The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 852. Heisenberg Commando, Astronomy

The process of war is cruel, and as the commander of every army, he cares about this cruel process, and all they want is the final result.

No matter how many people die, how many casualties have occurred, and they have nothing to do with them. As long as they can achieve the pre-war goals, they can afford any loss.

This is the cruelty of true war.

General Opman was killed in his position, and the news has already reached the ears of Wang Weizhen. He was distressed by the departure of the old general, but he had to endure, and he could not show any regretful expression on his face.

Because he is the highest commander in command of the entire battlefield, he can’t reveal his weakness in front of his subordinates. And this may be the biggest guarantee to win.

The same is true of General Garden.

The tenacity of the enemy goes far beyond his imagination, whether it is the regular army of the German army or the informal armed national army. The stubborn resistance of the Allies, the great casualties, was unimaginable before Garden. He was surprised and shocked. However, like the commander of the enemy, he must not reveal such emotions.

The only thing he can do is to continue to order the attack once and for all.

Until the moment when the victory came. . . . .

On the day of 12 Day, the battle between the two sides has reached a point of intensification. Especially concentrated on the right wing of the German army. Here, the Allies mobilized a large amount of artillery and troops, and bombarded them here. The Germans are facing each other and are constantly sending troops to this.

The frontal battlefield will determine Berlin’s fate, and at this moment, countless special forces are also starting to act.

That is the German special forces!

In the Second World War, the old German generals seriously ignored the so-called special forces. They believed that the war should be determined in a positive and positive manner, rather than relying on sneak attacks to destroy such gentlemen.

Not a gentleman – almost all German senior generals look at it this way.

But Ernst. Marshal Breem changed this view. German old-school generals, especially the generals of the National Defence Forces, who regard reputation as more important than anything, so they are full of contempt for the special forces, but Wang Weizhen knows the importance of special operations forces in the war.

It is for this reason that after he took over all the military power of Germany in the Second World War, he immediately placed the special operations forces in a very important position.

Such as the Brandenburg commando.

Heisenberg, who once fought side by side with the Baron and received many guidance from the Baron during the war, was undoubtedly one of the best. He also became the current commander of the Brandenburg Commando.

Heisenberg already knows the news of the return of the baron, just like any former male baron, he wants to see the baron again, but he knows it is not the time. He must lead his own commandos and use victory to welcome the return of the baron.

These German commandos wearing American, French, and Italian military uniforms have maintained the tradition of the Brandenburg Commando. Each of them has a good command of a foreign language. They even have a clear understanding of the people of all countries. Some small moves.

For example, the way of spitting, Americans and Russians are different. For example, the frequency of chewing gum mouths is different for Americans and French people.

These subtle details, sometimes you can decide whether an action can be made.

Heisenberg firmly remembered that the Baron had told himself: “When you are blocked by the enemy, even if you hold the gun in a wrong position, or the pronunciation of a byte is not standard, or you have subconsciously made a self. After doing the exercises that the Germans used to do for decades, it is likely to bring a disaster to the entire team.”

And such a disaster must be avoided.

Now, Heisenberg and all the soldiers of the first assault squadron of the Brandenburg Commando SS, which he commanded, were replaced by the US military uniforms, and several trucks were swaying and walking in the enemy’s control.

This is a commander who gets the essence of the Baron. He is fully capable of judging when it is safe and when it is dangerous.

They successfully passed each checkpoint and their goal was to destroy the position of the French 91 Artillery Brigade!

This is an unusually bold move, and the poor Frenchman has become the target of their hunting, exactly the same as the French 33 Infantry Division.

This is an artillery brigade quite close to the front line, posing a great threat to the German position. Heisenberg has been aiming at this goal very early, but has not found the right mobile phone.

After the “Snowstorm” operation began, with the unsuccessful situation of the war situation, the Allies began to mobilize the troops frequently, making the battlefield look a bit confusing. This gave Heisenberg a perfect opportunity.

“Lieutenant Colonel, what are you doing here?” A colonel of the French Gendarmerie actually appeared in front of the post.

Heisenberg pulled out his own documents, but he was still sitting on the jeep: “Hey, Colonel, can’t you see that we are Germans?”

“This joke is not funny at all. Moreover, your French is too bad, or please speak English.” The colonel was full of faces and was scornful of Americans.

These guys, who are Americans, don’t know how to be etiquette, always like to make some jokes, and always like to show off the language they have learned.

Why does France have to run behind the ass of a living American in Germany? When can France have its own thoughts and righteousness? The command of the army? !

“Okay, okay, Colonel, you can be too serious.” Heisenberg shrugged: “We are the Kars Rapid Reaction Force, I am Lieutenant Colonel Kars.”

The French colonel gave a copy of the documents and then gave him “Lieutenant Colonel Kars”, but his heart was even more contemptuous of this American.

Kars Rapid Response Force, Lieutenant Colonel Kars, of course he knows the name.

When Germany’s new Skulls commando squashed the Allies, it was this “Leucaus Calce” who had the task of chasing the Germans. Unfortunately, he was always being applauded by the Germans. Now, he can’t catch up with the Germans, come here?

“Lieutenant colonel, you can pass.” After scrutinizing the “US Army” team, the French colonel said coldly: “But I have to remind you. You have to be quiet here, this is not in the United States. Those resistance organizations were everywhere, just yesterday they launched an attack here and killed two of our soldiers. I can’t guarantee your safety.”

“Oh, Americans will protect themselves.” Heisenberg whistled: “If those resistance organizations reappear, I will personally grab a few and hand it over to you.”

“We will handle it ourselves…”

In the ridicule of the French colonel, this German commando successfully passed this last checkpoint. . . . . .

There are soldiers everywhere, most of them are French soldiers, and occasionally they will see some American officers who come here to contact. No one thought that a German commando had already mixed in. The gunners who had just finished a new round of shelling were lazy in doing their own things.

No one cares about this sudden arrival of the US military. There are always soldiers from other countries.

The German commandos came down from the truck. They, like any American soldier, spoke in the lame French where they could buy wine. There are a few too many, and even asked if there is a girl here.

Hell, are these American soldiers coming here for a holiday? This caused the Frenchman Laughing Joke.

But these “Americans” seem to care little about the ridicule of others, Laughing Joke, who are screaming and rudely yelling there.

“Captain Ince, take a few people to investigate the environment.” Looked around, Heisenberg said, lowering the voice.

“Yes, Colonel.” Insin’s captain fell down and called several commandos. Then he raised his voice: “Hey, boys, we have to find some fun.”

This caused a cheering “American army”.

No one is going to take care of these rude “Americans.”

When Ins was investigating the enemy, Heisenberg walked into the only pub here. When he entered, he saw no one inside. He sat down on the bar: “Give me a glass of wine.”

The boss is a German. He is very enthusiastic about pouring a beer to the American lieutenant colonel: “Lieutenant colonel, what else do you need?”

“Can you mix some gins inside?” Heisenberg suddenly asked.

The boss’s face changed a bit: “Ah, I can’t think of it, this is the most authentic German beer, but if you really add up, I suggest you put some rum.”

“I am Colonel Heisenberg,” Heisenberg whispered.

“I am Fendock of the underground resistance organization… Colonel. I received the order. You should have arrived yesterday.”

“We had some trouble yesterday. We had a small team of American patrols. We were forced to change. But the problem is not big. How is the situation here?”

“The artillery brigade poses a great threat to the frontline Germans and must be resolved as soon as possible. How many people have you come?”

“Two hundred elite commandos.”

“Ah, there are fewer people, but I can still think of a way. You have an opportunity now. The French army, which was here to protect a battalion of artillery positions, has just been transferred to the front line. I heard that the French 33 Infantry Division is at the front. I ate a big loss. The troops that took over the defense will not arrive until tomorrow. There is only one row of gendarmes left here. You have one night.”

Heisenberg nodded: “I need your cooperation, can you contact your people?”

“Of course.” Fendock looked outside the pub: “We have an old-fashioned radio station, or it was in World War II, but who would pay attention to these old things now?”

Heisenberg smiled a bit and immediately said: “So, tell people who attacked here at 10 at night. Don’t take the initiative to attack and avoid unnecessary casualties.”

“Okay, I will contact them. Are your equipment all in line?”

“We brought a full explosive of explosives, enough to blow it up.” Heisenberg confidently replied, this time he suddenly remembered something: “Oh, when I came in, I saw a colonel in person, that who is it?”

“You are talking about Colonel Louis?” Fendock quickly said: “He is the commander of the defense forces that will arrive at these tomorrow, and he is cautious and has arrived here one step ahead.”

“Unlucky Colonel Louis.” Heisenberg finished drinking the wine in the cup: “So, we will see you again at night.”

“Goodbye at night, Colonel.”

Watching the colonel walk out of the pub, Fendock was relieved and finally waited until this day. He was ordered to stay here and use this pub as his cover. He is waiting for the arrival of his own troops.

It seems that when the Baron Skulls came back, the German counterattack had already begun. . . !

The night soon came, and the news from the front line was a bit frustrating. It was said that the army attacked very badly and they were the most tenacious resistance of the Germans.

However, these do not have much to do with the French artillery, they just have to do their own thing.

Some drunken soldiers who were drinking in the pub returned to their camps with the support of their companions. Soldiers on duty can only cast envious eyes on their companions.

Damn, who makes them still on duty?

There are also guns coming from the distance. This is the consistent practice of the Allies. They have to use this way to make the enemy feel exhausted.

However, the French think that those Germans probably won’t care?

Heisenberg and his commandos were ready, they waited quietly and were not in a hurry.

During the day, Captain Ins had already figured out the situation here, the specific location of the artillery position, the appropriate location of the explosion, and the location of the defenses of the few defense forces.

Now, just wait for the underground resistance organization to attack the armed guerrillas.

Heisenberg looked at the time and was a few minutes away from the agreed time. He closed his eyes and took a break for the last few minutes.

Suddenly, the gunshots pierced the night sky, and then the intensive gunshots sounded.

“Get started!” Heisenberg stood up and said coldly.

All the commandos stood up and walked out silently.

“Attack, attack!”

“Those damn guerrillas are coming again!”

It looked a bit confusing outside, but the artillery did not even come out. Who will manage these things? The attack by the guerrillas did not happen on the first day. Anyway, there were those defense forces to deal with the enemy.

“Lieutenant colonel, you are here!”

As soon as Heisenberg went out, he saw Colonel Louis. Colonel Louis seems a little nervous: “The guerrillas started attacking again, I need your help.”

The colonel at this time has completely forgotten his contempt for the Americans.

“Ah, I am very happy to help.” Heisenberg smiled: “But the colonel, do you remember what I said to you during the day?”

Colonel Louis didn’t think that the other party had a leisure time to ask this question, and he shook his head in confusion.

“I said that we are all pretending to be German…” When the words were finished, the guns in Heisenberg’s hands rang.

Poor Colonel Louis was ordered to protect it, and he came to work in advance, in order to do his job well, but he did not expect that he would die here.

This is no wonder Heisenberg, Heisenberg has long reminded him that he is a German.

“Get it done.”

The German commandos quickly started to move, and they swiftly rushed toward the artillery position. And until the body of Colonel Louis was hidden, the defense forces that were fighting the guerrillas had not found their colonel had been killed.

The French soldiers on duty saw a large group of “US troops” suddenly appearing. They did not think about it elsewhere, but when they wanted to ask why these “Americans” would come here, the weapons in the hands of “American soldiers” At the same time, it opened fire.

The bullets screamed at the poor French, and the gunfire attacked by the outside guerrillas well covered the assaults of the commandos.

After a few minutes, all the French people here fell into a pool of blood. Heisenberg looked at the time with satisfaction: “15 minutes!”

The players quickly started to move, and a time bomb was installed on the cannon. The truck loaded with explosives drove over and a box of explosives was quickly transported.

Heisenberg lit a cigarette and watched his team members do all this. . . . . . If the baron is here, he will be very happy.

Although he could not directly fight the enemy, he was helping the Germans in a special way, and at the same time helping the baron.

When the enemy found that the entire artillery position was destroyed, what kind of expression would they be?

Thinking of this, Heisenberg was a little excited.

Probably the enemy will go crazy and send troops to chase themselves. That would be great. Heisenberg even hopes that all enemies will chase their troops, so that Berlin is safe.

Unfortunately, this is just a dream.

“Colonel, okay.”

In the stipulated time, Captain Ince returned to the colonel: “In a moment, something terrible will happen here.”

“It’s terrible for our enemies. Captain, get ready to evacuate.”

The players began to evacuate quickly.

The guerrillas’ gunshots were still ringing in intensity. When they saw anxiously waiting for their Fendock, Heisenberg nodded to him: “Look for a safe place to hide, and an explosion will make these Shock, we are leaving.”

“Colonel, when are you coming back?”

“I don’t know, I think maybe I will be back soon.”

“We will wait for you to come back.”

“I promise.”

“Goodbye, Colonel.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Fendock.”

Heisenberg finally took a look at this place.

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