The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 907. Tank – Advance! Floating astronomy

The atmosphere in the carriage is dignified and depressed. Advance may mean death, and no one wants to talk more.

Going forward for about five minutes, the sergeant of Ziegler reported to Hewitt, “There is a situation ahead!”

Hewitt leaned out of the car and looked forward with an infrared telescope: a wrecked German Tank wreck was placed across the road bridge, blocking the passage of a Russian siege team. It seems unlikely that dozens of tons of metal scrap iron will be removed or knocked open. The Russian commander gathered three anti-Tanks at the bridgehead and two “ss6” tanks to volley. Because of the cover of the night, the Russians did not find the approach of the Germans.

There is only one Tank in the German army. The enemy’s strength is several times that of him. Moreover, this enemy has no way to go around. He must kill a road… Sitting back in the car, Hewitt sorted out the train of thought. He knows that everyone must be clear about their operational vision.

Hewitt spoke: “Everyone, note that there may be a striker in the Russian attacking the city… There is no choice, we must destroy them!”

The carriage is still very quiet, but in the eyes of the soldiers, Hewitt can’t see the retreat and fear. Only the perseverance and unyielding, the words of 斯基ski may represent the voice of the members of the team: “Sir, let’s order, how? hit?”

“I asked for the first use of grenades to kill those anti-Tank gunners; the second and the third, with armor-piercing bullets, the target: two ‘ss6’Tank. The action must be fast! Quasi! Oh!… Then, we Rushing over and overwhelming or crushing those anti-Tank guns with lightning speed… Is there any problem?”

The position of “the SS commando commander” was not based on bragging. The professional explanation of Hewitt won the respect of the soldiers. The members of the team answered very neatly: “No problem, sir!”

Everyone is a veteran. Knowing the cost of a flash is that your car is ruined.

During the speech, there was a loud bang, and the wreckage of the German Tank on the bridge had been blown up, and the smoke was gone. “Oh ~~~~Ula!” The Russians were dredging the road to be dredged.

“Ready to fight!”

The German gunner calmly adjusted the elevation angle of the muzzle until the Russians behind the anti-Tank guns placed side by side were precisely locked in the sights before the first shot was fired.

Probably because the distance is too close, “砰-” the muzzle flares, the grenade has already sounded in the enemy group, and blown up!

“Pneumatic armor! Quick shot!” **Sergeant Sergeant is commanding.

The hot-filled cartridge “clam dunk” came out with a smog. The German striker is filling up quickly…

The fire of the muzzle exposed the position of the Germans. The next step was faster than anyone else. Whoever had the chance to fire first, the two Russian “ss6” were spinning the turret.

Tank was shaking again, and the Germans took the opportunity to shoot the second armor-piercing projectile. A ss6 turret was overturned.

“Rush up! Rush over!” **Ski did not fall, the body retreated. Then roared and rushed up, this car group has long-term cooperation and cooperation is very tacit.

The fire flashed in front, and the shells fired by the “ss6” Tank just fell behind the Germans. The German loaders and gunners have completed the next launching process, parking, firing, and the action is done in one go, leaving the “ss6” to be bombarded into a pile of scrap iron!

“Go ahead!” Hewitt knows that it is not the time to celebrate.

The Tank must have been added to the most high-speed, high-speed anti-Tank gun position. The Russian soldiers who were shocked by the sudden blows just returned to the guns and had to flee again. The slow or unresponsive ones died under the German track.

“Peng-“, the “Leopard 7”-style hard body knocked over two anti-Tank guns, and the other broken anti-Tank gun was crushed mercilessly! However, the long barrel of a side-turning anti-Tank gun was delayed in the “Leopard 7” type.

“Anti-Tank Beach!!” The driver, Sergeant Ziegler’s eyes, yelled in horror and began to rush back. Apparently the Russian infantry came up against the anti-Tank beach.

“Machine gun! Machine gun fires!”


Because the Russian infantry is in the dead angle of the machine gun fire, it is useless to shoot. Hewitt said to Sergeant Switzer: “You, go out! Kill the Russian infantry with a machine gun!”

“But…” **skiy hesitated.

“Execute the order! If you don’t kill the enemy’s blasting group, it will definitely kill the car!”

**Ski is no longer hesitant, and he slams the turret with a light machine gun and looks at the car. He hears a “squeaky” shot, the enemy is not dead, and the sergeant sergeant is dead!

Hewitt saw from the hole that four or five enemies were holding the anti-Tank beach.

“Go on the light machine gun! You must kill the enemy’s blasting group!!”

The electromechanical man thought of going up with another mg machine gun, but the body of the dead captain had blocked the turret. The machine gun in his hand must have been stuck across the turret. The body does not come in.

“Put the body out!” Hewitt ordered.

The electromechanical crew pushed the sacrificed car captain out of the car, and after emptying the turret, Hewitt personally took the machine gun and explored the car.

“Hey, hey,” was another shot, and the Russians around the Tank had been tripped by machine guns.

Hewitt heard it and it turned out to be the sergeant Haisky in the back of the repair car. Hewitt gave a thumbs up to Haisky.

“Hey. Hey…” A burst of rain swept over and hit the Tank’s armor. Hewitt slammed the machine gun at a point where the fire snake sprinkled and shot a long shot, and the enemy’s shooting stopped.

After the Tank retreated a certain distance and then rushed forward, the anti-Tank gun wreck that blocked the Tank movement was finally knocked open and fell over to the river.

The darkness is ignorant and lacks heavy weapons, and the Russians dare not approach again.

“Keep going!”

Taking advantage of the night, the Germans avoided the enemy and went straight to the residential area where the black jazz squatted.

“It’s here!” Corporal of Ziegler had been to this small settlement. “The black one in front, … is a short earth wall of the dwelling place?…”

“Poor! The war has destroyed everything!” The electromechanical staff felt.

“Crushing over!” Everyone is excited to be successful!

Ziegler hangs up the file and increases horsepower. The Tank smashed like a wild horse that was out of the country. Haisky’s repair car ran high-speed on the side of the German side. Hewitt felt that the German was like the cowboy in the American West. The same wild.

“Scorpio! What is the short earth wall? It is a Russian armored vehicle hidden behind the sand!”

The brakes were too late, and the “Peng-” two cars collided. Hewitt was shocked by Venus, and the five internal organs were moved, and the unlucky Russian armored vehicle was knocked out like an empty carton. After turning a few rolls, it was subverted, and no one came out. Further on, the Germans finally saw the dwarf wall in the impression of Corporal of Ziegler, but the wall had been destroyed by artillery and only a little trace left!

“Oh, hehe…” Another Russian fired at the Germans, but only a few Sub Machine Guns. The German Tank machine guns stumbled all the Russians who were dying.

The Germans stormed into small settlements. “Sir. I saw our Tank!” Sergeant Haisky reported to Hewitt. Along his fingers, through the faint fire in the distance, I can see that the damaged Tank stopped in the ruins.

“Sergeant Haisky, are you going to see if the Tank can be repaired? We must return in the dark. The Russian plane will blow us into pieces.”

Sergeant Haisky climbed onto the nearest Tiger King body and screamed in amazement. “Hey~~~~ People?”

At this time, Hewitt noticed the death of the entire dwelling place. Occasionally one or two stray bullets flew over, and no one did.

“Sir, these tanks seem to have been abandoned!”

The sound of pulling the bolts sounded from the piles of ruins around. “Hands up! You are already surrounded!”

Hearing the familiar German, Hewitt responded happily, “Don’t shoot! Is Captain Keller, I am the battalion commander!”

“Ah! It’s the battalion commander! Brothers, come out!” First-level commando squadron leader Keller finally shouted in surprise. “I said, the battalion commander will not give up on us.”

The black jazz squad ran out of the lurking ruins of the rubble, and everyone happily hugged them together. The Germans finally met at a small settlement. Without too much mood to celebrate, Hewitt asked the team to distribute food, ammunition and petrol to the black jazz row.

“We don’t have much time! Sergeant Heysky, immediately repairing the Tank, we have to go back to the city in an hour!” The repair car can be used this time, but after a hard effort, Sergeant Haisky It was reported to Hewitt that at least 2 Tank King could not be repaired in a short time, and Hewitt had to bear the pain to make a decision to blow them up during the evacuation.

When the “Black Jazz” platoon leader saw Hewitt, the 25-year-old boy shed tears and the battle was too fierce. At this time, Hewitt knew that the Tank that was destroyed on the bridge was his chariot. The real name of the “Black Jazz” platoon leader is Carl. The squad leader of the second rank commando. Only 12 soldiers survived the “Black Jazz”, and half of the people including the deputy platoon leader Carmen level commando squad leader had been injured.

Suddenly five red signal flares vacated, and the Russian night bombers screamed at the unyielding Robinster city. The landslides and heavy guns rang, and the small town suddenly drowned in the fire and smoke. . The squadron of the Russian armored Tank troops and the assault infantry equipped with various weapons passed by the small settlements and rushed to Robinster. This should be the 3 Army of Lieutenant General Loborodov of Russia’s 43 Group Army.

Despite many fires and fires. However, under the interference of the German sniper in the minefield, the Russians have not been able to accurately determine the extent of the minefield, so the effect of the shelling is not ideal. Soon the Germans could hear the sound of explosions in the minefield. I don’t know if the Russian engineers are demining, or the Russians are stepping on landmines. However, such a large-scale group charge, and it is unrealistic to be technically and temporally to want to remove mines with ease. Lieutenant General Loborodov is so aggressive in attacking the loss. It seems that he is determined to win. He wants to get Robinster one night.

Hewitt got in touch through the radio and the city’s battalion. It was unfortunate that ten minutes ago, Captain Bartles, the deputy battalion commander, was just killed by the Russians. The successor commander is Captain Rolls, the director of the training. Hewitt knew that Captain Rolls was only a political official and had no practical experience. Hewitt asked Rouse to tell the 1 motorized infantry that he would not be allowed to stand up and rely on solid fortifications to firmly resist the enemy’s attack. The Germans will organize the troops outside the city to join the 1, launching attacks from behind the enemy, and attacking them before and after, disrupting the enemy’s offensive deployment.

Since the appearance of the Tank is relatively easy to identify, the Germans have made the necessary camouflage of the Tank. Hewitt explained the warfare and precautions to the captains.

In view of the enemy, Hewitt is widowed and fighting at night. Some of the Tank’s communication equipment is damaged, so it is best to keep the formation in combat. If the vehicle is dissipated or lost contact, the cars will be back in the direction of Robinster.

The German army, a small but very capable small team, is ready to go. Hewitt has looked at the time. It is now 3: 32 points in the early morning, no more delays! The Germans must act now. “

Attack! “Three XumaX” destroyers and Hewitt’s “Leopard 3” style sailed out of a residential area and followed the assaulted Russians to the minefield. Two unrepairable “Destroyer 7” models were simultaneously It was blown up.

The “Destroyer 3” type is too slow! Shortly after the departure, in the darkness and chaos, Hewitt quickly lost contact with the Keller’s first-level commando squadron commander, the black jazz second commando squadron leader, and the Carmen squad leader’s chariot, and they had to fight each other. But I believe the German goal should be the same: attack forward! Back to the city!

In the dark, the Germans are getting closer and closer to the Russians, and they have been able to clearly hear the roar of the Russian v62Tank motor. Soon, in front of the German army, there were rows of armored vehicles and Tank black-and-white buildings. Russian infantrymen ran in the high and low undulating wilderness…

There was even a Russian soldier who stupidly ran to Hewitt’s Tank and made a “v” gesture, screaming in Russian.

The only thing that prevented the Russians from advancing was the explosion of landmines. In the distant city of Robinster, it seems that there are no living creatures under the impact of artillery and aircraft bombing.

The German gunners circled the muzzle to a tank with a messy slogan on the body. He had repeatedly whispered to Hewitt about the timing of the fire. Hewitt is silent, because Hewitt prefers to start at the same time when the 1 fires even after crossing the minefield.

But in less than half an hour after the minefield, some people couldn’t help but open the first shot. An armored vehicle loaded with Russian infantry was blown into pieces and the body was thrown high. Hewitt’s gunners couldn’t wait to launch armor-piercing bombs. The Stalin in front of the fire ignited the sky and was burned into a ball of fire.

Under the blaze of the fire, the “Leopard 7” type Tank has been exposed. All kinds of bullets have been attacked by Germans. The Germans also used machine guns to shoot around. The only thing that can save the Germans is the “Leopard 7” type of hard armor and excellent speed.

“Go to the dark! Don’t fight!”

The “Leopard 7” style was inserted straight into the darkness to keep away from the fire. The Russian infantry was stunned by the Germans’ desperate rush.

Just in the moment when the agile “Leopard 7” almost hid in the darkness, “砰” an armor-piercing project shot the German Tank from the side. The inside of the tank is dark due to short circuit, the thick smoke is unbearable, and the temperature of the Tank is rising.

“Abandon the car! Abandon the car!” Hewitt decisively ordered Hewitt’s car. In the panic, Hewitt also wanted to grab the light machine gun next to it, and only caught a piece of cloth. Command map? I can’t take care of it a lot, Tank can explode at any time, Hewitt quickly climbs out of the car, jumps away from the Tank, and rolls on the spot.

A loud bang of “Bang”, Hewitt’s cute “Leopard 7” chariot was exploding due to ammunition. The only thing that was fortunate was that Hewitt’s car group had no escape from the metal grave.

“What?” At this time, Hewitt noticed that the hand was actually a Nazi party flag, not a map at all! It’s so ridiculous.

Someone threw Hewitt to the ground from behind, and he was helping Hewitt to put out the flames on his clothes. Hewitt turned around and saw that it was the damn gunner who fired ahead of the order. Hewitt hated to grind his teeth and hated to pull out his pistol and smashed him on the spot. But looking at his innocent expression, especially the second-level iron cross medal hanging on his chest, Hewitt’s anger has been extinguished half, hatefully put the party flag into his arms and asked him: “You… …What is your name?”

“Sergeant Steiner, long, sir…”

“How did your medal come from?” Hewitt asked in a hurry.

“My car smashed the enemy’s twelve tanks…”

“Twelve?” Huey features a nod, thinking, your fucking performance is also good tonight, almost a shell to destroy a Tank, no wonder Captain Rolle will arrange you to make his own gun long.

“Just, you just opened fire, it’s just like a newbie!”

“There are too many enemies, too close. I am worried that once they are discovered by them, we may not have the chance to fire…”

Corporal Ziegler came up with a Sub Machine Gun who didn’t know where to come. “Sir, what do we do?”

I don’t want to argue with the corporal about the timing of the fire. This has no meaning.

Hewitt looked around alertly, then pulled out the pistol at the waist, “Let’s move on!”

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