930. Chapter 930 has a ** is sky blue

    [Thanks for the day?Ye No dance, 哓喵喵, take the name even, Bilibili control, Dragon God under the dust, Xia Zhuite Heatherink, 啥 5 what 2, hot pot shop you, wing, lghj, book friends 1410018202721100, with vegetables Radish, three yuan to death children's shoes reward]

    [Today's eight more monthly tickets, the first to send]

    Feng Yu Chen originally thought that a super-gravity gun and Railgun's match, Misaka Mikoto will die, and in fact prove that Misaka Misaka's attachment is very firm.

    Eight rounds of Railgun in one minute, this is really –

    After just using the power, Feng Yu Chen has already felt the existence of the gravitational field. Generally speaking, the gravitational field is not something that normal people can see at all, but now he actually feels the existence of gravitational fields.

    The first time I gained the ability, obviously Feng Yu Chen also has a heart to play, and Railgun is a very good tester as an opponent.

    However, the fuzzy sensibility makes Feng Yu Chen unable to grasp the power of the power of the power. After all, the power is too big to hurt Misaka Mikoto. If the power is too small, it will hurt Feng Yu Chen himself. Fine brain calculations.

    Unlike those Unlimited Skills and Magic, a fixed amount of Energy is fixed. The power is completely in control. The power of the power is somewhat mysterious. To be honest, I don’t know where my abilities are launched. from.

    But even so, you must fight.

    Misaka Mikoto once again illuminated the signature [Railgun].

    Feng Yu Chen can only use the same [super gravity gun].


    Split second, two strong Energy suddenly hit together again, lightning raging, gravitational distortion.


    After repeated confrontation, Feng Yu Chen is also too tired, the physical above is very tired, and Physical Strength also has a lot of consumption.

    "Hey, I said, can you stop?"Feng Yu Chen looks at the same breathless Misaka Mikoto.

    "No, you must decide the outcome!"Misaka Mikoto said with a bite, it was similar to her ability, and the existence of gravitational species could be manipulated. It was just distorted by time and space, but she clearly saw it.

    In physics, there is still no clear explanation for why gravity is generated.

    Modern physics (general relativity) believes that universal gravitation is caused by time and space bending.

    It is well known that the line segment between two points is the shortest, which is the axiom in plane geometry, which is the geodesic. However, in the curved four-dimensional spacetime, the geodesic is also bent. Thus subjected to gravitational action, the planets approach the sun along short lines, due to the quality coincidence (including speed coincidence), and because the planets have inertia (many people understand it as centrifugal force, this is wrong, centrifugal force is just an illusion, there is no centrifugal force in the universe at all, at least not found now), Thus the cycle around the sun in the elliptical orbit rotation. When the quality is not coincident, there will be gravitational springboard or collision with the sun. Among them, the main reason for the formation of the celestial system is not gravity, but the space-time distortion caused by mass.

    But the quality that is now decisive is not the main factor. If gravity increases to a certain extent, it will interfere with the absolute reality. In short, Feng Yu Chen, who has the ability, can artificially distort the space and create arbitrary Gravitational field.

    Misaka Mikoto has never been exposed to gravitational abilities, so it is not clear how to fight for the time being. It is only possible to find Feng Yu Chen's weak link through repeated confrontation, and there must be a situation where gravity is not enough.

    After the confrontation, Feng Yu Chen felt that the ability to attract gravity should not be as simple as launching a super-gravity cannon. This should not be his trick. Gravity also has more strengths to explore.

    The two tit-for-tat people began to analyze their respective abilities at a time, and only when the defects of the opponents were studied could the battle be truly resolved.

    However, the results are clear, Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto did not think of any good way.


    Right here, the breeze swayed, Misaka Mikoto's skirt fluttered, and did not wear safety pants, but a sky blue ***Feng Yu Chen suddenly smashed, not wearing safety pants Is Misaka Mikoto or Misaka Mikoto?

    "Look what you see, it’s the result of your guy!!"

    Misaka Mikoto suddenly became angry. The gravitational field above the safety pants has always existed. In other words, no matter how many times Misaka Mikoto is worn, the safety pants will fall off. Gravity is really a shameless ability! !

    The existence of her safety pants has been completely changed, and the safety pants have changed and can't be worn.


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly understood that after his power interfered with the object, this interference would always exist, and Misaka Mikoto would never wear safety pants! ! Because the safety pants have been set to the state of 'strengthening gravitation, self-splitting,' this state, unless Feng Yu Chen retracts the ability, otherwise it will always exist!

    No wonder Misaka Mikoto is entangled in this.

    Soon, Feng Yu Chen began to brain up a picture–misaka Mikoto constantly lift safety pants, but safety pants but constantly automatically fall off, and finally anger to the limit of Misaka beauty directly do not wear safety pan TS, this only has the sky blue ******** seems to you finally understand how bad your prank ah, just entered the school garden let me make a fool of myself, hey, today I will certainly will be your safety pants also ripped down!! ”Misaka Mikoto decided to give it back!


    Feng Yu Chen looked at the time on the watch. It was already nine o'clock in the evening. Specially, I forgot. The student dormitory is also dorm supervisor. I have to go back, otherwise I will be waiting for him.

    A catastrophe.

    After all, Chang Terrace Middle School is circulating dorm supervisor horror legend, it is said that she strictly set the rules, if anyone dares to violate the rules of the dormitory, waiting for her will be inhuman sanctions, with super-high combat effectiveness, heard that she had instantly kill three rank 4 ability, also once empty-handed repel special troops, Its heroic and valiant legends abound.

    "I will go back first, play it yourself!"

    Feng Yu Chen weakened the gravitational pull of the body, and suddenly there was a feeling of being light and swift, and the running Speed ​​suddenly went a lot faster.

    "Asshole, you stand for me, don't want to run!"

    Misaka Mikoto didn't say anything, and immediately caught up with Feng Yu Chen. The battle of this night is not over yet, and it will never be so simple.

    However, after passing through a lingerie store, Misaka Mikoto stopped and wanted to buy safety pants. The previous safety pants could not be used, and this time she was going to wear two safety pants at a time. In this case, Feng Yu Chen's After she can take off one, she will have one more! !

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