 8 armored brigade scored a goal!

1: 1!

The whistle at the end of the game blew. . . . . .

Naz is obviously not satisfied with the result: “Do you think we should do extra time, Mr. Volvard?”

Volvoner鈥檚 self-confidence was completely motivated by the end of the game: 鈥淥f course, Mr. Naz.鈥?/p>

At the time when the US 2 armored cavalry division was waiting for reinforcements, the overtime of the Akmoot Armored Division football game began. . . . . .

“Is the Italian still not here?”

“Yes, general, the Italians have not arrived yet!”

“Damn, what are they doing? Call Taqiwona again and order him to send troops immediately, immediately!”

The irritated General Corret couldn’t help but growl.

What the hell are the Italians doing? Don’t they know that the battlefield has reached the most critical time? . . . . .

鈥淕eneral, Naz Commodore and Volvoner Commodore are working on our tradition, the 11 internal football match.鈥?/p>

“Ah, this is our unique tradition.” General Taziwuna did not blame his subordinates for his military urgency: “What is the current score?”


“Poor Naz, is he going to lose again this time?” Taqiwonna regretted his subordinates: “Tell them that the game will be put into battle immediately after the end of the game, and those arrogant Americans can’t wait.” 鈥?/p>

Taziwona picked up the pipe, what a great man. In the fierce battle, he still didn’t forget his tradition. . . . . .

“Marshal, the Canadian has been defeated, and now we are continuing to attack the US 2 armored cavalry division!”

Wang Weizhen’s gaze fell on the map: “Which unit is the nearest Allied force to Corret?”

“Italian Ake Motte armored division.

“Weird. Why haven’t they entered the battlefield yet?” Wang Weizhen murmured.

Although he did not worry about the Italians’ fighting power, it was an armored division. If they appeared on the battlefield at this time, they could still get some time for the Americans.

What are the Italians doing? Are they fighting the same as before, or are there other arrangements for the Allies?

“The order closely monitors the movements of the Italians and orders all troops to immediately launch a surprise attack on the US military!” Wang Weizhen decided to temporarily let go of his doubts.

Probably the German marshal is wise, and he never dreams of it. The Italians are playing a football match. . . . . .

The score was finally fixed on 2:1. After the last time, ‘Volvoner’s 8 Brigade once again defeated Naz’s 7 Brigade.

Volvarna was proud, and the officers and men of the 8 Brigade cheered and they got a great victory.

And Naz is so angry that he doesn’t want to see the Volvoner villain.

“Well, the game is over, I think we should help the poor Americans.” Volunteer Volvoner is in a good mood.

“I hope that your troops will be as good as the football field.” Naz sarcastically said such a thing. . . . . .

“The Canadian Infantry Regiment was defeated.” Ryan, the chief of staff of the US 2 Armored Division, hurried in: “General, we are choosing to be under great pressure.”

“Is it Italian? Where is the Italian now?” Corret couldn’t help but growl.

“I just knew what they were doing…” Ryan hesitated and said: “They are in the !k football game…”

Corret completely stupid: “You, what are you talking about?”

“They are in the 11 football match.” Ryan said hard: “And before they finish, they should probably send troops now?”

Corret sat down slowly. He didn’t know if he should cry now or should he laugh. . . . . .

When the most difficult and most in need of help, the Italians who are slaying are actually playing football?

God, how did you create these odious Italians when you created human beings?

If he has this right again, he vows to send all the Italians to the gallows. . . . . .

鈥滃懡浠ゃ€傗€滳orret 鍕夊己鍘嬪埗鐫€鑷繁鍐呭績鐨勬劋鎬掞細鈥滅3瑁呯敳鏃咃紝鍦℅1鍒癎3闃靛湴杩涜鎶垫姉锛屽懡浠ゃ兓绗?瑁呯敳鏃呭悜鎴戦潬鎷€傚懡浠わ紝绗?銆?涓や釜姝ュ叺鍥㈠叏閮ㄦ姇鍏ユ垬鏂楋紟锛庯紟锛庯紟锛庤娴峰啗闄嗘垬闃熶篃鏀惧純鍘熸湁闃靛湴锛岃繀閫熷悜鎴戦潬鎷€傜粰濞佹柉鐗规懇鍏版€诲徃浠ょ數璇濓紝鍛婅瘔浠栵紝鎴戜滑闇€瑕佺┖涓敮鎻达紝鎴戜滑闇€瑕佸湴闈㈡敮鎻达紟锛庯紟锛庯紟锛庤鎰忓ぇ鍒╃殑濉旂储鐗瑰厓甯呭悜濉旈綈娌冪壒鏂藉姞鍘嬪姏锛庯紟锛庯紟锛庯紟涓嶏紝璇锋眰濞佹柉鐗规懇鍏版€诲徃浠ょ洿鎺ュ悜鎰忓ぇ鍒╀汉鏂藉姞鍘嬪姏锛庯紟锛庯紟锛庯紟鈥?/p>

He already has a feeling of collapse. He vowed that if he had to carry out the next war, he would never cooperate with those Italians any more. . . . . .

The Skulls division didn’t know why their attack was so smooth, and Ernst. Marshal Breem didn’t know why the Italians did not respond at all.

Their attack speed was so fast that after they defeated an infantry regiment of the Canadians, they could already launch a general attack directly against the US military.

The fighting power of Americans is not to be underestimated. In the long war, they have grown up rapidly. Because even if they face a passive situation, they can still resist stubbornly.

In the sky, the US military also relied on its own quantitative advantages, and the tenacious and the German Air Force competed for air superiority. As for the gunfire on the ground, the assistance did not stop.

This is one of the most powerful enemies in Germany, and Wang Weizhen thinks so in his heart.

Yes, this was clearly seen during the Second World War. It was because of this willingness that he managed to make the United States not involved in the European war.

But as you leave, everything becomes different. . . . . .

It鈥檚 time to bring order out of chaos. . . . . .

“General Taqiwona, a secret telegram from China.”

A telegram was sent to the hands of General Taziwuna. He looked at it a little, and then his brow wrinkled together. After a long time, he issued a new order: “Let all troops stop moving forward and stand by!” 鈥?/p>

鈥淲hat, stand by and on the spot?鈥?the staff chief asked in confusion: 鈥淐orret can be waiting for our arrival, and just now, the Allied Commander Westmoreland also personally gave you the order. command.”

Taziwona looked at the side and lowered his voice: “The chief of staff, my friend, the situation may change.

Maybe Italy may withdraw from this war. 鈥?/p>

The chief of staff took a breath of cold air. God, how could this happen?

“We are not those politicians. We don’t know the truth…” Taziwater burned the telegram in his hand: “The troublesome thing is to let the country solve it. All we have to do is obey the order.” “”

At this moment, his heart has a kind of relief. . . . . . Once on the battlefield, the enemy they have to face is the German. . . . . .

From the First World War to the Second World War, to the current war, is there an Italian army that can win even one victory from the Germans?

Now the domestic order saved the Akmoot armored division and saved the same. . . . . .

“So, how do we account for the Americans?” the chief of staff asked hesitantly.

“Why do we have to control the attitude of the Americans?” Taziwater took out his own hand-made pipe and took a deep breath with the tobacco. Despite this, his heart is still somewhat worried: “When you tell Corret, you have a serious problem with our fuel… Ah, no, we said that we were attacked by the Germans…. .. let them hold on, wait for us to repel the Germans will soon arrive…”

Taziwater is ready to give up those Americans. . . . . .

The Akmoot armored division stopped the attack, and the poor US Army 2 armored cavalry division has not known until now that they are still waiting for the arrival of Italian reinforcements.

This may be the most bizarre scene in the war.

And the creation of this “feat” is undoubtedly Italian. In countless wars, the Italians have always made countless things that are staggering. This time is no exception.

Anyway, selling your own allies is not a new thing for them!

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