The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country, 196. The role of the traitor, floating astronomy

No matter how brave, no one can resist such an intensive attack. !

Hewitt suddenly found a very serious problem: he has no bullets. However, he still couldn’t see any fear on his face. On the contrary, he smiled.

He is not afraid of death, and at this moment he is not afraid of death at all. Even for him, death is still a relief.

Looking at the Russians who came up gradually, Hewitt threw away the weapons in his hand and exhaled a long breath. He seems to see the dead brothers smiling at him in the sky.

Nothing can be regretted, he has done everything he can. He dedicated everything to his dear country.

Now, it is time to dedicate your life. . . . . .

He saw the muzzle of a “SS6” aiming at it, Hewitt smiled and slowly closed his eyes. . . . . . A huge explosion, and soon it sounded on the battlefield. . . . . .

Hewitt thought he was already broken, but he opened his eyes and found that he had no damage. He was a little surprised, and then looked out, only to find that the “SS6” turned into a pile of scrap iron.

Hewitt didn’t know what was going on, but then the fierce gunshots rang.

Then, a large team of Germans appeared under the cover of a “Leopard” and a “SS6”.

The Russians who were caught off guard, under the sudden blow, fell a large piece in a moment.

The “Leopard” style of the arrogant and arrogant, the machine gun spurted the fire tongue, and spread the fire nets of the road to the Russians without reservation.

And the infantry who followed the Tank, Hewitt could recognize most of them at a glance. Those people are brothers who died with blood in Robinster.

Only the person in front, Hewitt has no way of knowing who he is. . . . . .

The man was wearing a SS uniform, but he did not have the official logo. The only thing that was invisible was a Skulls badge on his neckline.

That is a golden Skulls badge!

The Russians fell into pieces and fell under the fierce attack of the Germans. They did not have any chance of rebellion. For the Germans, the anger in their hearts finally got the catharsis machine.

In less than five minutes, the vast majority of the Russians here were killed and all the rest were scattered.

Hewitt witnessed it all, and until now, he still can’t believe it is true.

“Lieutenant Colonel Hewitt!”

“Lieutenant Colonel Hewitt!”

The German soldiers shouted loudly here.

Hewitt slowly walked out of the hiding place step by step. . . . . .

“The lieutenant colonel is not dead, the lieutenant colonel has not died yet!”

When the Lieutenant Colonel appeared, a cheering voice rang.

The group of loyal German soldiers hugged together and they couldn’t believe they were still alive.

It was so easy to separate from his companions. Hewitt came to the SS wearing the golden Skulls badge and asked with a puzzled expression: “Are you?”

“Please pay attention to your class lieutenant colonel!” said a major next to the man, “I am Major of Ralph of the SS. Now, I ask you to salute Marshal Ernst!”

Hewitt’s body trembled. . . . . . Marshal Ernst? Marshal Ernst! He raised his right arm in a panic: “Hey – Ernst!”

Just like his companions, he was also greatly shocked by what happened in front of him. . . . . .

They are the heroes of Germany, but there are many heroes like them in other countries. When the hero’s aura fades, they are actually just ordinary soldiers.

At this moment, a German marshal, the soul of a nation, risked his life and appeared on the battlefield. And his purpose is to rescue a group of ordinary German soldiers!

For a moment, Hewitt vowed to die for the baron anytime, anywhere!

There are many ways to die and die for the baron. Maybe it is the idea that Hewitt and his companions have a common idea.

“Lieutenant Colonel Hewitt, I heard about your heroic deeds and heard that without you, Robinster may have fallen into the hands of the Russians again. Thank you and all the German soldiers for their courage, thank you! “Wang Weizhen stared at the bloody German Lieutenant Colonel in front of him. The tone was full of emotions: “Now, when we come, there will be more reinforcements. Lieutenant Colonel, you are ready to fight back.” Yet?”

“Yes, Marshal, I am ready to fight back!”

Wang Weizhen smiled slightly and handed the weapon in his hand to Lieutenant Colonel Hewitt.

The situation in Robinster began to reverse.

The original victory was already at your fingertips for the Russians, but now everything has changed.

With the arrival of the leading troops of Wang Weizhen, some sporadic resistance Germans were quickly gathered around Wang Weizhen. Under the leadership of the Baron, they re-entered the hard and tenacious battle.

In the afternoon, SS Bodmer’s first-level assault battalion and Italian Diago’s troops rushed to Robinster, and the ones that followed them arrived were the big Russian division.

This is a strange scene, and the Russians have no way to react.

The Great Russian Division, this is the most elite of the Russian army. Not long ago, they also fought side by side together in Robinster, but now their muzzle has been transferred.

Lieutenant General Boscek, who commanded this unit, has no choice at this point. He can only see hope after following the Germans. . . . . .

No one knows more about the Russian army than the Russians in the big Russia. They know where the weakness of the Russian army of Robinster is, and how to fight against their former companions.

Their attacks were fierce and brutal, even surpassing German soldiers.

Once the people of the same race have turned their guns, their indifference and bloodiness will always exceed the enemies of the past.

Wang Weizhen witnessed it all. He saw that a small Russian army was surrounded by a company of the Great Russian Division. The Russian army put down its weapons in desperate circumstances, but they were continually shot and killed by the great Russian teacher.

It’s hard to imagine what this is like. . . . . . One by one, the Russians fell under the guns of their compatriots. . . . . . Maybe they can’t believe that this will happen until they die. . . . . .

Until the last compatriot fell, the soldiers of the Great Russian Division stopped the slaughter.

Wang Weizhen breathed a long breath. . . . . . Since Russia once betrayed, let them once again betray. However, this time their betrayal object has undergone some changes.

The entire operational queue of the Russian army was completely disrupted, and they must make changes in the shortest possible time in order to reverse the current unfavorable situation.

Moreover, there are even more unfavorable intelligences. In addition to the German reinforcements who first entered the city, a large number of German reinforcements are coming to Robinster.

The sound of guns filled the entire Robinster. . . . . .

“Marshal, General Poskek seeks to see.”

Wang Weizhen, who was commanding the entire battlefield, raised his head when he heard the report: “Let him come in.”

Lieutenant General Boscek came in and there was a young man who came with him.

“Marshal, this is my son Tassoski.”

The introduction of Boscek gave Wang Weizhen some surprises. He glanced at the son of Lieutenant General Tassosowski and said: “Lord Marshal, I worked as an intelligence officer in the 3 Army of the Russian Army. My father is entering Luo. Binster soon contacted me. Please believe me, Lord Marshal, my loyalty to Germany is the same as my father.”

My loyalty to Germany is the same as my father? When hearing this sentence, Wang Weizhen couldn’t help but smile.

Ah, probably the loyalty of the Russians is beyond anyone’s understanding. . . . . . However, now is the time when you need these people to help.

“Lord Marshal, my son is familiar with all the defenses of Robinster’s Russian army.” Boscek’s words are very proud: “I believe that this information will definitely help us.”

“Mr. Tassoski, do you need some vodka?” Wang Weizhen said that after opening a bottle of vodka, he poured a few cups and handed it to the son of Boscek: “In the battle, my soldiers killed one.” The Russian troops were on one of the bodies and my soldiers found a bottle of vodka for me.

Ah, nice stuff. ”

“Yes, vodka is always the best friend for the Russians.” Tassoski took the glass and sipped it: “It is exactly the same as our most loyal friend.” of.”

Wang Weizhen refilled his empty glass with wine: “So, let us listen to your information now.”

“Yes, Lord Marshal, I will tell you everything I know.” Tassoski fixed the god: “The main attack in Robinster is the Russian 3 Army, commanded by Marshal Altuketski. The 13 armored division commanded by General Taborsky was one of the most elite of the armed forces. According to the plan, Robinster’s battle should have ended long ago, but we encountered great trouble. Resistance, far beyond our previous assumptions, even have to say that at some point we even felt desperate…”

Tassoski completely said everything he knew. . . . . .

Despite the elimination of a large number of German troops, the Russian army itself suffered a considerable loss under the tenacious and effective resistance of the German army. What is even more unacceptable to the Russians is that in the brutal street fighting, their officers suffered a lot of casualties, and even a major general fell into the cold gun of the German sniper.

Wang Weizhen listened carefully to Tassoski’s words.

From his description, there is a general outline. Although he has relied on the Allies and has obtained a large number of new weapons from the hands of the Americans, the overall combat level of the Russian army is quite inferior, and the command of the officers still stays. A few decades ago.

In fact, this has been fully reflected in the previous operations.

“The Russian army has begun to struggle with the heavy casualties…” Tassoski’s words attracted the attention of Wang Weizhen: “As far as I am concerned, the commander of the group army The ministry also did nothing to do with the changes that occurred below. Some soldiers cursed why they were going to participate in this damn war, including even some intermediate officers. Because of this, they did not behave aggressively in combat, some could have been easy. The target of the attack, driven by such a state of mind, has been caught in a stalemate. Moreover, the headache of the L people is that the coordination between the various branches of the Russian army is not coordinated. The artillery has not given sufficient support to the infantry, and the infantry can not give the armor. The cover… complained to each other, even some officers in the headquarters had a fierce quarrel in the face of Marshal Altuketski…”

The killing caused by a traitor sometimes exceeds the strength of a division. . . . . . This is the first thought in the heart of Wang Weizhen.

Without Tassoski, he could not grasp the situation inside the Russian army.

After the introduction of these, Tassoski brought a map, on the map he pointed out in detail the Russian army in Robinster all the defense situation, as well as the various fire points, artillery positions and armor assembly points in the most detailed Deployment.

This situation is too precious for the Germans.

“After your reinforcements arrived, Marshal Altuketski ordered the 13 armored division of the 26 armored brigade to move rapidly toward the cement plant.” Tassoski gasped: “26 armored brigade lacks effective cover for infantry, Lord Marshal I think this is a best chance to fight them.”

The eyes of Wang Weizhen and the German officers around him lit up. . . . . .

Tassoski continued: “The Vidor Commodore of the 26 Armored Brigade, a Polish-Russian Russian, lacks courage, hesitates and is definitely not a brave man.”

“How was this character appointed as the commander of an armored brigade?” Wang Weizhen was curious.

Tassoski smiled contemptuously: “Because he is very handsome.”

Wang Weizhen and the German officers stunned. Even though there was a faint understanding of this, Wang Weizhen could not believe it: “What do you mean?”

The contempt on Tassosky’s face could not be concealed: “Let’s say, Marshal Altuketski is not very interested in women. He likes handsome young men. Although he is almost sixty now, but this special good. It didn’t stop at all. And our Vitrat Commodore, in addition to having a handsome face, played a good piano. Ah, everything that the romantic Poles should have, our Travert Comodore has it all. In this way, he was favored by Marshal Altuketski of China. Although he never made any merits, he was promoted to the general at the age of 38.”

Wang Weizhen’s face showed a smile: “This way, we have a chance…”

At this time, Percechek said: “Mr. Marshal, the information that my son knows has already told you that he must now return to the group army command. If necessary, he can pass the information at any time. ”

The combat staff of a group army can freely enter and exit when the battle is so tense. It can be seen how far the Russians’ defenses have been relaxed.

“Thank you for everything you have done for us, Major Tassoski.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “I noticed that you are just a major, it is unfair to you. When we achieved this victory After that, I will appoint you as the general, the younger general of Bit Lavit!”

The joy appeared in the faces of Tassoski and Boscek. If someone else said this, they simply don’t believe it. Now Germany is still in the middle of it. Victory is far away.

But this is what the Skulls Baron said.

He created too many miracles on the battlefield, even in the land of Russia, he created miracles that others could not create.

The huge Bolshevik regime was overthrown by him. He built a brand new Russia, and now who said that such a miracle would not happen again?

“Please allow me to express my gratitude to you.” Tassoski said with respect and respect: “I promise that I will do my best to serve you to death.”

After sending away Tassossky, Wang Weizhen’s gaze swept through his subordinates: “Mr. officers, there is now a good opportunity to be in front of us, a complete Russian armored brigade. What do you think?”

“Marshal, we will never miss this opportunity.” Colonel Bodmeier said loudly: “Please allow me to lead my troops to attack.”

“No, it shouldn’t be your first attack.” Wang Weizhen unexpectedly vetoed the colonel’s request, and then his eyes fell on Lieutenant General Boscek: “Lieutenant, I think your troops will be easily Travist. Is it broken?”

Boscek frowned, and immediately understood the meaning of the marshal: “Lord Marshal, I am familiar with everything about the Russian army, and my troops don’t even have to disguise. I also know that Travet, he is a timid mouse. Guy, the only thing he has is a pretty face. I will live up to your expectations.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and smiled: “So, General Boscek, you will be the striker of the whole army. I hope that before I arrive, I will see the situation I want to see.”

“Yes, Lord Marshal!” Boscek raised his voice: “War, it will be carried out exactly according to your wishes. As your loyal subordinate, I will congratulate you on another great victory that you are about to achieve.” ”

Probably this is the great role that traitors can achieve!

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