2512. The love of time from the end of chapter 2512

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    With the function of [Feng Yu Chen] 'Dialogue' opened by Kurumi (Second 2), his search for memory is getting more and more, and the memory of the body in the body is better than that of Feng Yu Chen. It can be said that from To some extent, he has reached the state of nature before Feng Yu Chen entered the dating world.

    Some things are always preserved subtly, and will be remembered when there is nothing left.

    On this day, [Feng Yu Chen] saw a few people killing Matt on the way back to buy ingredients, and the young man dressed up is blocking a girl who is probably a middle school student nearby, so he walked over.

    Although (Second 2) Kurumi said that he would not be in trouble, but his nature gradually hatched, he already has the ability to self-process information.

    "Hey, how many of you, what are you doing to my sister?"

    [Feng Yu Chen] In the attitude of not causing trouble, said of the situation.

    ‘Ah –? Sister.

    "Hey, my brother is playing with your sister!"

    "Not long, it seems that you will understand if you suffer a bit…"

    "I will show you your sister's 'cute' look!"


    Obviously, the other side has seen that they have many people who want to bully [Feng Yu Chen].

    "A bunch of chop!"

    [Feng Yu Chen] There is no tolerance in the moment. If you call the police, it will be better, but he is eager to go back. Therefore, the easiest way is…

    "Ah, hateful~ my arm, loose pine…Release, bastard! ”

    One of the first killing young men was picked up by Feng Yu Chen and then his arm was torn off directly.

    "Sorry, my strength is a bit big, I will be lighter next time…"

    Throw the arm to the foot, and then the foot is stepped up and stepped off again from the middle. [Feng Yu Chen] Nothing to move forward, grabbing the young forehead of the broken arm, and throwing it to the wall of Kakuzu’s falling. Instant blood mixed with unknown things flowed out.


    The remaining few people are sluggish looking at this scene, and then look at the dead end of behind, suddenly wow screaming, kneeling on the ground for mercy…


    [Feng Yu Chen] Did not forgive them, kill one by one.

    "Oh, it's cruel, I said, 'Engrave the emperor', don't just bother to find trouble!"

    (Secondary 2) Kurumi emerged from the shadow of Kakuzu's fall. The shadow field that spread from her feet instantly swallowed up the remains of several killing young people…

    "I just played with them…"

    [Feng Yu Chen] shrugged and walked to the frightened girl and said softly, "Okay, you can leave, forgetting all this is better for you."


    The girl sighed and tried to close her eyes. She did not see these things, and then she said with courage, "I will not say, sir."

    "It doesn't matter, beautiful princess, I just want to save you. As for the other, it doesn't matter, it's a lovely voice, as elegant as a musician."

    [Feng Yu Chen] Behind the right hand, an ice flower condenses and hands it to the girl, "Give it to you."

    Looking good!Sir, in fact, I am going to be a singer. I will debut. Can I watch my debut concert when I arrive? ”

    The girl took the ice with excitement, and her face was blushing, and she was so happy that she was praised.

    "Oh, maybe I have no chance, my Highness Witch will be embarrassed…"

    [Feng Yu Chen] points to (middle 2) Kurumi.

    "Hey, I won't be jealous!" Also , you are this lolicon! ”

    (Secondary 2) Kurumi knew that the lolicon of the engraved emperor had another episode.

    "This way…Sir, my name is temptation…Yu Daiyue, if I debut, I will have this stage name…"

    The girl groaned, then took a few steps back, said her name, and left…


    "Okay, go home…His Royal Highness Witch. ”

    [Feng Yu Chen] Reaching out.

    Who are you? I won't know guys like you! ”

    (Second 2) Lightly rubbing his hair and lifting his arms.

    "Oh, my Highness, Witch, Demon Lord's contract is endless. You see, we are accomplices now…

    Before I met you, I was just a [dead] doll, and now, I am the Demon Lord who is awakened by you. I can touch Witch, only Demon Lord. This is a curse. Let me dance before dawn. …"

    [Feng Yu Chen] The style of the princess holds the (middle 2) Kurumi in his arms.

    “Is there any invasion of me without Little Loli? Mr. Demon Lord, you can do it! ”

    (Second 2) Kurumi feels that the 'Engraved Emperor' intelligent growth is a leap, but the 'Engraved Emperor' is just her own Demon Lord.

    "What is it?" That is why you have failed to satisfy me, Your Highness, Witch, you need to learn to serve Demon Lord…"

    [Feng Yu Chen] Holding the (Second 2) Kurumi, how long will this time last? Soon he'll be gone, if before this can be remembered, is a happy thing, he understood that he is only created by the pseudo-object, although inherited all the ontology, can be said to be the reappearance of the ontology, but he will still disappear, and, moreover, this memory will not return to the ontology, after all, he is the past …

    "'Engraved emperor', your body!"

    (Second 2) Kurumi looks at [Feng Yu Chen] The body begins to be transparent…

    "It seems that I have to lose the appointment, His Highness Witch, I am sorry, maybe I am going to disappear, and the remaining Spiritual Power is not much, I want to experience more things with you, at least let you fall in love with me…"

    [Feng Yu Chen] looks at the girl in her arms –

    "Meet you, my world begins to change, you let me see this beautiful world, your fragrance, your softness, your beauty…At your fingertips, all you are in contact with, I am a person without thoughts, you have given me the value of existence, if you have a long time, I will work hard to fall in love with you until the heart of the world…

    My eyes can no longer see the faint starlight, your temperature is gradually lost from my hands, I want to spend more time with you…"

    "what are you talking about!'Engraved emperor 'Jun! I want to be angry, I will give you how much life, you are my thing! It is the angel of my Tokisaki Kurumi…Demon Lord! You are destined to spend the rest of my life! You liar, obviously took my first…Kiss

    (Second 2) Kurumi struggled to say that the confident and elegant temperament disappeared.

    "Do you know that? Kurumi ?I am not engraved with the emperor, although I have come out of the 'engraved emperor'…"

    [Feng Yu Chen] Caressing (Second 2) Kurumi's face and staying in the nearby park –

    "Finally, I want to make you a cup of coffee –

    IrishCoffee. ”

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