The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 577. Let the flag fly in Cairo (the third is to ask for a monthly pass), floating astronomy

The Egyptian mutiny has taken place!

Brittish, however, toughly rejected all Egyptian demands and demanded that the Egyptian soldiers change the captured British officers immediately in an ultimatum situation.

Brittish, who was blinded by the defeat of war, absolutely gave the Egyptians the toughest lesson at a price to the bloody situation:

Who is the real master of this land!

Not the Egyptians, but the empire of the day – Britain!

Tank appeared on the streets of Cairo, Cairo was martial-tempered in the city, and the barracks of the soldiers were surrounded in the shortest possible time.

Bloody conflict is about to begin!

Until now, General Caelum still did not give up the efforts to save those men.

He repeatedly pleaded with Brittish to solve the incident in a more reasonable way, but it was rejected by Brittish. He repeatedly pleaded with the rioting soldiers to end the mutiny and release the British officers, but they were also rejected.

Colonel Tamusta, the head of the “Egyptian Military Corps”, said the last time when he talked with General Caelum.

“You have been pursuing the freedom of Egypt, but are we really free? There must always be people who shed blood for the freedom of Egypt. Then we will bear this responsibility. Just like the Arabs of that year, for freedom. Let’s sacrifice in Egypt.”

Putting down the phone, General Caelum knew that things were irreparable. Because these soldiers changed their way to follow the example of Egypt’s anti-aggression leader, Arabi, and died for Egypt!

In 1879, the Egyptian bourgeois intellectuals and officers established the “Mother’s Party”, led by the army lieutenant colonel Muhammad. Arabi Pasha. The motherland party put forward the idea of ​​Egyptian independence and opposition to the “European cabinet”, and used the power of the people’s mass struggle to force the Governor Ismail to reorganize the government, dismiss foreign officials, and strengthen the power of parliament through the Constitution. The British 怂恿 Turkey dethroned Ismail and appointed his son Dufike as the new governor. Dufic listened to the British, formed a reactionary government, dissolved the parliament, and arrested the motherland. In September 1881, the Allah ratio army uprising, surrounded the palace, and received the support of the people. Dufik was forced to convene a parliament. In 1882, the motherland formed a cabinet, and Arabi was the army minister. The “double supervision” system was abolished. Through the 1879 constitution, the British could not control Egypt through the governor and the cabinet. They decided to engage in armed intervention to realize their long-planned invasion of the Suez Canal. And the ambitions of the whole of Egypt. On July 11, 1882, the British sub-fleet bombarded Alexandria. The submarine consists of eight armored ships, five gunboats and one destroyer. It is equipped with 69 large caliber guns, 88 medium and small caliber guns and 70 Mitrajoz guns. The crew is 5700. people. At that time, the Egyptian garrison in Alexandria had 7,500 poorly trained soldiers, and the construction positions were rudimentary. After fierce fighting, there were 2,000 casualties in Egypt. 25,000 British troops landed, occupied the harbor, and looted.

In the face of the British aggression, the motherland immediately issued a book to the people, announcing that “the war between the Egyptian nation and Brittish was inconsistent” and promised the peasants to abolish the debts owed to foreigners. The broad masses of farmers responded to the call and joined the army. Cairo and other cities held anti-aggression demonstrations. Under the leadership of Arabi, the Egyptian military and civilians focused on strengthening the northern front of Cairo. On July 28th, the Egyptian army frustrated the British army during the war in the village of Dawar. In the next three weeks, the Egyptians successively repelled the enemy’s several attacks, making it impossible for the British to attack Cairo from the north.

However, Arabi and others made a strategic mistake, only strengthening the defense line in the northern Cairo, but did not pay due attention to the east line defense, because they believed that the capitalist countries would abide by the Neutral guarantee of the Suez Canal. As a result, the British army set the breakthrough for entering Cairo on the Suez Canal. In August, a large number of British troops landed in the canal area. On the 20th, they occupied the main area of ​​the canal area, Port Said, and then invaded Cairo. In September, in the vicinity of Cairo, close to the area of ​​Tyler Kebir, the two sides fought a battle. . The Egyptian army and civilians fought bravely against the enemy, fought bloody battles and held their positions for two weeks. The British army changed its strategy and bought the feudal aristocrats of the nomadic tribes, especially the Bedouin chiefs who participated in the war of resistance. As a result, the British army broke through the eastern defense line on September 13, and the Egyptian army was forced to retreat to Cairo.

Arabi strives to use the flooding Nile weather to defend against the enemy and decides to launch Cairo’s 100,000 soldiers and civilians to defend the capital. However, the bureaucrats and some officers in the city of Cairo waved the rebellion, and the Arabs commanded the soldiers and civilians to build defense lines in the suburbs, and opened the door to attract the enemy into the city.

The capital fell on September 15. Allah and other generals were captured and a large number of soldiers and civilians were massacred. After the British army captured Cairo, it quickly occupied the whole of Egypt, and the war ended in the failure of Egypt.

The uprising led by Arabi has failed, but countless Egyptians have forever remembered the Egyptian patriotic general.

When Tamusta proposed the name of this person, what General Caelum could do was to pray silently.

At 3 pm on November 6, when Brittish’s ultimatum time arrived, Cairo’s bloodiest crackdown began!

On the same day, the 7th, 12th, and 19th brigades in Egypt launched a mutiny. At 3 o’clock, the British army suppressed it with tough means.

This is a battle before anyone who did not expect that there was no preparation for the mutiny. But in history, there are too many munitions like rushing.

Sometimes, an uprising does not require too much preparation.

The soldiers of the mutiny took the “Egyptian Military Corps” as the core commanding force and built temporary fortifications to meet the British offensive. The Brittish side used the Tank for brutal suppression.

The fierce battle officially started at 3 o’clock, and it was until this time that the Egyptians had not figured out what was going on.

However, rumors soon came in Egypt:

The shameless Brittish used counterfeit banknotes instead of wages to deceive Egyptian soldiers, while the deceived Egyptian soldiers fought back and were quickly suppressed by Brittish.

The Egyptians who had hated counterfeit banknotes quickly expressed their sympathy for the soldiers of the mutiny. The sympathy developed to substantial support, and the Egyptians began to use their own methods to support the Egyptian soldiers in battle.

This was what Brittish didn’t think of, and what I didn’t even think of was the tenacious fighting power of the Egyptian soldiers.

Practically speaking, the Egyptian soldiers did not perform very well on the battlefield, but in the fighting for the fight for freedom and rights, they were so eloquent.

They were dying to fight with Brittish, and they blew up the British invaders at the expense of their lives. The battle went to 5 o’clock, and the repression that should have ended in the Brittish plan did not make any progress at all.

At the same time, General Caelum and his companions are still using their influence to constantly call for the end of the battle as soon as possible, and negotiations with the soldiers.

Montgomery knew that the longer the battle was delayed, the more unfavourable the density of the British attack, and it was strengthened.

More soldiers have been put into the crackdown, and at the same time, more ordinary Egyptians have joined the ranks of the soldiers who support the Egyptian soldiers.

The mutiny quickly spread to the scale of the entire Cairo, and the resistance was fierce. Even Wang Weizhen, the initiator, did not expect it.

The anger of the Egyptians who had been oppressed by Brittish for a long time was released at this moment!

The war caused by counterfeit banknotes? Wang Weizhen suddenly felt that this can be called the battle that took place in Cairo.

Now, what should he do? The Germans have already secretly assembled under his orders. Although they are not dominant, Wang Weizhen is still unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.

Now that the flame has burned in Cairo, is there any way to add some firewood to it, so that this flame will burn more intensely? Even burning throughout Egypt?

Advance the plan to win Egypt!

The key question is, how long the Egyptian soldiers can continue to persist, and the longer they fight, the more the Egyptians can be put into greater resistance, making Brittish more passive. For Germany, The chance of victory is more

“I need a Tank and a truck full of munitions!” Wang Weizhen suddenly made such a request to Xiao Ling.

“The ‘The Drifter’ command accepts, Tank, weapons, trucks are prepared, what do you want these things to do?”

“The soldiers need support.” Wang Weizhen’s face is smiling: “Support from Germany!”

“You are crazy!” Xiao Ling said this sentence she has commented on Wang Weizhen countless times.

“Sometimes, people have to do something crazy.” Wang Weizhen smiled a little, then he turned his head to Guo Yenfeng: “Four-Knifes, are you willing to take risks with me?”

“Where are you going, where am I going!” Guo Yenfeng is always the answer.

Wang Weizhen put himself in a German military uniform and then whispered: “Four-Knifes, is the Skulls battle flag ready?”

“You are really a madman, actually wanting the Skulls flag to fly in Cairo.” Guo Yenfeng couldn’t help but mutter at this time.

Wang Weizhen laughed out loudly: “Yes, let the Skulls battle flag fly on the streets of Cairo, tell our enemies, Germany is coming, the Skulls Baron is coming! Xiao Ling, it seems that I have to ask for your help this time. With me, I will tear a bloody road on the British defense line!”

Xiao Ling couldn’t see the idea of ​​”The Drifter”, she really didn’t know how these crazy ideas were formed in the mind of “The Drifter”! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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