2503. Chapter 2503 Extinct Angel: Tobiichi

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    Almishia also faced one of the world's strongest magicians, Takamiya Mana and Tobiichi Origami, without any sense of urgency.

    People who are weaker than her, even if they are a few more!

    Almishia, with absolute confidence, rushed to the real, and disarmed the real before Tobiichi Origami arrived.

    Casual field compression to the extreme, the harness of the light edge than the real imagination is much faster, but really that is also a good magician, naturally clear Artius Mihia idea, her casual field also contracted up, because the fight against Artius Mihia such a magician, only by tactical strategy is completely not possible, in the manipulation of the random field of ability above, I have to fight her with all my might …

    The two laser blades hit together, but the sniper flew out, and the wild magic was compressed again with the sniper of Almishia and then shocked.


    The blood flowed out of the real arm, even though she had made a good adjustment at the time of the sniper, but in the operation of the CR-UNIT, it was apparent that Almi Mijah was even better, and the attack was corrected in split second. The trajectory, going on like this, will definitely be defeated…


    At this moment, Tobiichi Origami threw a flash of light at this side, and then quickly pulled the falling true to the frame.


    Almi Michaya did not expect Tobiichi Origami to use this little thing to hinder her, but it did succeed. However, the situation of the two of them was also in her expectation.

    However, it is not so easy to break through the defenses of these two outstanding magicians. One is the second strongest magician of the original DEM, and the other is the strongest magician of AST. Even if her ability has an advantage, It takes a while…

    So the way to defeat them can't be too direct, and their purpose of blocking her is undoubtedly –

    That thing!

    It is obvious that there are a large number of soul particles in the space that are rushing toward a certain house. Undoubtedly, the experiment of pulling Ratatoskr is at a critical time.

    Although some are not shameful, if her purpose is for the peace of the world, then –

    "Block her, Origami!!"

    It really seems to have noticed the idea of ​​Almi Miaia. Although Tobiichi Origami rescued her from that direction, the Itoka House was undoubtedly exposed to the eyes of Almishia, which made her a perfect Opportunity, the reason why she is desperately resisting is to keep the line of defense…


    Not waiting for the real reminder, Tobiichi Origami is heading in that direction, while the magic cannon gathers to attack Algeria's not only.

    However, Almi Mia's opened a barrier built in a random field, and while approaching the Isoka house while absorbing the damage, her determination was incomparably strong, ignoring the long-range strike from Tobiichi Origami and approaching at full speed…

    "Strength !"

    Tobiichi Origami prayed for what Strength could help her, the soul particles in the space suddenly approached her, turned into a wing of light, helped her move forward, and blinked to reach Almishia…

“……This is not possible, why stop me! ~”

    Almishia's looks at Tobiichi Origami, who endured the limit, put all the strength together, smashed Tobiichi's appearance device faster than Tobiichi, then threw her neck with her left hand and threw it out. ……

    "Tobiichi sister!"

    I really want to confirm the situation of Tobiichi Origami, but…


    The world in front of us has only an infinite sky, and the clouds high in it are floating slowly in the blue sky.

    Tobiichi origami Look at this sky, the body seems to have no strength, this time want to, she has never had happiness over the years, originally born in the happy home she suffered the loss of her parents disaster, revenge filled the chest, become indifferent to all, but there is still a teenager, Trying to get close to her and become friends with her, if there is any regret, can not admit him as a friend in front of him …


    【you? Want Strength? 】

    Suddenly, a voice echoed in Origami's ear.

    A vaguely innocent figure appeared in front of Tobiichi Origami. Origami struggled. No matter how he looked, he felt that this person couldn't see clearly. He gathered the signals of violent fluctuations. He didn't know that the other person was a man or a woman. In short, he was a mysterious guy.

    Suddenly there was some impression that Kotori was asked by her when she asked Spirit Strength…

    "who are you?"

    Asked Tobiichi Origami.

    [What I am, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you need a strong Strength now? 】

    "Need, naturally, I have to have Strength to defeat her, protect him, even if it is only split second, I want to have it!"

    Tobiichi Origami has a strong desire.

    [If you want, let out your hand, I will give you this Strength]


    Origami tentatively stretched out the palm of his hand. The phantom seemed to smile and put a dazzling Crystal in her hand. When she touched Crystal's split second, the Crystal disappeared, as if she had entered her body, and the phantom was also Disappeared, just when she was confused –

    The body seems to have something to beat. This active thing, like the heart, loses blood-like things to her body, wrapping her toward a certain dimension, and seems to be born outside her consciousness. ……

    The body's injury was instantly repaired, and then a certain Strength was called out by her—


    Light, a lot of light wrapped Origami into a slender wing wrapped around her body. When Origami reached his right hand to the sky, the wings joined together to form a wing of the ring. The wings of this ring were worn like a crown. On top of Origami's head!

    The body's army green tights have also changed into Hagoromo, the most dazzling light.

    Like a princess of an angel.

    After conscious, Tobiichi Origami seemed to understand what happened to him. As Kotori said, Spirit is a human being, and it is actually an angel.

    I…Even I became an angel? It turns out that it’s all that phantom, it’s all…Why do it?

    This is also good, not to save him, the only friend is…

    Go back to the past, see the facts, then…"

    As if there was any enlightenment, Tobiichi Origami suddenly felt that the tolerance of Feng Yu Chen led all the Spirit out of the world, saving mankind and saving Spirit, so he…

    Without him, would she probably kill all the Spirit and commit suicide?

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