The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 941. Security minister, floating astronomy

Probably no country will like to host a banquet more than the old Russian aristocrats.

They can find any excuse to hold a banquet at any time, and there will be a variety of banquets appearing almost every month or even every week.

However, the banquet hosted by the Russian Chancellor of the Exchequer Andreas is slightly different. Today is his 60th birthday.

As the confidant of the Grand Duke of Berstoka, Gregory, all the people who received the invitation at such a grand banquet must participate.

Even those who don’t get an invitation will always find a way to get in. If they can get a privilege from a big man at the banquet, then their future is limitless.

It is also for this reason that many people have appeared outside the Andreas Manor when the day is still not black.

The color of the day gradually darkened, and the outside of the manor became very lively. The guys of all kinds of Russian high society, dressed in gorgeous dresses, took the expensive car to the estate of Andreas.

The vast majority of the wealth of Russian society is in the hands of these people.

They can live a luxurious life and be hungry to get what they want. As for the poverty and sharp social contradictions in Russian society, they do not have to worry about it.

This is a special class with privilege. . . . .

To enter the manor, you must go through a rigorous investigation, and the invitation signed by Mr. Andreas is absolutely essential.

When Wang Weizhen came down from the car, he had such an invitation. Capone’s ability to do things is absolutely worthy of believing.

He still used the name of “Mr. Peter Goff”, a genuine invitation, which was purchased by Capone from the secretary of the Secretary of the Republic of Andrias.

Mr. Andreas did not know how many guests he had invited. This was all handled by his secretary. All he had to do was sign his name on the invitation.

This invitation allowed Wang Weizhen to pass the door security check. . . . . .

When entering the manor, Wang Weizhen suddenly had a funny feeling. It is now in the 1960s, but in Moscow, there is a group of old aristocrats who strictly adhere to the old traditions throughout Russia.

This is probably the case only in Russia. . . . . .

When I entered the manor, red men and women were everywhere, and everyone was talking about the party with great interest.

“The Ukrainian rebellion will soon be able to calm down.” A fat man is making an impassioned speech there: “The wise and brave Grand Duke has personally gone to the front, and the rebels will soon be the Grand Duke and brave. The Russian army defeated!”

His words attracted a cheering voice. In fact, what happened in Ukraine has nothing to do with these people. They are doing nothing more than showing their privilege:

They can know what ordinary people don’t know. . . . . .

“As the defending commander of Moscow, I have to admit that Mr. Duyushenko has the most say in the situation.” One person flatly flattered.

At this time a lady asked: “Mr. Duyushenko, what do you think about the war between the Allies and Germany? I can hear that we had a big defeat in Robinster, even China Altuketski The marshals almost all became prisoners.”

“Ah, one failure is not enough to reverse the whole battle, madam.” Duyoshenko raised his voice: “Does Germany still have several cities? Do they want to win with a Berlin? Ah, I want to unless It’s the Germans who are crazy or we are crazy.”

A laughter rang, but at this time a less harmonious voice came: “As far as I know, Germany now has Dresden, Chemnitz, Leipzig, Potsdam and Luo in addition to Berlin. Binster.”

Everyone has turned back.

This is a young man, dressed very decent, he said with a slight smile: “Please forgive me for being rude, Commander, but my intention is that we must increase our vigilance against Germany.”

Originally, his own words were opposed by others. Dujoshenko was very angry, but the politeness of the young people made him feel good about each other: “Oh, I agree with some of your remarks, we must improve Germany. Vigilance, but I can bet with any of you, Germany can never win!”

“You are right, Mr. Commander.”

“So tell me now, suddenly young people who are rushing into a group of big people, who are you?” Duyushenko said with a high tone.

“Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Peter Goff.”

“Peter Goff?” Duyoshenke frowned. “You are the guest Peter Goff who lives in the Imperial Hotel Magelsky?”

“Ah, Mr. Commander, it is me.”

Once confirmed, it quickly attracted an exclamation from the guests. “Mr. Peter Goff”, the reputation of Moscow in this period even exceeded the Grand Duke, but he was too difficult to see, and he refused all invitations.

Who can think of him actually appearing here. . . . . .

“Aha Peter Goff, Moscow is full of legendary young riches.” Dujoshenko’s face was immediately full of smiles. For the rich, Mr. Djoshenko did not hesitate to lower his identity: “You see, can you bring us some opportunities to make a fortune?”

“Andreak Hou! Sir Milosevic and his wife, the Marquis of Ruhlia, Natalia, Pereas Houz Melitsky and the wife of the Marquis of Kardish, Ronanova!”

Along with this melodious voice, the two newly promoted real power figures in Moscow appeared in the manor, which quickly caused a round of applause from the guests.

When seeing Baron Alexson also appear here, the Milosevic and Khimeletzski did not show any surprise, just quietly nodded to him.

After accepting the guests’ congratulations, I found a suitable opportunity and whispered to the baron with intimate gratitude Khimeletzski: “How come you are with the incompetent fat man?”

“What does this mean?” Wang Weizhen is curious.

Khimeletzski’s face was obviously scorned: “Don’t you know him? Everyone in Moscow knows his stupidity. His wife Nataeva and the security minister Lili Polski have been committing adultery for a long time. Duyo Shenke also knows, but he did not dare to offend the Security Minister for his position.”

“Oh, is there such a thing?” Wang Weizhen clearly became interested: “Is Lilipolski also coming?”

“Yes, that is.” Khimeletzski pointed a little farther away, and Security Minister Lily Polski was talking to the owner Andreas here.

Wang Weizhen nodded, and at this time his heart suddenly had a wonderful idea. . . . . .

The music stopped. Then Andreas expressed his gratitude to the guests. When he said these words, the music re-sounded and the banquet officially began.

In the melodious dance music, the defending commander of Moscow, Dujoshenko, came to Wang Weizhen again: “Hey, I think we can continue the conversation, are you?”

“What conversation?” Wang Weizhen was confused.

“Ah, I said that you have a chance to make a fortune there…” Dujoshenko did not hide his greed: “You see, although I am a commander, my salary is low. Poor. I have a family to raise. And you? You are a super rich, you probably never worried about money? I think if you have any good projects to bring me, you will win me. Loyal friendship.”

This shameless fat man, Wang Weizhen said with a smile on his face: “I think we can find a chance to talk about it.”

Dujoshenko became excited. He extended his hand and said, “If you allow me, I think I will visit you tomorrow.”

“Of course, I am looking forward to your visit.” Wang Weizhen also extended his hand.

When the hands of both sides were released, Wang Weizhen smacked his sleeves casually, and then a button on the sleeve of Dujoshenko used as an ornament was already in his hand. . . . . .

“Mr. Peter Goff, God, I didn’t think you really came.” The voice of the Grand Duchess Sorkina came over.

When Wang Weizhen turned his head, he saw a surprise color of Sorkina: “Yes, Grand Duchess, when I was separated from you, I have been thinking about you all the time, so I got it at a price.” Invitation letter.

Fortunately, there are no other people around them, or the blush of the Grand Duchess will soon become a topic of discussion. Sorkina looked blushing: “You are too thin. Mr. Peter Goff. If I was heard by the Grand Duke, I think you will be hanged by him.”

“I don’t think that I am thin, I just express my true feelings inside.” Wang Weizhen said in a serious way: “As for the Grand Duke? He can’t stop my love for you. This is a normal man’s nature.”

Although it is inevitable that some blame the other party for being unobtrusive, but Solkina is still sweet in her heart.

“When will you stay here? Mr. Peter Goff?”

“Always stay until you leave…”

Solkina is red again.

This is a hateful but cute guy.

“Well, I hope you won’t leave me alone.” Sorkina smiled. “But I have to leave you now, or God knows what kind of madness you will say.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and watched her leave, but then his face changed and he turned his eyes to the other direction.

That is Lili Polski, who he has been monitoring. . . . . .

He noticed that Lili Polski was also looking around. Then he didn’t pay attention, and soon he jumped into the old castle behind him.

Wang Weizhen quickly followed.

There are countless rooms in the castle of Andreas, enough to accommodate a small number of guests here.

Lili Polski didn’t know that there was a trailer behind him. He came to the third floor and quickly entered a room.

Wang Weizhen also flashed into the room next to him. . . . . .

This old-style castle, the sound insulation effect is not good, so the owner’s bedroom and the servant’s bedroom are often a long time apart. Here, Wang Weizhen was able to clearly hear what was going on in the next room.

Lili Polski and a woman’s voice came over. If there is no guess, this woman is Dujoshenko’s wife Nataeva.

Then, the man’s jealousy and the woman’s cry came over.

Wang Weizhen is too clear what this sound is. . . . . .

He lit a cigarette and waited patiently. The time between men and women next door was not very long. Wang Weizhen put his ear on the wall!

“Ah, dear, I don’t think you should stay here for too long…”

“I think so, I will have some speeches in a while. I hate talking to the idiots… You should go out first, I will come down later… Ah, I think Your husband has been waiting for you for a long time…”

“Is that obese piglet? Don’t worry about him, will you come to me tomorrow afternoon?

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it tomorrow, but I think I will be empty the day after…”

“Then the day after tomorrow, see you, dear.”

“See you, dear.”

After a short time, the sound of opening the door came, and then the sound of high heels gradually faded away.

It’s almost time.

Wang Weizhen sorted out the clothes, walked out of his room, and then pushed the door of the room for the men and women.

“Ah, dear, how come you are back…” When Lili Polski, who was dressed, turned his head, the smile just solidified on his face: “Who are you?” ?”

“Here they call me Mr. Peter Goff.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “But I really don’t like the name, I prefer people to call me Baron Alexson.”

“Baron Alexson?” Lili Polski muttered the name again, and suddenly changed his face: “Skulls Baron?”

“Ah, I think you can call me that too.” Wang Weizhen still smiled there, and then a pistol with a silencer appeared in his hand: “I feel very sorry. I was in my plan, you It’s not a victim, even I heard your name is not long. But there is no way. After Gregorian left, there are only three people responsible for Moscow’s security, Milosevic, Khimeletzski and you. So I have to get rid of it. you.

“Why?” Lily Polski did not dream of such a thing: “Why are you doing something like this for them?”

“For the final victory of Germany!”

After Wang Weizhen finished the sentence, the muzzle in his hand jumped slightly. . . . . . Lili Polski was planted in a pool of blood.

Wang Weizhen was not completely relieved. He came to the body and opened a few shots at the close of Lili Polski’s head. Then I stuffed something into his hand.

Then he left here calmly. . . . . .

“I haven’t found the Security Minister yet?” Andreas looked at the time and looked a little impatient. It seems that the time for Lili Polski’s speech is coming, but the Minister of Security has never appeared.

” Still not found.”

“Go and see it in the old castle.” Andreas lowered his voice: “Especially on the third floor.”

The relationship between the Minister of Security and Nataeva is well known. And Andreas specially prepared a room for Lili Polski in his own castle, which would give them a reassuring and secluded retreat.

I continued to wait there for a while. His butler rushed over: “Master, something happened, and the Secretary of the Security is dead.”

“What?” Andreas changed his face: “Dead?”

“Yes, blood is everywhere, as if it was killed. I didn’t dare to move his body and worry about destroying the scene.”

It’s really a big deal. The Russian security minister died in his own castle. If you can’t find out the cause of death, you can’t get rid of it.

“Go, please bring Mr. Khimeletzski, the Chief of Police, and Mr. Milosevic, the Deputy Secretary of Security, here. Don’t be alarmed to any guest…”

Standing in front of Lili Polski’s body, all people don’t know what to say.

Lili Polski had a shot in his chest and his head was shot at a close range and fired five shots. Unless there is a deep hatred, who can make such a pickpocket?

However, Milosevic and Khimeletzski are still a bit of a sneak peek. Lily Polski is their immediate boss. Now that he is dead, everything in Moscow is safe.

However, after all, the death is a Russian minister.

Khimeletzski squatted down and scrutinized the body. After he got back, he stood up and took the same thing he found from Lili Polski: “What do you think is this?”

This is a decorative button on a sleeve that is easy to remove. The buttons look special, and the decoration above is a polar bear.

“I seem to have seen such a button.” Milosevic said with a frown.

“Yes, I have seen it before.” Andreas’s face was gloomy: “This is the tsar’s reward to a minister, and I know who he is.”

He took a long breath and said one word at a time: “Moscow defending commander Dujoshenko!”

Several people took a breath of air at the same time, God, is Dujoshenko killed Lili Polski?

It’s not impossible. Dujoshenko’s green hat has been worn for many years, or this time he can’t stand it anymore, and all the guests were assassinated by the banquet to assassinate his rivals.

It’s just that things are too big, even beyond the scope of their jurisdiction!

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