The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 576. Tiger-style Tank (fourth more monthly ticket), floating astronomy

The British army is still very flustered at the moment.

The stubborn resistance of the soldiers of the Egyptian soldiers changed greatly beyond their expectations. More than 30 British troops were killed in the attack, more than 50 people were injured, and a Tank was lost.

Although the soldiers of the soldiers changed far more than Brittish, they did not surrender.

In particular, more and more Egyptians joined the ranks of the soldiers who helped the Egyptian soldiers, which made Brittish feel great pressure.

General Montgomery issued a death order to Major General Kemnson, who was on the front line to suppress the crackdown. Within six hours, he must successfully settle the mutiny.

This is a task that seems to be difficult at present, but General Kemnson, who is accustomed to obeying orders, did not do too much hesitation, and quickly put more troops into the offensive.

At the same time, the soldiers of the mutiny are also under great pressure.

The British army has an absolute advantage. Every time a Brittish is killed, the Egyptians have to pay three times or more. But at this point, the only choice for the Egyptians is to continue to resist.

They know very well that once the dynasty fails, what kind of terrible ending will be waiting for them?

Perhaps there is only one hope left now: the support of the Egyptian military high-ranking headed by General Caelum, but now it seems so far away

As the night fell, the British offensive suddenly strengthened.

Three Tank assaults were at the forefront, causing great trouble for the soldiers. The soldiers of the mutiny wanted to blow up the Tank several times, but the British army that strengthened the protection of the Tank did not give them too many opportunities, but instead caused them to lose a lot of companions.

Colonel Tamusta is worried, if they continue this way, they can’t insist on how many times

But at this time, the most unexpected thing happened.

Suddenly some strange sounds came from the sky, and then three black dots gradually approached.

Airplane – that is the plane!

Brittish didn’t care at all. On the air above Cairo, only one type of aircraft could appear:

Allied fighters!

Some British troops even began to cheer loudly. These damn air forces finally got out, but some military officers made a fuss in their hearts, bombing here? Will it be mistakenly blown to someone?

But no matter what, the support of the Air Force is still there.

However, soon Brittish found out that something was wrong:

The goal of those planes is actually them!

The plane slammed toward the British position, and then swooped heavily – the fire!

Hell, it’s not the Allied plane, it’s the enemy’s fighter!

The submersible sweeps of these planes, the fierce firepower, were completely beyond Brittish’s expectations. Only in the first sweep, three planes swept a large enemy

Then, those planes began to pull up, but the soon second round of the sweep began again.

The British army, which had always steadily occupied the upper hand, immediately fell into a huge chaos. And those passively beaten Egyptian soldiers, some of them are puzzled. Where did these reinforcements from the sky come from?

Did General Caelum finally take the shot? But General Caelum could not mobilize the Air Force.

It is not only support from the air, but also support from the ground!

A Tiger Tank appeared on the battlefield!

Damn – Tiger!

Brittish made sure he was not mistaken – it was Tiger Tank!

The shells roared and fell, and then the British army rose and exploded, and then the machine gun on the tank screamed wildly.

crazy! crazy! The tiger style appeared in Cairo. Is it difficult for the moral army to enter Cairo? Many British officers have raised this idea in their hearts.

Now, they can’t think of their most thoughts. The tiger that rushed up is like a tiger with real iron armor. It fiercely rushes in and fires at the British with all the weapons on the Tank.

Even more frightening is that this tiger-style tank is really terrible. A shell was fired and it seemed that there were several places that would cause an explosion!

What kind of shell is this damn?

“Xiao Ling, doing beautiful!” Wang Weizhen yelled out in the Tank: “Twelve points, give me a bomb!”

“Accept instructions, 12 o’clock direction, bombing -“

Violet Light Military Base is like a ghost hidden in the dark, under the command of “The Drifter”, began a terrible massacre of Cairo’s British army.

The explosion sounded and the fire was burning everywhere.

Cairo is here

These are not the most terrible, the most terrible things happen very quickly. A huge battle flag rises in the Tiger Tank, and this flag is familiar to all Brittish:

– Skulls battle flag!

God, the merciful God! Skulls battle flag!

Come, he is still here. Since he has been in North Africa for a long time, then he will not get Egypt, and he will never give up.

However, no one thought that he would come so fast

— Skulls Baron:

Ernst Alexson von Breem !

Although no one can see who the people in the Tank are, but dare to raise the Skulls battle flag in the heart of the enemy, no one except the Skulls Baron has such guts!

The British army began to shake

Yes, Brittash was shaken just because of a Tank and a battle flag!

Since the Baron Skulls is coming, what about the Germans? Did the Germans really have entered Cairo? No one can give Brittish the answer.

The power of the Tiger Tank is amazing. It was never seen by any Brittish who had been on the battlefield. The idea in their minds is that this is another new weapon of the Germans who constantly appear on the battlefield with new weapons!

The tiger-like spurt a bloody road in Brittish, and behind it, a truck began to increase the throttle and rushed to the military barracks of the Egyptian soldiers.

Those mutiny soldiers are also completely stupid. Where did this magical tank appear? So many British troops can’t stop this Tank.

Colonel Tamusta was the first to react. When he saw the truck rushing toward himself, he immediately called out: “Respond, meet them!”

Although he does not know who the person is, the only thing that can be determined is:

They are not enemies, they are friends!

The truck rushed into the military camp

“Xiao Ling, ordering the plane to evacuate, Brittish’s support is coming soon.” Wang Weizhen issued the order, and then drove his Tiger-style Tank, so that he swayed through the scattered British troops.

Not Brittish is incompetent, but this scene is really shocking.

Even the best commander is hard to react to today’s situation.

General Kemnson, who couldn’t figure out what happened, temporarily ordered the attack to stop. He had to figure out if the Germans had entered Cairo.

There is one more important point:

The guy in Tank is the Skulls Baron!

The first one was to see who the daring guy in the Tank was, or the head of the “Egyptian Military Corps”, General Tamusta.

From the tank, a young man wearing a German military uniform, and a young man wearing a German military uniform, jumped from the truck.

“Colonel Tamusta?” asked the German officer who appeared in Tank.

“Yes, are you?” Colonel Tamusta asked questioningly.

“Ernst .Breem, someone called me Baron Alexson.”

“Skulls Baron?” Tamusta took a breath of cold air. He couldn’t believe it anyway. The person standing in front of him was the magical Baron Skulls.

No, no, this is impossible. The Skulls Baron is the Grand Marshal of Germany. How could he possibly drive a Tank in Cairo?

“The strength of the work here is not enough here to arrange a more machine gun.” Wang Weizhen did not care about the surprise of Colonel Tamusta, but seemed to have taken over the command.

“Hey, listen.” Colonel Tamusta said hurriedly: “I don’t care if you are really a Baron Skulls, but the mutiny is a mutiny, we are not planning to cooperate with the Germans.”

“Now, you can’t make a choice.” Wang Weizhen glanced at him coldly, then saw more and more Egyptian soldiers changing around, and he said:

“Egypt is being oppressed. You are ruthlessly stripped of everything that you belong to by Brittish. Now, these things should be over. I am Ernst. Breem, I will command all the Germans in North Africa, bring freedom to you! Egypt for freedom!”

When his voice fell, the call for “Long live the Egyptian freedom” resounded through the barracks.

Wang Weizhen provoked the patriotic enthusiasm of all Egyptian soldiers in one of the simplest words. Who they don’t dare to come to, as long as they can help them, it is their friend.

“I, Ernst. Breem, as a German officer, in order to express the support of all of Germany, I brought you the first gift -“

Under Hiroshi in Wang Weizhen, Guo Yenfeng stood on the truck: “Weapons!”

Full of a truck of weapons and ammunition, this moment caused the Egyptian soldiers to burst into a fanatical cheer!

Colonel Tamusta smiled a bit, the sorcerer Baron, who brought them the most needed gifts when the soldiers were most needed. With this alone, the soldiers had already reached the German side!

Now, Colonel Tamusta has faintly felt that he has lost control of the situation.

Maybe now this Skulls Baron is the one who has the final say here. (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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