2511. Chapter 2511, The Awakening of the Engraved Emperor

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    [Feng Yu Chen] is only going back to the time and space of the body through the 'engraved emperor'. There is no intention to have any intimate intentions for the Kurumi of the second disease. After the mission is given, it will return to the future…

    If it is blocked by other people, [Feng Yu Chen] may attack directly, but Kurumi of the second disease is not, because the connection with Feng Yu Chen and Kurumi makes him unable to make a second injury. Kurumi's anything.

    However, this is not a normal behavior in the eyes of the second disease. The 'engraved emperor' is actually actually doing such intimate behavior towards her…

    Until now, Kurumi of the second disease has not yet understood [Feng Yu Chen] as 'others'. The first impression is the appearance of the angel engraved emperor. From the use of the engraved emperor to the present, she is the first to witness that it will change. Out of a person?

    [Feng Yu Chen] In the future, Feng Yu Chen, an avatar created on the past timeline, used to rewrite the fate of Tobiichi Origami in the past. He didn't want to go back to the future because he couldn't return, he just disappeared. .

    It's like a magic, it will disappear after exhausting Energy.

    Read Tobiichi Origami's memory, use the divine world to create countless time-breaking angel engraved emperors, select the engraved emperor on the timeline five years ago to copy, create an avatar with the creation world to reverse this timeline.

    Just as [Feng Yu Chen] tried to touch Kurumi behind's 'Engraved Emperor', this 'Engraved Emperor' suddenly disappeared, representing a change in the future, so the future Feng Yu Chen changed from a reverse to a normal Spirit state. The strength of the divine world naturally disappears…

    Therefore, [Feng Yu Chen] can only wait for Energy consumption to disappear automatically in this past time and space.

    Kurumi of the second disease was originally imagining that [Feng Yu Chen] would further contact himself, but soon she found that [Feng Yu Chen] was as sluggish as a puppet.

    [Feng Yu Chen] who has completed Quest has naturally lost the meaning of action.

    "'Engraved Emperor'? What happend to you?

    The Kurumi looks at the second disease is in a chaotic [Feng Yu Chen] suddenly has a feeling of uncomfortable, and finally can communicate with his own angel, but this is the case?


    [Feng Yu Chen] There is no response, because he is now in the state of a crash, or although the function is there, but there is no instruction.

    He was created and lost the 'soul' after completing the order.

    "'Engraved emperor', I am angry, I really have to be angry, I am still pretending to be like this, although I will blame you, but I will be even more angry!"

    Kurumi, who was in the middle of the disease, took a step back and recovered some momentum, then said in an angry spoken language.


    [Feng Yu Chen] No response.

    "Really, really, be angry!"

    In the second two, Kurumi continued to improve the momentum, and went further, pointing to the tip of Feng Yu Chen.


    "Well, you won, 'Engrave the emperor', it is my angel, can you talk to me now? Really, I was actually a pro-young girl, at first…The kiss is not for me, it is so irritating! I am your Master! ”

    Zhong Er Kurumi said with dissatisfaction.


    [Feng Yu Chen] Still has not answered.


    In the second place, Kurumi looks at the "Feng Yu Chen" as a doll, and he began to think about it. Before he acted so aggressively, he is now sluggish like a dead object. What the phantom said, think of it, isn' Is the emperor's monarch returning to the present from the future?

    But why not move now?

    Is there no Spiritual Power?

    It is very likely that she is the master of the 'Engraved Emperor', so even in the future can command?

    In the second two, Kurumi injected Spiritual Power into [Feng Yu Chen] and then began to order –

    byIn the name of Kurumi, 'Engrave the Emperor', give me a coffee…"

    In the second two, Kurumi injected Spiritual Power into the body of [Feng Yu Chen].


    [Feng Yu Chen] After accepting Kurumi's Spiritual Power and commands, I really got to work, went to the kitchen, and elegantly brewed coffee. The accumulated skills are the same as Feng Yu Chen.

    The reason why he would follow Kurumi's order is because Feng Yu Chen created him by using Kurumi's Strength, so after the first Feng Yu Chen lost control of him, Kurumi introduced Spiritual Power into his body. He will follow Kurumi's orders.

    "Oh! Interesting

    In the second place, Kurumi was excited to look at the elegant Feng Fu Chen on the quartz table. It seems that he found a fun toy. The original boring life seems to have a new vitality.

    "'Engrave the emperor', talk to me?"

    In the second place, Kurumi said with great interest.

    "Say what?

    [Feng Yu Chen] Hesitantly, trying to search for content from Feng Yu Chen.

    "What about it, like this coffee?"

    In the second two, Kurumi swayed the lovely body and pointed at the utensils for brewing coffee.

    “Mocha, its name, was originally an Italian espresso. In order to add a variety of flavors to fancy coffee, and adding chocolate and milk, you feel like it, girlish fragrant, full of charm. Unstoppable, multiple feelings, sometimes changing tastes, slightly bitter, but set off a more charming sweet…"

    [Feng Yu Chen] Elegantly presented the coffee in your hand.

    "It's a sweet guy, 'Is the emperor' who likes me?"

    In the second two, Kurumi did not show the joy of a girl, but under this stimulation, the movement was more elegant.

    "Like, I actually didn't understand the thinking of this kind of thing, but the accumulated memory tells me that you are probably the type that 'I' like it, although there is such a dangerous feeling, but it is cute and charming…Just kidding, actually, 'I' like petite and lovely girls, or Loli? I like your clothes, the eye masks are super cute…"

    [Feng Yu Chen] Say calmly.

    "Oh, it turned out to be a lolicon! However, you like me to be normal, 'Engraved Emperor' can only like me! You are my thing! ”

    The second two Kurumi said as if the command was made.

    "No, I am not your thing, 'I' but your Demon Lord!"

    [Feng Yu Chen] found a relationship between two people in memory.

    "Good arrogance, but it is my "engraved emperor", want to be my Demon Lord, then I have to agree."

    Although the second two Kurumi are very interested in communicating with the 'engraved emperor', they are still limited to treating him as an Item.

    "Are you not a 'my' Witch?"

    [Feng Yu Chen] Question.

    "Witch? Demon Lord? It’s too arrogant to define the relationship casually, 'engraving the emperor'! ”

    In the second two, Kurumi felt that [Feng Yu Chen] had changed too much. She didn't say a word at first, and then began to obey her orders. Now she is communicating with her at the same position. Is it a trick to slap?

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