The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 927. Complete armored brigade, floating astronomy

The constant sound of guns in the city made Travert’s nervousness more intense.

To be honest, he is extremely disgusted with war, he is afraid of bleeding, afraid of death.

Every minute on the battlefield made him fearful.

People like him should stay in a luxurious villa, and then play his best music in front of countless guests, and then get a round of applause from the guests.

However, such a life is very far away from him.

“General General, if we do not accelerate, we will not be able to reach the cement plant within the stipulated time.”

He spoke to Colonel Layesf, his chief of staff. Travert did not have much affection for the chief of staff. He always liked to lick some words he didn’t want to hear at his ear.

For example, the management of the team is strict, for example, the soldiers are close to each other.

strict? What kind of management is strict? Are you close to the soldiers? Hey, they are just a group of ordinary civilians, but they are a general.

After receiving an order to reinforce the cement plant, Layesf continually urged Travert to act as early as possible, which made Travert unsatisfied to the extreme.

You know, you are leading an armored brigade. So many Russian troops have not been able to fight Robinster for so many days. Is it possible to expect such an armored brigade to succeed?

However, the headache is that Travert can’t put such dissatisfaction on the surface, because once the battle broke out, the commanding battle mainly relied on his own chief of staff.

“Ah, my dear chief of staff, the soldiers are very tired, and there are enemies everywhere. We can’t let the soldiers suffer losses in vain?” Travert fully played his own eloquence, knowing that he used to be famous in the past. Debater: “You always tell me, do you want to be kind to your soldiers? Am I not doing what you want now?”

If it comes to the debate, several Layesev are not the opponents of Travet. He is somewhat annoyed, but he dare not show it in front of his boss: “The general’s kindness to the soldiers is not the present, special. In the case we have to take a special approach.

“Okay, okay, my colonel, everything is done according to what you said.” Travert interrupted the Chief of Staff impatiently: “I will order the soldiers to accelerate forward… Ah, my dear chief of staff, I wrote a new piece of music yesterday to prepare to play to Marshal Altuketski, and I would be happy to play it if you like.”

“Thank you, I don’t think it’s time now…” Layesf laughed. He really couldn’t understand how people like Travert could become generals.

Such a person commanding troops can only cause great damage to the troops. But what about this? Who has a special “relationship” between Travert and Marshal Altuketski. . . . . .

This armed and elite Russian armored brigade, guided by a general who has an artistic atmosphere far beyond commanding ability, is heading towards the goal without hesitation.

No matter how fierce the war is, no matter how much reinforcements are needed between the friendly forces, the 3 armored division of the 13 Group Army of the Russian Army has always been at such a speed.

The only one who was overwhelmed was Colonel Layesf. He was an loyal officer. Since the military chief could not count on it, everything could only be on his own. He must travel between the various units, constantly urging them to accelerate, and the speed of the continuous coordinator.

However, this is a good news for Travert. At least not at the edge of his ear, he always hears the annoying staff.

“General General, our team appeared in front of us… They got in touch with us and was the 11 Infantry Division.”

“11 Infantry Division? What are they doing here?” Although it is not like an officer at all, Travete probably knows a little about Robinster: “Do they say what they are going to do?”

“Ah, it is said to be heading towards the Emister Bridge!”

“The incompetent waste, the Emister Bridge have been blown up and they have to go there to do what.” Travert shrugged and said: “Let them speed up, don’t let us get crowded.”

“Yes, general.”

Travert has yawned, and it’s not bad news. At least he can take advantage of this opportunity to take a good rest.

Ah, yes, by the way, you can also modify the music you wrote yesterday.

“What 11 Infantry Division?” Layev, who was urging the troops, saw the troops in front stop moving forward and hurriedly asked about the situation. When the news came out, he stunned: “Reinforce the Emister Bridge? It has been blown up by the Germans, and what is the reinforcement? Why is it not an engineer?”

He rushed to get in touch with the 3 Group Army Command, and he got a reply that the 11 Infantry Division was fighting the Germans and they didn’t go to the Amystel Bridge!

“The enemy, those people are enemies!”

Layesf screamed out loud, but everything was too late for him. . . . . .

Travert has never encountered such a thing.

When the 11 Infantry Division approached, they suddenly launched an offensive against the 26 Armored Brigade. !

The Russians who were ordered to rest were drilling out of the Tank, sitting on the tank or on the ground lazily, and when the attack arrived, they had no defense at all.

For a moment, the Russian Tank soldiers who left the Tank and were unprotected were hit by a large piece, and the rest of them rushed into the Tank, but the narrow road made them crowded together and could not be used.

Even more terrifying is that after the enemy’s attack began, another unit was stupid from the slant, and the entire 26 armored brigade was two.

Travert left, he didn’t know how to face the current situation. . . . . .

“Lord Marshal, we killed a large number of enemies, and seized six Tanks, three armored vehicles, and one self-propelled artillery!”

When Wang Weizhen came to the battlefield, the results of the report that Boscek reported to him made him lie there.

Although he knew that the attack would succeed, it was a surprise to get such a result in such a short period of time.

Hell, those Russians really have no resistance at all?

The situation on the battlefield was very strange at this time. The troops with the main Russian division used the captured Tank and self-propelled artillery to shoot the enemy desperately, while the 26 armored brigade was crowded together and fought back indiscriminately. They are constantly hitting Tanks and vehicles, and the resulting chaos has become more confusing.

What kind of battle is this?

“Lord Marshal, I think it is now possible to persuade Travert.” The proposal put forward by Boscek is even more stunned.

Although the 26 armored brigades are now in a mess, they still have enough combat power and they have a way to support the arrival of the reinforcements.

“Do you really have the confidence to let them surrender under such circumstances?” Wang Weizhen asked half-heartedly.

“Yes, I am sure.” Posček said that he called a lieutenant colonel: “Lieutenant Colonel Kapunov, I heard that you recognize Travet?”

“Yes general, I and he recognized it long ago.

“So, do you have a way to persuade him to surrender?”

When he heard the general’s question, Lieutenant Colonel Kapunov couldn’t help but smile: “General, with my understanding of Travert, he probably has been scared by now. Please give this task to Me, I promise to let him come out and surrender to you.”

“Okay, I am here waiting for your good news.”

Listening to their conversation, Wang Weizhen and his German officers met with each other. Apart from being surprised, they really couldn’t think of what kind of expression they could have. . . . . .

Travert Commodore saw his “old friend” Lieutenant Colonel Kapunov with reluctance.

Although he did not urinate his pants as Lieutenant Colonel Kapunov said, Travete’s face panic had no way to cover it.

“Kapnov, are you coming to take my life?” Travert yelled. He probably forgot that Kapunov had only one person, and his side was not only protected by soldiers, but also so many. The Tank exists: “Don’t you forget the great hospitality when you went to me the year before?”

Kapunov almost laughed out, this idiot and coward, he did not figure out his condition at this time.

So he stepped forward: “General, my dearest friend, how can I forget your hospitality to me, and how can I forget the friendship between us? It is for this reason that I can save you.”

“Ah, my dear friend, come to me in a hurry.” Travert’s heart was then released: “Tell me, what should I do now?”

Kapunov came to him: “General, the situation is very bad. A large number of enemies have surrounded you, and you know who is commanding these troops? That is the big Russian division under the command of General Boszek. Ah, don’t say there are countless Germans who are helping him.”

“Is it General Boscek?” Travete’s face turned pale again in a flash: “That’s our most elite army. I heard that he surrendered to the Germans. Is this true?”

“General, I can assure you that this is absolutely true.” Kapunov said with a smile: “General Boscek has chosen the most sensible path, and do you think you can fight the big Russian division?”

Travert shook his head again and again, and in his imagination, no one unit was more powerful than the big Russian teacher.

His expression did not conceal Kapnov at all: “General, originally General Boscek is ready to launch a devastating attack on you, but I tried to discourage him, it is because of anything between me and you. Friends can’t shake your friendship. Don’t hesitate any more, please immediately order your troops to surrender. I promise that you will not be harmed any more, and will stay away from this battlefield and enjoy the life you should enjoy.”

The tears moved by Travert almost fell. What a friend? This is a true friend.

“Thank you for your loyalty, my dear friend.” Travert said with great gratitude: “Go to Boscek, there is no need for war between the Russians, I am willing to surrender with my troops.”

“General, General!” At this time, Layesf gasped and jumped from a jeep: “Immediately let the dispersion spread so crowded!”!

“You are here, my chief of staff.” Travert hurriedly said: “Don’t disperse, you know who is opposite us? That is General Poscek and the big Russian teacher he commanded!”

“The traitor Boscek?” Layesf cursed his teeth, and then he suddenly thought of something: “What do you want to do?”

“Oh, this is my friend Kapunov, who saved our lives.” Travert pointed to Kapunov and said: “I decided to accept a friend’s suggestion and surrender!”

It seems like a bomb exploded on the head of Layesf: “No, general, you can’t do this! Do you know what it means to surrender? It’s a shame, the biggest shame of the soldiers! And we can continue to fight for two hours. Within, the reinforcements will be able to get here, and the enemy will take us for nothing in two hours!”

“No, no, you are wrong, my dear chief of staff.” Travert could not hear a sentence: “No one can defeat the big Russian division, that is our most elite armed. My chief of staff, you always Persuaded me to be kind to the soldiers. Now, I am doing what you said, so that you don’t have to let the soldiers continue to bleed and sacrifice!”

Because the angry face of Layesf is twisted and his pistol is stretched toward the waist: “A traitor like Kapunov will only make Russia lose face…”

His gun has not been pulled out, and Kapunov has already shot him first.

Layesf squatted and squatted and then fell into the pool of blood.

Kapunov took a step closer and opened the machine guns to the body of the ground. Until a magazine was all empty, he said to the intimidated Travert that was scared: “This kind of person will only It hurts you, he doesn’t deserve to be your friend, and he doesn’t deserve to be with you.”

The terrified Travert has no idea what to say except the nod.

Kapunov put away the gun: “Continue to fight will only let all of you die here, don’t hesitate anymore, general, surrender as soon as possible.”

Traverte Commodore still only nodded hard. . . . . .

This is an incredible “miracle” on the battlefield. A complete armored brigade surrendered with little resistance.

Travert did not feel that there was any embarrassment for the Russian soldiers of the entire 26 armored brigade did not feel any embarrassment.

For them, being able to keep their lives is more important than anything else.

Wang Weizhen and the German officers were “stunned” and they were really scared. . . . . . They never thought that such a strange thing would happen on the battlefield.

As the killed Layesf said, if the 26 armored brigade tried to resist it, the Germans and the Great Russians could not kill them until the Russian reinforcements arrived.

However, such a miracle is happening.

In front of the Germans and General Boscek, Travert repeatedly expressed his loyalty and repeatedly told them that he hated war and hated bloodshed and death. The enemy who handed the troops to himself is very willing to see.

Wang Weizhen looked at the Russian officer in front of him for the first time. To be honest, Travert was really beautiful, his fingers were slender, and he couldn’t see any dirt. Even his nails were trimmed neatly. If it wasn’t for the military uniform, his first impression was an artist.

However, relying on such an “artist”, no single unit can win. . . . . .

“Where do you want to go back to Russia or somewhere else?” Wang Weizhen asked after saying: “If you want to go anywhere, I will send someone to you.”

“Ah, thank you for your generosity, sir.” Travert didn’t know what kind of person he was in front of him. He said with humility: “If possible, I am willing to go to Poland.”

“Send someone to escort General Travert to Poland and not let him suffer any harm.” Wang Weizhen issued such an order.

When Travert was sent away, Colonel Bodmer couldn’t believe it: “Marshal, do we really get an almost complete armored brigade?”

“Yeah, we really got an almost complete armored brigade.” Wang Weizhen affirmed that this happened really: “I think the battles that will be made later will be much easier. Oh, so many Tanks, so many. The armored car, there are so many self-propelled artillery. Colonel, we are now like a nouveau riche.”

“Oh, yes, we are all upstarts,” Colonel Bodmer said slyly. “But how did this happen?”

“I do not know either.”

Wang Weizhen’s answer is very honest. Really, he hasn’t even known how his strange things happened in his own way.

Maybe, will this happen in the future, who knows?

But in any case, Wang Weizhen now becomes a nouveau riche as he said, and he has a complete armored brigade.

And the ridiculous thing is the armored brigade that the Russians gave him!

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