The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! Seventy-three. New Warfare, Astronomy

The fall offensive has quietly opened the curtain.

No German soldier has any doubts about the success of this offensive. In the eyes of German soldiers, they have strong military power, confidence to win, and unparalleled courage.

Once victorious, it will be able to completely smash the enemy’s Somme offensive and intercept the strategic goals of the Allies.

General Garvitz of the Second Army put the 16th Regiment of the Bavarian Infantry at the forefront of the entire group’s military attack. In the general’s view, the 16th regiment of the Bavarian Infantry with Baron Alexson will be a completely reliable force.

The supplementary camp was placed at the forefront of the 16th regiment of the Bavarian Infantry.

The officers and men of the supplementary camp are just like any German soldier, full of confidence to win, except for one person:

Ernst Alexson von Breem Baron!

Wang Weizhen did not reveal his fears on his face. Since things can’t be changed, there is only a firm implementation.

Moreover, this is not only from the orders of the German top command, but also from the orders of the base.

Wang Weizhen’s adjutant Gudrian did not come to the camp, but he was a very sensitive and careful person, and soon he noticed something wrong with Captain Ernst.

“Captain, are you worried about winning?” Gudrian asked cautiously, taking advantage of the rest.

Wang Weizhen silenced the meeting, then nodded and said frankly: “The rainy season is coming, which will increase the difficulty of our attack.”

“Rainy season?” Guderian looked up at the top of the head: “Yes, the rainy season is coming, but at least half a month, I think we can win this half-month.”

“If the rainy season comes early?” Wang Weizhen suddenly asked.

Gudrian looked awkwardly and looked at the sky involuntarily. can you? It has been several years since the rainy season arrived in the normal time. Is this ahead of time?

“Forget it, don’t say this, William.” Wang Weizhen smiled: “Whether God does not help us, the battle will always go on. Once the battle breaks out, I will use the third company as a commando.” All the officers who added the sergeant above the camp were summoned.”

After a while, the officers of the supplementary camp all came to the temporary camp.

Wang Weizhen briefly introduced the order received, and then let Guderian hang up the map: “Gentlemen, in front of us this time is not Brittish, but the French. The tenth commanded by General Michele Scheler The 178th Infantry Regiment of the Army. Hey, gentlemen, we were able to fight a battalion.”

“A German can play ten French.” Sterk has always followed the Germans’ contempt for the French: “A battalion can defeat three Frenchmen. Captain, the French will see the German flag run away.” ”

The officers burst into laughter.

The Germans have always been contemptuous of the French, and they have never been regarded as real enemies. What’s more, they now have Captain Ernst Breem personally here.

“Yes, one of our battalions can kill the three groups of the French.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “But obviously it is still not a light enemy. Of course, there is also good news. Given the excellent performance of the battle before the camp, Colonel Kinklock gave We added a machine gun company and a new fire squad, and it will arrive in the afternoon.”

A cheerful call rang, and everyone knows what it would be like to add a machine gun. The emergence of the Spitfire is also more exciting. In the previous battles, these firefighters have shown their lethality.

“If you defend, I will concentrate the machine guns.” Wang Weizhen calmed everyone down: “But we are attacking now. Some adjustments must be made. I don’t want everyone to line up with the enemy’s machine guns. Germans Life can be much more noble than the life of the French.”

Another laughter sounded, and the words of the captain simply made people defy.

Wang Weizhen waved her hand: “So I am going to organize several sniper assault squads. Each squad is equipped with three accurate shooters, three grenadiers with grenades, eight meleemen who use pistols and shovel sharpened engineers. Each team is equipped with a MG08 machine gun’s front and rear machine gun shooter and ammunition hand. Of course, there are also Spitfire soldiers. Because there is only one team, it will be given priority to the most combative sniper assault squad. At the same time, there will be a push. An ammunition supply soldier with a trolley full of ammunition.”

This is a new mode of operation for the supplementary camp and even the entire German army.

In the past battles, as soon as the whistle sounded, the soldiers would rush to the enemy’s intensive firepower until they captured the enemy’s position or were killed by the enemy.

But now it seems that Captain Ernst obviously does not want to do this.

Hall’s lieutenant frowned. “Please excuse me, Captain. We have never used this method of warfare. Should we ask Colonel Kincroft?”

“Hall is a lieutenant, please note that now I am the highest military officer here.” Wang Weizhen’s expression is serious, his dissatisfaction with Hall is not a day or two, although he admits that Hall is a dedicated officer, but once he is himself The opinions of the subordinates have repeatedly been opposed by the subordinates, and their hearts will be unpleasant.

Hall closed his mouth with interest.

His class is not as good as Ernst, and his status is not as good as Ernst. It is not as important as Ernst. Throughout the supplementary camp, all officers and men are looking at the Ernst horse.

Seeing Hall shut up, Wang Weizhen did not excessively pursue it.

Such a squad assault squad will appear sooner or later, but it is just to let it accelerate on the battlefield. The only fly in the ointment is that if you have a few MP18Sub Machine Guns, it would be fine.

The MP18Sub Machine Gun has a much larger role in the battle than a simple rifle shooter.

You have to ask Xiao Ling for two more MP18Sub Machine Guns and plenty of ammunition to get the power of the fire assault squad.

The first assault squad was undoubtedly led by Wang Weizhen, who was the ideal assaulter of Sub Machine Gun, and Bunkerley was a good shooter. The machine gunner is naturally not Sean.

Adolf Hitler was in charge of the Spitfire, and three melee soldiers using pistols and engineering shovel were commanded by Sterk.

As for Guderian, the future German star can only be wronged to command the grenadier.

Wang Weizhen is convinced that the emergence of his own assault squad will give the war history a new tactic.

(Update in the morning, ask for recommendations, click, reward!)

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