2502. Chapter 2502 Tobiichi OUTING

    [Today's second, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Tobiichi Origami is resting at home, Captain has helped her to take time off, and the things to do have been completed last night, but after returning, I always remembered the previous situation.

    Although she didn't have much feelings about that kind of thing, Feng Yu Chen's emotions were static. There was no difference between doing things like him and adjusting the random field. Some of the routines of GAL games were also previewed beforehand.

    This should be an action without any mistakes.

    However, why, why is there such an emotion? Actually, I can’t stop thinking about what I experienced.

    She did this to make up for some of her own faults.


    Tobiichi Origami quickly rushed out of the bathroom and heard the sound.

    "Don't you want to find me? I am here now! ”

    Kotori stood there, his eyes filled with emotions.

    "Let's go, I won't kill you until he wakes up, but it doesn't mean I can never kill you. This is not the place you should come!"

    Tobiichi Origami frowned and endured the inner hatred.

    "I just did that kind of thing to my Onii-chan, but now it is so cold…Let me go in, there are some things I want to tell you. ”

    Kotori pouted.


    Tobiichi Origami opened the door and turned to put on the bathrobe to enter the living room.

    Excuse me

    Kotori looked around Tobiichi Origami's room, then took off his shoes and walked in.

    "I will choose to throw you out, given what you are going to say next."

    Tobiichi Origami said coldly.

    "I thought you wouldn't talk to me? It doesn't matter, I just told you that I didn't hurt your parents' memories about things five years ago. Although it will be forgotten by Spirit, I can tell you clearly that I should not hurt your parents. ”

    Although Kotori was not clear about the situation at the time, her runaway Spiritual Power was out of control, and she did not kill anyone directly.

    "As you say."

    Tobiichi Origami wouldn't believe it, nor does it believe that even if Kotori doesn't have this idea in itself, then she becomes a different person from Spirit after becoming a Spirit.

    "My spirit strength was given by someone, and Honjou and Miku became spirit in this way, and in the other words we were human. That's right, it's just that people have been turned into spirit, and five years ago, I first got the energy of spirit. Force, even if I can not control the strength, after the storm, whether to hurt your parents I do not know, but my intention did not kill anyone.

    Just now I got the opinion of Kurumi, she can agree to take you to the world five years ago, let you see who killed your parents. ”

    Kotori said frankly.

    Back in the Day

    Tobiichi Origami question.

    "Well, back in the past, Kurumi has this ability, presumably you already know…"

    Kotori nodded.


    Tobiichi Origami nodded.

    "So, now, can you please help, SSS's chief trump card, you should know, she was sent by DEM to kill Brother Yu Chen's body. If his body is killed, the world will be really messy…

    However, do not force you, after all, if you are out, then it is a violation of the AST rules, the punishment is affirmative, so you have to face a little risk. ”

    Kotori looks at Tobiichi Origami and said after calming down.

    "Almi Mia…BellAshford Loft! ”

    Tobiichi Origami seems to know this person.

    "I am gone, Almishia will arrive soon, you can choose at will…"

    Kotori breathed a deep breath, and it was a fact that he personally faced himself as a Spirit. After all, five years ago, the fire…In the end, it was related to her, but the memory was not clear. It was still impossible to determine the relationship between Tobiichi’s parents’ death and what she really had. The only certainty was that she did not want to hurt anyone. The result was Tobiichi Origami. By five years ago…results.

    Whatever it is, she is ready to face.


    Tobiichi Origami nodded and began to put on her tights and went out. Before he woke up, she would definitely protect him, because only she was qualified to kill him. After all, he gave her life, even if he was De eagle, want to compete for her prey, must also counterattack!


    Yoshino, who was behind the truth, had already begun to prepare for the plan, and the real blush came out. After Kotori informed the purpose of DEM, he was equipped with CR-UNIT. He did not give her a good time to remember the time of brother and sister contact. Elder Brother has been caring for her since now, and it is up to her to guard the Elder Brother.

    Above the clear sky, the CR-UNIT [Vánargandr] designed by La Ratatoskr was unfolded, and the limbs and **** were covered with streamlined black armor. The right hand is equipped with a laser blade, and the left hand is similar to a wolf-like armor. It can grab the opponent and can also release the magic gun. After it has been detached from the DEM, a new type of device is used.

“……Step aside. ”

    The white and blue intertwined light instantly reaches the front, and Almichiia’s look at Takamiya Mana is not so much a request or a dialogue as an order.

    "Impossible, Almishia, you will be convinced by Viscourt, although I have the same idea as you, but unlike before, now I have guardian things, Spirit It’s not necessarily evil. The factors that make this world not peaceful are not necessarily Spirit. If you don’t see them at home, they won’t understand…”

    Really, the right hand popped the laser blade. She knew that in the face of opponents such as Almishia, only split second would use the full force, because the strength of Almishia is above her, which is what she understands!


    Almishia did not respond to the truth, but fought together. Two superbly skilled magicians fought constantly, and the collision of Strength flashed.

    Originally, I really want to fight Alchemia, I am afraid there are some differences, but recently because of Feng Yu Chen's blood treatment, the body has been highly strengthened, plus its original skills, Wyal Almia Still able to fight.

    However, it is clear that Almi Mijah has also made every effort. If the reinforcement of the truth has the strength to fight with Spirit, then Almishia has the strength to defeat Spirit, although it really kills. Kurumi's avatar, but that's not the same.

    The reason why she hasn't killed Spirit yet is because the strength of her teammates is not enough, so that Spirit suddenly disappears…

    After catching the real sniper, her defensive shield was compressed into a sword in the random field and attacked the true one, while the other hand held the lightsaber –


    A bunch of magic guns rushed from a distance, directly separating Almishia from Shinja, and it was Tobiichi Origami who released the attack.

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