The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 942. “Count of Monte Cristo”, floating astronomy

The death of Russian security minister Lili Polski is a thing for Moscow.

An important figure in Russia was killed in the castle of another important Russian figure, and the biggest suspect was the third important figure in Russia.

I have to say that the relationship inside is really too entangled.

There are so many guests outside, this kind of news can never be leaked out. For this, Andreas and the people present are clear.

The defending commander of Moscow, Djoshenko, was secretly monitored and the banquet was still held as before. But the people who came out of the castle were ugly.

The front line is in a fierce battle, Ukraine has launched a rebellion, and now it is in the power center of Russia, but this happened, how can people accept it?

Only Milosevic and Khimeletzski’s mood was a bit of a sneak peek, and the death of the uncle, Liersky, allowed their power to be strengthened again.

They even thought in their minds, would this be done by Baron Alexson? But such an idea is just a flash, how can the Baron do such a dangerous thing?

But probably they will never think of it. This is exactly what the baron planned.

Looking at the Russians who came out of the castle and looked gloomy, Wang Weizhen smiled faintly. He knew that things were going according to his own ideas.

Looking at the Duo Shenke, who is still intoxicated in the talk, Wang Weizhen’s smile is even brighter. At this time, the fat man did not know that the disaster was coming to his head.

Wang Weizhen sorted out his clothes and came to Sorkina: “The Grand Duchess, are you ready to leave here?”

“Ah, are you leaving now?” Sorkina was a little surprised.

“Yes, I don’t like this occasion very much.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “You can stay here for a while, I will wait for you in the car outside.”

When he finished, he left the manor that he really didn’t like. . . . . .

I sat in my car, lit a cigarette, and slowly spit out the smoke ring. The smoke curtain condensed in the car for a while, then slowly dissipated toward the window.

He likes this feeling of calm, which makes him feel that he is far away from all the troubles, can let himself immerse himself in the world of one person and carefully consider all the problems.

The actions in Russia have been going on until now and everything is going well. Especially the Ukrainian uprising, this is simply outside the plan.

I have to say that Carcorochk gave me a big surprise.

Some of the seeds planted in the past have become bad fruits and eventually betrayed themselves and Germany. However, some have taken root and become the most dependent power. . . . . .

The world is always so hard to ponder. . . . . .

When the second cigarette was exhausted, Wang Weizhen saw the Grand Duchess quietly coming out of the manor. She followed the two female bodyguards behind her. But when the Grand Duchess got into the “Mr. Peter Goff” sedan, the two female bodyguards didn’t seem to see anything.

The car started, and the Grand Duchess couldn’t help but ask: “Where are we going?”

“I booked a small hotel where no one would recognize the Grand Duchess.”

“Oh no, I can’t betray my husband,” Sorkina murmured.

The car stopped. The Grand Duchess was a little overwhelmed.

“If you don’t like it, you can get off at any time and anywhere.

Wang Weizhen said that he was licking the third cigarette today. . . . . .

Solkina has no idea what to do.

When the third cigarette burned slowly, Wang Weizhen threw the cigarette butt out of the window and restarted the car. . . . . .

When the car was at the door of the small hotel, Wang Weizhen got off the bus first, then opened the door on the other side and took out his hand.

The Grand Duchess hesitated, and handed over to Mr. Peter Goff.

Going into the room all the time, the Grand Duchess can still hear the heartbeat that keeps beating because of nervousness. . . . . .

“Mr. Peter Goff, I don’t know much about you for a long time…” the Grand Duchess whispered.

“Don’t destroy this atmosphere.” Wang Weizhen’s fingers slid across Sokkina’s face.

Solkina felt that her breathing was almost stopped.

“Hey, you are so beautiful and young… and the Grand Duke has been dying…” Wang Weizhen wraps around Sorkina, gently hugged

Solkina is nervous and doesn’t know what to do. . . . . . She can feel the embrace of a young man. . . . . . She can feel the man behind him kissing his hair. . . . . . then. . . . . . God. . . . . . He kissed his earlobe. . . . . .

Solkina felt that she had been melted for a moment. . . . . . She completely gave up the resistance. . . . . .

The clothes on my body were taken off one by one. . . . . . When only the underwear was left, Solkina tried to stop the hands of the men who had finally disarmed, but she quickly released.

The last underwear was also completely removed. . . . . . The naked body is simply a masterpiece of God. . . . . .

Sorkina made a sigh with grief, then she took the initiative and turned around and hugged! Mr. Peter Goff!”

Now that something has happened, let it go with the flow. . . . . .

Moreover, the man who is about to get his own body is far stronger than his husband, young, handsome, and generous, no matter where he looks. . . . . .

When the Grand Duchess was placed on the bed, she closed her eyes because of shame. . . . . .

Even if you don’t have to look at her, I can feel that “Mr. Peter Goff” is kissing his lips. . . . . . neck. . . . . . breast. . . . . .

For the first time, the arid body of the Grand Duchess got the nourishment of men, and her emotions were gradually provoked. . . . . . She began to take the initiative to cooperate with this man

Suddenly, the Grand Duchess made a low call. . . . . . “Mr. Peter Goff” has completely entered his body. . . . . .

God, I was really taken possession by this man. . . . . .

Completely relaxed his own Grand Duchess, the man who clings to his body, working hard. . . . . . Her lust, on this night, was completely released in this little hotel. . . . . .

When the passion passed, the Grand Duchess, who had never been satisfied before, had completely fallen in love with this man. She snuggles on “Mr. Peter Goff”: “Do you have a lot of women?”

“Yes, a lot.” Wang Weizhen did not hide at all: “And you are a very special one.”

“Because I am the wife of the Grand Duke?” Solkina could not help but ask.

“There may be reasons for this, but it is not the main one.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “Will you leave your husband?”

Solkina made a sigh: “No, I don’t dare to betray my husband…”

“But you have betrayed.” Wang Weizhen smiled. “Any secret will be exposed sooner or later. Have you ever thought about the expression of the big duke who likes to be jealous after knowing all this? Ah, I think so. The scene is very pleasant.”

The Grand Duchess climbed up from his body and stared at the man: “Who are you? Why do I hear anger from your words?”

“I? Maybe another Count of Monte Cristo.” Wang Weizhen’s speech rate is very smooth: “Do you know the Count of Monte Cristo? He was framed. When he escaped from prison, he repaid all his benefactors. Then he began revenge. Everyone who betrayed him was ruthlessly punished, no one can escape.”

The Grand Duchess was completely shackled there. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen still said in a voiceless voice: “Yes, I am the Count of Monte Cristo, I am coming to revenge. In Moscow, my revenge is the Grand Duke of Berstoka, your husband Gregory. and Monte Cristo The difference is that he only has money and wisdom, and I have great power!”

“You…what did my husband do to you…” asked Solkina.

“I gave everything to your husband, but he betrayed me and betrayed my country…” Wang Weizhen said coldly: “And I will take away everything he has.” …. You are only the first one, then it will be his property and power… Finally, it is his life…”

“You are Baron Alexson.” The Grand Duchess screamed out.

Yes, although Gregory wants to erase the influence of Baron Alexson, there are still many people who know that everything is given by the Baron.

The Grand Duchess is no exception.

“Yes, I am the Baron in Baron Alexson’s hell.” Wang Weizhen no longer has any disguise: “I have already arranged a position for your husband in hell. Of course, I believe it is full of pain. The location. What about you? Grand Duchess, are you ready to go to hell with your husband, or are you ready to stand on my side?”

The Grand Duchess did not know how to answer it. . . . . .

“Do you hate your life? Do you hate your husband?” The smile returned to Wang Weizhen’s face: “You, want to relive a life you like?”

The Grand Duchess nodded involuntarily. . . . . .

Yes, she hates such a life and hates her husband, but she does not dare to resist. Now, an opportunity has quietly appeared in front of himself. . . . . .

“I will give you freedom.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “Germany, the United States, Switzerland, you can go anywhere you want to go, Gregorian can’t find you, no one in the world can find you. You can Carefree breathing the free air and doing whatever you want.”

“Can you really give me such a life?” Solkina asked slyly.

“I can.” Wang Weizhen’s answer is so firm: “Because I am the Baron Skulls, Death has given me the most powerful power. I will brutally deal with my enemies, but I will treat them in the most kind way. The people around me.”

Solkina finally made up her mind, and she vowed that she must never give up such an opportunity: “So what should I do?”

Wang Weizhen smiled again: “Of course, I will tell you how to do it. Now that Gregorian is not in Moscow, he will never guess that the people around him will be one! Betraying him. He will be alone and fearful. In the middle of death, he will taste the betrayal. It is just like the taste of betrayal in the first place…”

From this moment on, Wang Weizhen officially became another count of Monte Cristo. As he himself said, Count of Monte Cristo only possessed wealth and wisdom, and he possessed far more than the Count of Monte Cristo. . . . . .

Solkina, the new betrayal of Gregorian. . . . . .

When he returned to the Imperial Hotel, Milosevic and Khimeletzski had already been there for a long time. When he saw the baron returning, Khimeletzski couldn’t wait to say: “Lord Baron, how did you leave so early yesterday? Yesterday happened in the manor of Andreas.”

“Is Lilipolski assassinated?” Wang Weizhen sat down.

Milosevic and Khimeletzski glanced at the same time, and then seemed to think of something: “Is this what you did?”

Wang Weizhen smiled slightly: “On your way to the peak of power, Lili Polski is your stumbling block, and I will not allow such people to exist.”

Milosevic and Khimeletzski couldn’t help but face each other. There was only a moment of suspicion, but now it has been confirmed: Lily Polski is really dead in the hands of the baron.

“The stumbling block is my enemy.” Wang Weizhen seems to say inadvertently: “I will treat my enemy in the most cruel way. Are you my friend or enemy?”

“Friends, we swear to be your friend.” Khimeletzski said in a hurry: “We will never betray you like Gregory, we swear to serve you all our lives.”

“I hope you can do what you say.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I hate betrayal, but I am not afraid of betrayal. Well, now we can discuss the business, on the body of Lili Polski, I think you found some clues that I left behind.”

“Oh, yes.” Khimeletzski said quickly: “That is an ornament that Tsar’s Majesty rewards to Djoshenko. Duyushenko has been secretly monitored by us and can be arrested at any time.”

Milosevic said in a flattering tone: “Your plan is really admirable. The stupid idiot will never think of himself as a scapegoat…”

“Yeah, a stupid fool…” Wang Weizhen repeated this way thoughtfully and suddenly said: “Talk to me carefully about Djoshenko.”

Khimeletzski said: “He was originally a lieutenant colonel. He was said to have been dismissed because of the corruption of the army. The family property was also fined to the state treasury. Of course, it fell into the pocket of Gregory…a very By chance, his wife and Lili Polski met, and the two began adultery.

Dujoshenko soon discovered the adultery between his wife and the security minister, but he chose to bear. Even deliberately arranged opportunities for two people. It was for this reason that he re-entered the army under the protection of Lili Polski and became the defending commander of Moscow. ”

“Ah, a shameless person.” Wang Weizhen seems to be thinking about something: “He has lost and regained it. What is he most afraid of? Once again lost. Gentlemen, such people will contribute Out of your wife, do you think he still has anything to sell?”

“Ah, I think I probably understand what you mean…” Khimeletzski’s reaction was very fast: “His biggest backer, Lili Polski, died, and he became the biggest suspect, regardless of From what point of view, he will lose what he has now. Do you think he should let him trust us?”

“Yes, let him find the backer again.” Wang Weizhen said with a thumbs up: “Become his benefactor, gentlemen, although this is a shameless and incompetent guy, but he is the defending commander of Moscow, he holds A lot of troops. I think we found a new important piece of puzzle.”

“Yes, this person is Duyoshenko.” Milosevic also reacted: “I don’t think anyone is better suited to do this than Khimeletzski.”

“It’s my greatest honour to have the opportunity to serve you. Baron.” Khimeletzski wants to make a contribution to the baron now: “I will go to him in the afternoon, tell him what happened and tell him what he is going to lose. Baron. Everything is in your grasp, you are the perfect Avengers.”

“Yes? Avenger?” Wang Weizhen glanced at him: “Do you know the story of Count of Monte Cristo? He is also an avenger, but I think his revenge is not perfect, and some damn people are still alive. In the world. Now, I am prepared to interpret this story of revenge without any flaws.”

“We will be your best and most loyal helper.” Khimeletzski raised some voices and said: “For others, we may really be ungrateful, but we are afraid to do this in front of you because we are watching I have witnessed the horror of your revenge, we will never be the second individual Duke of Stolka, we promise!”

“Remember what you said today.” Wang Weizhen smiled coldly: “Remember that Count of Monte Cristo always appears in every age where he needs to appear!”

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