The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country seven hundred and twenty. I have seen, floating astronomy

Stalin looked dull and looked at the subordinates who were equally savage. !

Now, the gunshots from outside have not affected them at all. For them, it is just waiting for fear there.

The Germans will soon rush here, and then arrest all of them, even the shooting.

The failure, although expected very early, is undoubtedly uncomfortable when the fate of failure really comes.

Stalin asked many of their questions. These former Soviet supreme powers, who are high in the past, can’t answer a question now.

Stalin was not disappointed at all. The reaction of these guys was already in his expectation. . . . . . He stood up slightly and tremblingly: “Comrades, since everyone has nothing to say, let me leave here for a while…”

He didn’t take care of these guys, but walked out steadily.

After the meeting, Beria walked in, not only alone, but also behind him with many soldiers armed with bullets.

“Comrade Beria, what do you want to do?” is the most important assistant to Comrade Stalin. He is a member of the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, the Central Secretary, the Standing Consultant of the Supreme Command of the Soviet Union, and the Political Commissar of the General. husband.

Beria’s face could not see the slightest expression: “Comrade Zidanov, the war is coming to an end. As a member of the Soviet Supreme Command, you must not fall into the hands of the enemy and accept the despicable judgment! ”

Zidanov and all the people knew what was going to happen. He shouted out: “No, you have no right to do this!”

“I have this right, the power that Comrade Stalin has given me!” Beria’s voice was still so cold, and then he pulled out the pistol and shot at Nodanov without hesitation.

Then, it seemed to be an order, and the guns in the hands of the soldiers rang. . . . . .

All of them here are members of the Central Political Bureau and alternate members of the Communist Party (B). They are the core structure of the highest power of the Soviet Union and the master of all power in the Soviet Union. But now, under the shooting of bullets, they have no ability to resist.

The entire office was completely stained with blood. . . . . .

Dead. These people are dead, and they all died under the orders of Comrade Stalin. . . . . .

This is probably the saddest day. Some of these people are ready to surrender to the Germans, and some are indeed prepared to die for their own career.

But now, Comrade Stalin did not give them this opportunity at all. . . . . .

When the last shot fell, Beria still did not forget her responsibility. I was relieved to have a pistol with a gun on each body.

For the task of Comrade Stalin, Beria never dared to take it lightly. It was not until the end of this that he left the place without delay. As for how to deal with these bodies? The enemy is coming in here quickly. Who else will care about the body?

In another office, Beria saw Stalin, who was sitting there, and then he stood there without a word.

After a long time, Stalin said: “It is over, you can leave, Comrade Beria.”

He didn’t ask the people in the meeting room at all, because he knew that he could rest assured that he had to explain to Beria. . . . . .

“There is also a comrade Zhukov, how are you going to deal with him?” Beria did not leave immediately.

Stalin was indulged for a long time. Then he slowly said: “Forget it, forget it, Comrade Zhukov has already done his best. No matter what choice he makes, please don’t interfere with him.”

Stalin made his own choice, and this choice undoubtedly saved Zhukov’s life.

Until this time, Zhukov did not know what terrible things happened in the Kremlin. Although he knew that the war was irreparable, he still insisted on the battlefield.

He is the Marshal of the Soviets and the man who commanded all the troops in Moscow. As long as the enemy has not killed or captured himself, he vowed to fight to the end.

This is the responsibility, the responsibility of a marshal!

At this time, the Germans have officially launched an attack on the Kremlin. A large number of artillery pieces covered this sacred place in Russia.

Zhukov knows that the end of the moment has arrived. He even firmly remembers today’s day:

1943 9 Day of 15.

On this day, it will be the end of everything. . . . . .

Nothing to regret, no.

Here, he witnessed the occurrence of everything; here he witnessed the collapse of a state power; here he witnessed the beginning and the end of everything. . . . . .

Here, he will end his historical mission. . . . . .

―He has been here, he has seen it!

When he saw Volvo again, the most loyal subordinate of Marshal Temu, and his identity was completely different.

He represents the winner.

And Zhukov knew the purpose of the other party, he came to persuade. In fact, at this time, Zhukov has also considered the possibility of surrender.

But the dignity of the military is still preventing him from coming out of this last step. . . . . .

“Look, this battlefield.” Vol Walker pointed to the low battlefield and said: “Do you think there is hope?”

“Nothing.” Zhukov said frankly: “Even if I give the strength of ten divisions now, I have no way to save the war.”

“What are you waiting for?” Volvok interface said: “Wait to die with this place?”

Zhukov shook his head slowly: “No, I don’t want to see the demise here, but I still have my own responsibility. Responsibility, do you understand? General Volvok… Comrade Stalin and our party, command The glorious task here is given to me, then all I have to do is to complete my task…”

“Comrade Stalin and the party?” Volvok smiled sarcastically: “Before the start of the war in Kharkov, Comrade Stalin also said the same thing to Marshal Temu, and later? Marshal Musingo did not ask me to say these things… Marshal Zhukov, your task now is not to continue this hopeless war, but how to end it as soon as possible. It has already died too much. People, the tragedy of too much blood should not continue. At the same time, I also brought the words of Marshal Ernst. Breem, when you decide to surrender and end the war, you will get the fairest trial and you Have the power to defend yourself…”

“Is Marshal Ernst really saying that? I will get a fair trial?” Zhukov asked.

He must admit that he is the biggest opponent in his life, Ernst. Breem didn’t deceive himself. He clearly communicated a meaning to himself and he will be judged.

An enemy who never deceives his opponent is undoubtedly worthy of respect.

What Zhukov needs is a fair trial. . . . . .

“Yes, Marshal Ernst said that.” Volvok said very seriously: “He also made the same promise to Huaslevsky Shuai, he told Huaslevev handsome, the trial must be there but he promised to be fair. You may Will be sentenced to life imprisonment, but no one can hurt your life. You can even write your memoirs in prison…”

Speaking of this, he was slightly silent: “According to the intention of Marshal Ernst, you should not even judge because you are a soldier. The duty of the soldiers is to win the war. You are only executing the government’s orders. It was the government of Moscow that was tried… but for two reasons, I had to let Marshal Ernst give up on this idea… The first reason is that you indirectly ordered your troops to participate. The looting of Russia and the harm to the Russian people. A large number of civilians have been sent to labor camps or directly killed because of your relationship. You have no responsibility for this… Marshal Zhukov, you Do you admit this?”

Zhukov nodded silently. . . . .

Yes, he admits this.

Whether in the previous famine or in the big cleansing since then, they have done a lot of things that are against their hearts and this is always plaguing them.

It can even be said that Marshal Ernst made them accept such a trial, which is completely fair.

“The second reason is also important…” Volvok’s voice became more and more low: “To balance. You have to know that the Russian free government has made a big deal in this military operation. The strength, and they are also a very important cornerstone of the future re-establishment of Russia under the command of Germany. Most of them are nobles of the tsarist era or their descendants, they hate you and your companions such as Huaslevsky handsome So, in order for the future of Russia to transition smoothly, someone must make sacrifices…”

“I understand, I understand.” Zhukov smiled at this time: “Do you know, I am more eager to see Marshal Ernst now.”

“The marshal is waiting for you.”

Zhukov said: “I can end the war, but I must agree to one of my conditions. The Soviet officers and soldiers who lay down their weapons must not be harmed any more, and the officers below the generals cannot be tried. All responsibility. Let us all these generals or marshals bear it.”

“I will pass it, but before that, please let me stop the battle.”

Zhukov accepted this suggestion. . . . . . The gunshots were stopped in the Kremlin. . . . . .

Few people refused to implement this order. The war has now arrived and all people are tired. They are only mechanically and numbly carrying out orders to continue fighting. Every one of them knows that war has long lost hope for the Soviet Union.

Zhukov’s orders saved them in the most timely manner.

They should even thank Zhukov. . . . . .

After Zhukov made his own comments, less than one news, Volvok came back. He told Marshal Zhukov that Marshal Ernst agreed to his request.

“Now you should do what you should, Marshal Zhukov.”

Zhukov nodded calmly, then he gave orders to all the Soviet Red Army soldiers:

“Soviet officers, Soviet soldiers, now 1943 9 Day of 15. On this day, although I don’t want to, I still have to tell everyone in war with a heavy heart, and it’s over. ……Yes, after failure, we should not continue to let the innocent people succumb to the commander-in-chief of the people. I think I should do something that I can do, such as ordering you to lay down your arms and surrender… … Believe me, I am more reluctant to issue such an order than anyone else, but I have to do this… When the war in Moscow began, I firmly believe that I am willing to work for my cause and belief. I rushed to the last drop of blood. I firmly believe that I am willing to die here. But now the war has no need to continue. All of us know that what will continue to fight… please let go Your weapons are living well, I beg you… Now, I declare that we have been defeated. All of Moscow has stopped, or Soviet Red Army soldiers continue to resist in all Soviet armed forces, the opposite of the German surrender! “

This order was spread in Moscow in various ways.

Some Russians burst into tears, some Russians put their arms in their hands, and some Russians directly chose to commit suicide. . . . . .

Most of the Soviet Red Army soldiers chose to surrender to the Germans instead of the so-called Russian Freedom Forces. At least it is easier to convince yourself that it is far more powerful than a directly powerful enemy.

The battlefield, which was still noisy, became very quiet. . . . . .

Everyone’s mood is so heavy. . . . . . Now, the entire resistance forces in Moscow have gone out of the poor security forces in the Kremlin, and they are no longer there. The Germans can completely enter the world.

When Zhukov stepped out of his command, he was relieved and relieved.

The heavy burden on him was finally put down.

He saw his good friend Huasilevsky met Marshal Tiemu Xinge, and of course saw Ernst. Breem.

This legendary Baron Skulls.

“In the First World War, we were enemies.” Zhukov said straight away: “At that time, we had a contest, but I lost to you. From which day, I would be eager to see. You didn’t think that this wish was actually realized after so many years.”

“We still see it anyway.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “Fate has already made arrangements.”

The two people are like talking to old friends who have not met for many years.

There is no hostility at all, and there is no arrogance of the winner or dejection of the loser. At this moment they are completely equal.

A team of German soldiers walked in front of them, and a team of Russian prisoners walked in front of them.

Zhukov pointed to the Russian prisoners: “What are you going to do?”

“I think they will be released soon.” Wang Weizhen replied very seriously: “They are just executing the orders of their superiors. The responsibility is not with them, but in their respective governments. Some of them let We have had a lot of trouble and suffered a lot of sacrifices, but what about that? A faithful execution of superior orders, and brave soldiers are the most respectable…”

“Thank you, Lord Marshal.” Zhukov sighed softly: “As their marshal, I have to be responsible for them, even if I am also a prisoner now. Lord Marshal, where is the place where I am being held?”

“A very quiet place.” Wang Weizhen said without any concealment: “Before the trial begins, I will guarantee that you will not be disturbed. No one can bother you and Huaslevsky. This is my promise to you. “”

Zhukov once again expressed his gratitude.

Georgy. Konstantinovic. Zhukov, 1915 8 month, Zhukov enlisted in the army, entered the cavalry, and participated in the First World War.

1931年2月晋升为骑兵第2旅旅长,1932年2月被任命为骑兵总监部副总监,1933年3月任骑兵第4师师长,1937年秋到1938年春为骑兵第3军、第6军军长,1938年在中国任短时间军事顾问后升为白俄罗斯特别军区副司令员。1939年9月,日军在哈拉哈河地区进行武装挑衅,远东形势紧张。Zhukov 被任命为驻蒙Soviet Red Army 第1集团军司令员,指挥对日作战。他在短时间内成功地组织和实施了哈勒哈河战役,以伤亡9000人的较小代价,取得歼敌5万余人的巨大胜利。

In this battle, Zhukov showed his superior commanding ability and organizational ability. He is good at coordinating the actions of infantry, artillery, Tank soldiers and aviation, boldly carrying out roundabout encirclement, and destroying the main force of the enemy. His theory of using Tank intensively is also confirmed in actual combat.

Zhukov triumphed in Moscow and was praised by the whole country and was awarded the title of “Soviet Hero”.

1940 5 month, he was promoted to general in advance, and was soon appointed as the commander of the Kiev Special Military Region, the largest military region in the Soviet Union. 1941 1 Month 11 Day, Zhukov served as Chief of Staff of the Soviet Red Army.

1943 9 month 15 Day, Zhukov, who was promoted to the Soviet Marshal, surrendered to the Germans in Moscow!

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