The latest chapter of the Unlimited Military Base, Volume II: My Country, 908. Skulls Baron and Little Girl, Astronomy

“At the moment, Robinster is still in the battle. Although the situation is not optimistic, Rommel and Manstein are implementing new plans.”

When Xiao Ling finished all of Robinster’s situation, Wang Weizhen nodded.

Berlin is not alone, Robinster is still fighting, and there are still many places to fight like Robinster.

What he has to do now is to connect these battlefields into a line.

I met William and the relationship was straightened out. They are still fathers and sons, and no one can cut off this relationship. But their respective positions, the interest groups they represent, are doomed to be impossible for them to appear in front of the world as fathers and sons.

Home – it is already a very distant thing from them.

Perhaps, only when the interest groups they represent have lost this war can they be truly freed. However, it was really at that time that one of them had fallen down…

“Do you feel sad?” After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Ling finally couldn’t help but ask.

Sad? Wang Weizhen was silent in that: “I don’t feel sad at all… Really, I thought I would be sad, but I soon discovered that I can have such a great son, my greatest fortune. My Children, don’t have to follow the path I made for him, and don’t have to follow my heart…”

He didn’t say too much to Xiao Ling because he knew that Xiao Ling wouldn’t understand it…

At Mr. Morgan’s banquet, William did not leave Wang Weizhen strong, and he knew that he did not have the ability to leave his father.

At this time, the atmosphere in New York has obviously once again fallen into an unstoppable enthusiasm.

The stock market has risen to an incredibly high level, and house prices have reached an uncontrollable madness, with other ones. The US economy has reached a terrible peak.

Or, a very abnormal peak…

This is exactly the same as the 1942 year…

Many people who have devoted themselves to this have contributed everything. I have worked hard for a lifetime to accumulate wealth and work for the rest of my life.

They are desperate to plunge into this crazy market, just to be able to complete the dream of getting rich.

Only a handful of people have discovered that they are not normal, but they have no way to stop this from happening.

Those loan sharks have gained a lot of money in such a crazy economic atmosphere. What happens when the building collapses? I am afraid that no one can say clearly.

And at this time. A message that caused some confusion at the top of the US occurred:

Anne Karusse, daughter of US Vice President Carrousel, was kidnapped!

This is the jewel of Vice President Carusse and a jewel of the United States. It is said that Anne has shown a clear potential at a very young age. At the age of four, she has attracted the attention of most people.

It is such a pearl, but it has disappeared under the protection of countless secret services…

Vice President Carrousel is almost going to collapse, and he can’t believe that this will happen. After hearing the news, William also felt a little unbelievable. Because he also lost the news of Anne.

The entire kidnapping plan was planned by him because he suspected that his CIA director Rayburn and the German had some kind of secret collusion, but the evidence in his hands was not enough, and the director of a CIA actually became a traitor. Once the matter is spread, it will cause the United States to fall into chaos and let the American people feel distrustful of the government.

Moreover, behind Raybourne there is a huge support for him. So he wants Raybourne to jump out.

The kidnapping of Annie was very successful. No one was alarmed to anyone, and no one would have thought that this kidnapping case would have been planned by the US president.

But after Anne was kidnapped, she and the Solomon agent disappeared bizarrely. Cut off all connections with the upper level.

Thus, the fake kidnapping case became a real kidnapping case!

Throughout Washington, there is simply no way to find the whereabouts of Solomon and Anne. How can this happen? Where did Solomon and Annie go?

And his first thought is whether this matter will be related to his father. But he quickly denied his idea.

No, the father won’t do such a thing, and he doesn’t have to do it. And he didn’t know the whole plan at all. Moreover, kidnapping a little girl, even if she is the daughter of the US Vice President, what effect can it have on the trend of the war?

The FBI and the CIA quickly took action… The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Hoover, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Rayburn, were asked by William to personally take charge of the matter. They must find Annie in the shortest possible time and succeed. Rescue it.

This has the added benefit that William can continue to make the necessary temptations to Rayburn by this sudden incident.

Anne is in Washington, this is the common view of Hoover and Raeburn.

But where is this little girl hidden?


“Mr. Baron, this is Richard Solomon, the main implementer of the Sunflower Operation.”

In the introduction of Eliot, Wang Weizhen’s eyes fell on Solomon’s body.

“Lord Baron. I have heard your name many times and can serve you. It is my life’s honour.” Solomon said with respect.

“You are doing very well, Mr. Solomon.” Wang Weizhen is obviously very satisfied with this action: “As far as I know, the United States has the best secret service personnel in the world, able to implement a successful kidnapping under their eyes. No matter who you are, you can be proud of what you have done.”

Solomon did not show much pride: “Thank you for your compliments, except for the help of my companions, and more importantly, I have a good teacher.”

This sentence caused Wang Weizhen’s interest: “I really want to know who your teacher is.”

“Sidney Riley.”

When the name appeared, Wang Weizhen was taken aback, in front of this unseen person. Actually a student of Sidney Riley?

It was a legendary spy. From the First World War to the Second World War, no one was better than him in the spy line.

He is the Baron Skulls in the spy world. He lost his hands in the hands of the real Skulls Baron. It was this failure that also led him to establish an employment relationship with Baron Skulls for decades.

Even now, Riley is still serving Germany…

“I was discovered by Mr. Sidney when I was in Moscow…” Solomon was still in a feeling of no emotion: “He thought that I had the potential to be a good spy, so he took me to him. By the side, and taught me everything he knew without reservation. Lord Baron. He kept telling me your legend and telling me that if you have the chance to meet you, be sure to serve you because That will benefit me forever.”

“Riley is not wrong.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “I can give you everything you want, tell me, what do you need after this mission is completed?”

“A castle in St. Peter’s Fort.” Solomon did not hide it: “In the past it was called Leningrad by Bolshevik. In the past it belonged to an ancient Russian nobleman. Although it was broken, it still exudes fascinating brilliance.”

Wang Weizhen calmly asked: “What does the castle have to do with you?”

“Yes, because my grandfather was the last owner of the castle.” It was only then that Solomon’s words showed a bit of anger, but it quickly passed: “Bolshevik deprived us of Everything I have, my father has been staying in Russia, in order to recapture everything we lost. Later Bolshevik was finished, but the new Russian government did not return the castle to us. With my current strength, I can’t Do it. So, I can only pin my hopes on you…”

“People who serve me can get everything they want.” Wang Weizhen didn’t blame the other person’s greed, just like his teacher, Solomon is also a hired spy, you can’t ask them to unconditionally for you. service.

Wang Weizhen turned his head to Eliot: “Do it.”

“Yes. Mr. Baron, I will do it.” Eliot has no excuse at all: “Mr. Solomon, after a month, you will become the owner of the castle.”

“Thank you for your generosity, Lord Baron, Mr. Elliot.” Solomon retorted with a sigh of relief. Probably such an idea has been hovering in his mind for many years.

Wang Weizhen turned his attention back to the right business: “What is the reaction of the US government after Anne was kidnapped?”

“The US government did not announce the incident in order not to cause unnecessary panic.” Eliot quickly replied: “President William has ordered the case to be detected immediately, and the FBI and the CIA have begun to join hands with the local police in Washington. But they can’t find Anne in Washington.”

Wang Weizhen smiled: “Where is Anne now?”

“It’s in New York. It’s here.” Eliot also smiled: “They probably didn’t even think about it. We told Annie to transfer from Washington to New York in the first place. Here is our secret place, few people will Find it here.”

Wang Weizhen is very satisfied with the efficiency of their work. When Washington was in a mess, Anne was already safe and sound in New York.

“President William hides himself very well.” Solomon said, “In fact, the original intention of the whole plan was that he planned it. Mr. Eliot sprinkled a series of smoke bombs before, so that William had produced Raybourne. Strong suspicion, and then carried out this plan. But he did not think that I was a double-sided spy anyway.”

“You are a hired spy who serves the interests.” Wang Weizhen smiled and corrected his statement: “You did a great job, what are you going to do next?”

“They are still searching for the whereabouts of me and Anne in Washington. My boss, Mr. McLean, has become a mess.” Solomon’s face finally showed some smiles: “I will get in touch with Maclean, of course. The form of secrets. The pressured Raybourne will also use special means to find Anne’s whereabouts as soon as possible. This requires a person who has a direct relationship with Rayburn, and such a person chooses me and Mr. Eliot. Still not found yet.”

“When necessary, I can personally act like this,” Elliot said with a calm interface.

“No. You can’t, so you will take a big risk.” Wang Weizhen shook his head, and he thought for a while: “I have two good candidates, one is Cassanovich. Trying to let Raeburn know that Anne might be transferred to New York and let him find Cassanovich, I think he will definitely try to threaten Cassanovich…”

He quickly said his new plan and then slowly said: “At that time, the second person appeared. And I think no one is more suitable for this role than I am.”

“This is not good, it is too dangerous!” Elliot and Solomon almost called out at the same time.

Wang Weizhen still smiled and looked at them: “Why not, my friends? Do you think anyone else is more suitable than me? Don’t worry about me, I have experienced many more dangerous things, but I All of them have been successfully resolved. Whether the whole operation can be successful will have a major impact on the future. There is no need to argue.”

“Yes. Sir.” Eliot sighed.

He knows the baron too much. After following the baron for so many years, no one knows more than him. Once the baron decides what to do, no one can change him.

He seems a little helpless: “Mr. Baron, I will arrange everything, but before that, I will arrange evacuation for you in advance. Believe me, all the good things here are handled by me. And I promise not to let you down. Now that you and William have met, you are in danger every minute, and I can’t let you go any further…”

“No one can leave me behind.” Wang Weizhen smiled awkwardly: “Elliot, do what you should do, don’t worry about me. When I want to leave, I have my own way. “”

Eliot and Solomon glanced at each other, and both of them had a bitter smile on their faces…

“Okay. Now I want to meet the little girl Anne.” Wang Weizhen suddenly made such a strange request.

Eliot is very good at taking care of the daughter of the US Vice President. Her bedroom is even more comfortable and luxurious than her home in Washington.

Wang Weizhen When she walked in, Anne was playing a doll with great interest there.

“Hello, Annie.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile.

“Hello, sir.” Anne’s attention shifted away from the doll: “Are you kidnapped me?”

“Oh, no.”

“So are you the person who directs them?”

Wang Weizhen has a good impression on this beautiful and clever little girl: “Probably you can think so, what harm do they do to you?”

“No, I just stunned for a while.” Annie didn’t seem to care: “When I woke up, I found myself on a plane. Sir, I think I have left Washington.”

“Yes. You are in New York now.” Wang Weizhen sat down on the opposite sofa: “I want to ask you to forgive our recklessness, but you have to know that we have to do this.”

“It doesn’t matter, my dad will find me soon.” Anne seems so confident, in the hearts of the children, the father is always the greatest. It is always omnipotent: “And you and your people, I think I will probably be sentenced to life imprisonment. Sir, you have to know that kidnapping a vice president’s daughter is a big crime.”

Wang Weizhen smiled. He hadn’t smiled so comfortably for a long time: “Yes, this is a big crime, and I am likely to be caught by your father. Then, at that time, you will help me. Some good words?”

“I don’t know, it depends on how you treat me.” Anne finally revealed the innocence of the little girl: “I want a pizza, a big pizza, and I have to drink a lot of Coca-Cola, you can Can you find it for me? So I can say good things to you in front of my father.”

“God, this can’t be done.” Wang Weizhen didn’t want to shake his head and refused the little girl’s request: “A little girl, can’t eat so many things, it will make you fat, and it is not good for your growth. it is good.”

Anne’s face clearly showed disappointment: “You are not like a kidnapper…”

“What about me?” Wang Weizhen asked curiously.

“You are just as troublesome as my dad.” Annie sighed. “Really, he doesn’t allow me to eat this. I don’t want to eat that. Oh, sir, don’t you even satisfy my request?” Don’t forget, I am a hostage now, and some of the normal requirements of the hostage will always be met!”

Wang Weizhen finally couldn’t help but laugh loudly, and he vowed that he had never been so happy.

This little girl is like her own daughter. On her body, he has found a feeling that he has never experienced before. Probably, that is the feeling of the father.

From the first day of his son William’s birth, he never had the responsibility of a father, but now he has found it.

“Listen, Annie, I can find a small pizza and a small bottle of Coca-Cola for you, but you can only get so much.” Wang Weizhen put away a smile and deliberately said: “And this is also Condition, I want to ask you not to run around, I will also guarantee that you will not be hurt, can we trade?”

“Well, sir, who made me a hostage!”

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