931. Chapter 931 prohibits playing in the dormitory | Cannon

    [Today's eight more monthly tickets, the second is sent]

    Misaka Mikoto and Feng Yu Chen rushed back to the student dormitory, just in time to fall asleep, but because it was the first day, Misaka Mikoto did not take the dorm supervisor seriously, and Feng Yu Chen immediately broke out again. The battle.

    "Bastard, don't run, I must leave your safety pants today!"Misaka Mikoto pointed to Feng Yu Chen.


    Feng Yu Chen can only smile with a smile. This guy won't really think of him as a female student. Shokuhou Misaki said that she believed, it was a guy who was easy to swindle.

    "Hey! "Bang!"

    Just before Misaka Mikoto and Feng Yu Chen fight again, the two men suddenly felt a pain in their chest, and they fell on the ground.

    "It is forbidden to play in the dorms. Your Railgun and super gravity guns should not be fired in my management area!"

    A woman wearing glasses with OL stockings did not hesitate to shoot. She used Feng and Chen to knock down Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto on the ground. Then she reached for the clothes of two people and instantly threw them into the dormitory. .

    "Get up time – 7:00-7:30; breakfast time 7:30-8:00…Did you know? Also, once again warned that it is not allowed to play in the dormitory | guns, in any sense, the guns are forbidden, the ghost knows that the school will allow you two!**! ”

    The dorm supervisor closed the door and walked away.

    "Call ~~~~~~"

    Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto suddenly twitched, and it hurts, it's a curse.

    "I didn't capture her skills at all. What kind of person is it?"Feng Yu Chen said, frowning.

    "Our duel has not stopped, come again!"

    Misaka Mikoto struggled to stand up and took out a coin.

    "Do you have a special brain damage? I haven't heard of it. Not afraid of being beaten again, you will try to make trouble, and I estimate that it is still a light punishment! ”

    Feng Yu Chen glanced at Misaka Mikoto, then began to tidy up the bed, put on slippers, and went to the bathroom to start bathing.

    Misaka Mikoto recalled the dorm supervisor's recent attack and shrank his neck. Then come back tomorrow. Be sure to take him down. Check the information tomorrow to see how to deal with gravitational abilities.

    "Hey, you wash it quickly, you will turn off the lights for a while, hear no!!"

    Misaka Mikoto kicked the door of the bathroom and said.

    "Are you idiot, don't come in, I am a man!"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly pressed the door handle of the bathroom and said loudly, how stupid this guy is.

    "Ahhhh……Ouch……Got itCut, you will recruit, Shokuhou Student said to me, you are a woman dressed as a man, or how a famous aristocratic school like Changpan can recruit a boy, really, I said you, there are It’s strange enough, if you’re afraid of being seen, don’t you wear safety pants like me…”Misaka Mikoto leaned on the door of the bathroom and said.


    Feng Yu Chen didn't want to explain, I must find Shokuhou Misaki this guy to settle the bill tomorrow. It seems that I can't explain it to Misaka Mikoto. I can't just let her see the characteristics of her male to prove it. In that case, she estimates it will be immediate. Release Railgun's.

    After some washing, Feng Yu Chen walked out wearing four Kakuzu pants.

    Misaka Mikoto looks at Feng Yu Chen's flat chest, suddenly ridiculed and said: "Oh, I didn't think that you guy is a flat chest, even a primary school student is not as good as it is, no wonder women dress up men, well, I will not despise you of……"


    "You are the airport, okay? I said that I am a man, but I still can't see it. How many idiots do you have? ”Feng Yu Chen feels that this guy has not saved. He is a man, and naturally he has no chest.

    Misaka Mikoto double-handed dragged **** and said with pride: "Haha, I am also a little bit of a breast, you are a real airport, no wonder it will be dressed as a man…"


    Feng Yu Chen turned over Byakugan. Because of the age, I still can't see the knot. Otherwise, I can prove it. Really…

    "You wash your bath, I am going to sleep."


    Misaka Mikoto looks at Feng Yu Chen, who is lying in bed, enters the washroom and begins to wash up with unknown songs.

    But this has caused trouble for Feng Yu Chen. A Loli bathed in the bathroom and is still happy to sing a little song. This is too stunned. In the following days, do you have to go through such a thing every day?

    "Hey, Misaka, can you guys make a sound?" I still want to sleep! ”Feng Yu Chen said.

    "You are in control, I am happy…"The sound of Misaka Mikoto came from the bathroom.


    "Hey…You two whispered, count the most noisy of your dormitory, don't let me hear the sound of the gun! ”

    The dorm supervisor slammed the dormitory door and said.


    Feng Yu Chen sighed heavily. He must apply to the school to change the dormitory tomorrow. Otherwise, there is no way to rest normally. After all, Losa Mikoto is sleeping next to it, the distance between the two is within reach, and it is inevitable There will be scenes like changing clothes…

    Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that one day, Misaka Mikoto awakened and knew what Feng Yu Chen was after the boy. He would definitely want to kill him. At that time, he would definitely go away.

    However, the application has already been passed, and another application is submitted again. Is it possible to pass? And yesterday, Shokuhou Misaki submitted the application in the name of Feng Yu Chen's, which is quite troublesome, and Misaka Mikoto was also convinced by Shokuhou Misaki. It is a profound woman in the city. Feng Yu Chen's biggest opponent is not Misaka Mikoto but Shokuhou. Misaki.

    The key is that Shokuhou Misaki's spiritual manipulation is not very good. If it is solved by violence, it will be too much, but this tone can't be swallowed anyway.

    "Hey, is there time tomorrow?" Go buy safety pants together, just didn't buy a good safety pants. ”Misaka Mikoto asked Feng Yu Chen, rubbing the wet brown hair.

    Not Going: You buy safety pants, what about me! ”Feng Yu Chen Just about to fall asleep, this split second can't sleep anymore, toss people.

    "You don't wear four Kakuzu's safety pants, well, everyone is the same habit, and I won't laugh at you."Misaka Mikoto took off her shirt and revealed the delicate body of the white, and put on her pajamas…



    Feng Yu Chen had an idea of ​​going over, but when he remembered that the dorm supervisor was forbidden to fight, the gun suddenly stopped this behavior.

    "How come you suddenly stop fighting with me? Also called me together? ”Feng Yu Chen asked in confusion.

    "Well, I can see that it is Shokuhou's strategy. I am not idiot, and you and I both like to wear safety pants. Let's talk about it for the time being, but I must let you know that I am the strongest, I am very quick. You will develop a solution to your gravitational ability."Misaka Mikoto threw the dried towel on the table and began to fall asleep.


    What do you like to wear safety pants! !

    Feng Yu Chen is powerless to vomit…

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