The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 853. Ace force, floating astronomy

The sound of the guns suddenly weakened a lot. !

Although I don’t know why this happened, it is obviously a good thing for the Germans who are struggling to resist.

Now, it has reached the most difficult moment of the German army. The Allied forces’ wave of attacks was so high that the German positions on the various lines were under the heaviest pressure.

Most of the positions became fragmented under the never-ending bombing, but the tenacious German soldiers were repairing these broken positions again and again with unimaginable perseverance.

No one is willing to give up.

“In today’s full-day battle, the positive pressure has been greatly reduced, and the position of the National Army has been repeatedly attacked by the enemy.” In the highest command, General Aulitz pointed to the map and said: “The casualties of the National Army. Very large, some positions have been repeatedly contested. Now, under the command of Major Mario, it is hard to imagine that an American major can actually explode such a great fighting enthusiasm, I think he deserves a reward.”

“He is already a colonel in the German army.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “No matter which country is a person, as long as they are willing to help, they are our friends. Moreover, although the National Army is not a regular force, it is commanded by a major. A brigade, his official position is really too low.”

“Marshal, General Kremvall again requested reinforcements.”

Wang Weizhen shook his head: “Go to tell Kremvall, I appreciate his courage, but it is not the time to use him.”

“But the National Army needs reinforcements…”

Wang Weizhen thought for a moment: “The Nydland National Stormtrooper’s 34 Infantry Regiment, the 34 Armored Assault Battalion, and the 34 Anti-Tank Battalion support the National Army.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly issued a new order: “Command, tomorrow 9, after the enemy artillery attack, Skulls division, Grand Deucthland group at the same time attack!”

attack? The generals face each other.

“Passive defense will only make the enemy more unscrupulous and add more pressure to us.” Wang Weizhen coldly said: “There is no big victory for the active attack, but it can make our enemies have jealousy. General!”

“At, Marshal!”

“Skulls division and Grand Deucthland group are temporarily under your command!” Wang Weizhen looked down at his subordinates: “Your father Ludwig Army Director has always been a very brave soldier.

I have never retreated in the face of difficulties. I hope that you can be like your father. ”

“It must be the name of Skulls!”

This is the strongest answer from Gennar.

Wang Weizhen is very satisfied with the performance of the subordinates: “The officers, our situation is very difficult now, but in fact the enemy’s situation is not as good as it is. Who can hold on to the end, who will be able to win this war. Tomorrow, I will personally appear on the front line and watch your heroic performance closely!”

“It must be the name of Skulls!”

This is the answer of all German generals. . . . . .

The 1965 12 Day 13 Day War has reached a stage of intense heat.

In every inch of the position, the bombs are constantly combing here, and the soldiers on both sides are carrying out the strangulation of forgetting to die.

Every minute and every second, people die to shed blood and red blood.

The brutal battle made all people forget the threat of death. There is only one goal in their eyes:


Either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy!

The Allied artillery attacks were incomparably punctual. They went to an artillery brigade, which made General Gardenen annoyed.

The frontal battlefield was not going well, and in the rear of it, it was attacked by the German commandos. This is unbearable, which is what makes General Gardenen shameful.

Retaliation – only with the most vengeful revenge can the total amount of the Germans resist the determination of the end.

The artillery fire bombarded the German position, and the shells fell like rain.

The soldiers who faced the enemy’s crazy artillery fire were still as calm as ever. The Skulls division and the soldiers of the Grand Deucthland group are even ready to attack!

This is an almost unreasonable offense, and the conditions are not mature in any respect. However, there are so many unreasonable attacks in the numerous combat forces commanded by the Baron Skulls.

The terrible gunfire finally began to extend.

At this time, a large number of German troops stood out from the position.

“Skulls division – offense!”

“Grand Deucthland group – offense!”

An unexpected attack began: Tank and armored vehicles first appeared. At the time of defense, they are moving steel fortresses. In the attack, they also served as the sword of the whole army!

In the battles of the times, the armor strength is being greatly reduced, but this does not hinder the confidence of the German Tank hands.

This is the steel torrent that once shocked the whole world!

The earth snarls, and Germany snarls!

The big attack started!

The Allies could not have imagined such an attack. General Garden also did not think that the Germans could still launch an attack in such a passive situation.

The allies who are preparing for the attack are rushed into the defense. But all their preparations were for the offense, and now the offensive and defensive order is suddenly reversed to make them somewhat unprepared.

In the face of the German tsunami in the mountains, the General Garden was somewhat confused. This general who transferred from the United States to the actual experience has rushed to order the troops to organize defenses on the spot! – The order to transfer the flank troops back to the front was issued.

He is very worried that this will be a decisive battle initiated by the Germans.

Looking at the enemy Zhang Huang, Wang Weizhen put down the telescope and smiled. The commander of the enemy opposite is not worthy of being his opponent.

Quite simply, counterattacks will be very passive in the event that artillery and forces are at a disadvantage. And such a counterattack will be very short-lived.

But the enemy commander lost his right judgment.

“I think the Allies will soon change the frontline commander’s one.” Guo Yenfeng of one will say the thoughts in Wang Weizhen’s mind.

Wang Weizhen nodded. “If the storm can’t achieve the pre-war goal, Westmoreland will not hesitate to remove the commander of Garden, but to be honest, I hope that Gardner will remain in the position of commander. “”

“This is not what you will say.” Guo Yenfeng replied unceremoniously: “You always like a stronger opponent. Has this changed?”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Yeah, I like strong opponents, but this time it is a bit different. I need time to reverse the passive on the battlefield, an incompetent commander, or help me achieve these goals. Prerequisites one.”

Of course, Gardenen couldn’t hear the interview with the German commander. The German who participated in the attack when he hurriedly commanded the defense suddenly retired.

Garden was a long sigh of relief.

Damn, those Germans are just attacking. But he found this too late.

On the battlefield, with the order of General Garden, the order was changed, and it became chaotic.

The allied forces in the offensive situation, inexplicably – entered the defensive state. The troops that rushed to the flanking battlefield were inexplicably transferred back to the frontal battlefield.

What does General Gardenen want to do? The officers of the Allied forces are filled with complaints.

Once the confidence in the commander is shaken, it will soon be displayed on the battlefield.

The troops that had just returned to the frontal battlefield were once again transferred back to the flank. The rushing back and forth made many officers and soldiers full of complaints.

Will Gardenen continue to change his orders? This can be answered by no one. ̈

When the Allies moved back and forth, the German reinforcements had already arrived at the position of the National Army.

Not only that, but Wang Weizhen also made a bold decision to all the reinforcements of the Netherland National Land Storm Division, unified to the command of Colonel Mario.

This is hard to come by in the German army: a foreigner is commanding the German army. Only one person can do this before:

Two levels will be won by Guo Yenfeng!

Trust – trust will be a condition for determining victory. Wang Weizhen decided to unconditionally trust Mario, a former enemy.

Mario has fully demonstrated his bravery and loyalty to Baron Skulls on the battlefield.

He is not loyal to Germany, and Germany does not have much to do with him. His only loyalty is the Baron Skulls.

And when the Baron took such a form to express his trust, Mario knew that everything he did was worth it.

He is not ready to return to the United States alive, just to repay such trust.

The reinforcements were all placed in the position, but what is surprising is that the enemy did not launch any attacks.

It is not that the Allies received any orders, nor that they are afraid. But those commanders are very worried that once the attack is launched, will General Garden let them evacuate the battlefield?

This is a very wonderful day with the 13 number. To be honest, apart from the shelling, there was no substantive battle on this day.

The “Snowstorm” program is now extremely frustrating for the Allies. . . . . .

General Garden’s mood is also very low.

He felt like a monkey was usually transferred by the Germans, not only destroyed the entire battlefield deployment but also completely let himself laugh.

Is it true that both Germans and themselves are waiting to see new jokes?

Corret soon discovered the change of General Gardenen. To be honest, he was also dissatisfied with Gardenen. How can a person without practical experience be a commander on the battlefield? However, dissatisfaction is not enough, and solving the problems on the battlefield as soon as possible is the most important.

If you continue to carry out such a situation, it will not benefit anyone.

“Mr. Commander, you have to change everything.” Corret made his own suggestion: “I don’t think the Germans have any power at this stage to counter them. All the little tricks they do are to delay the time. We have chosen the flanking position as The main direction, then I think we should rule out all interference to continue to increase our strength to our flank, and to strengthen the firepower. On the positive side, I feel that we can now take the defensive…”

Gardon glanced at him and did not publish one of his own. Corret continued: “The Germans have only two choices. One is to attack as it is today, but it is not possible with their power. The second is to also reinforce their right wing at the same time, then their faces must be empty, I think this will be our chance…”

There are already six gods in Gardner, and the textbooks at West Point have not told themselves how to deal with the situation before them. And Corret has a wealth of practical experience to become a person who can rely on. !

“General Corret, I think your suggestion makes sense.” Gardner revived the spirit: “I will transfer you to the flank to personally command, of course, and your second armored cavalry division, you are willing to accept this glorious Mission?”

“Of course, will, Commander.” This is exactly what Corret can’t. . .

“Marshal Ernst, the enemy re-emerged, the second armored cavalry division of the US military left the original position. It is moving to our right wing.”

“Is it finally changed?” Wang Weizhen smiled. “Tell Mario, his troops must stick to the 15 on the ground. Even if there is only one place in the palm of the hand, I want them to stay there. All the troops of the Netherland Earth Storm Division were ordered.”

“Yes, Marshal.”

“15, I will appear in the right wing position.” Wang Weizhen suddenly said in a small voice: “And let everyone know that Ernst.Breem is there!”

“Is it ready to put on a decisive battle?” Guo Yenfeng understood his intentions.

Wang Weizhen smiled: “Yes, I am ready to fight.”

This is a decisive battle, probably only the most clear in his heart. . . . . .

The Allies realigned their strategic deployments, with a large number of troops appearing on the right wing of the German position, and this time their commanders were replaced by the old rival of the Skulls division, General Corret.

The Skulls division and the second armored cavalry division of the US Army fought at the beginning of the Battle of Berlin. Both sides shed too much blood outside of Berlin and killed too many people.

Corret knows the Germans opposite, knowing that they will never give up even at the last moment. Only rushing into their capital, killing every soldier who captured them, can completely end this damn war.

So, when Corret appeared on the battlefield with his troops, he began to launch a fierce attack without much adjustment.

The hard time of the Germans has arrived. . . . . .

Aircraft, artillery, and machine guns have been built into the most magnificent scene on the battlefield.

The blood flutters and the body is everywhere.

Relying on the superior firepower, the Allies launched a charge. The German soldiers on the position almost exhausted all the strengths in the dead.

The newly arrived Netherland National Stormtrooper became a new force. These elite units of the German Waffen SS broke out of their strong fighting power from the first minute of the battlefield.

Speaking of it, this has to be “thank you” to Kilmer.

Kilmer has always trusted this unit and provided them with all the best equipment and sufficient ammunition to protect themselves.

But probably Kilmer couldn’t dream of it. This unit was shot in front of the Skulls Baron.

Previously, the Netherland State Stormtrooper was not considered to be the trump card in the Waffen SS. Even they were once threatened with disbandment.

But on this battlefield, they can fully express their strength. . . . . .

They attacked the enemy’s attack with the guns on the Tank and the assault, and firmly used bullets and grenades to kill all the enemies that attempted to rush.

Again and again, no matter how fierce the enemy launched, no matter how many attacks the enemy launched, the officers and men of the Netherland State Stormtroopers were firmly nailed to the position.

No unit was an ace of troops when it was established. Any so-called ace of troops must be forged with blood and life.

For example, the Armed SS third Skulls division.

When the force was formed, it only inherited the name of the Skulls commando. But with the beginning of the Second World War de Minyanoski battle, the Skulls division became famous in the world.

When the Skulls flag fluttered on the battlefield, each opponent had already regarded them as the true successors of the Skulls Commando.

The ace of troops is so forged. . . . . .

Similarly, the performance of the Netherland National Stormtrooper on the battlefield is completely impressive.

And Mario finally finally saw the German combat effectiveness.

He had not heard of this unit before, and he had some doubts about it. However, when the battle broke out, Mario knew that as long as the name of the armed SS was hung, the energy of these German troops was amazing. .

They are not only brave and fierce, but the performance of the battle is equally astonishing.

They seem to have an instinct by nature, knowing where is the weak point of the enemy, knowing when and how to give the enemy the most effective blow.

In the face of such defenses, although the battlefield seems to be unfavorable to the Germans, the positions have never suffered any substantial threat.

The difference between the regular army and the national army is probably here.

Corret also found out that the Germans finally invested in the regular army here.

He is not anxious and depressed, but has some self-satisfaction, which is exactly what he wants. A little bit of attracting the main force of the Germans, reducing their strength little by little, and then will be the beginning of the final general attack.

At that time, even the Skulls Baron had no way to save the battle on the battlefield!

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