2484. Chapter 2484 Kotori is Spirit? Fire

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    Feng Yu Chen is approaching Kotori, although she hopes to simulate 'pushing down' with the real one, but Kotori seems to be very cute. The previous sight has been stuck in the body of the real, never paid attention to Kotori. After all, the sister is still good at home. .

    However, he and the truth are clear, the real brother is Ituka Shidou, so Kotori should be the advised sister of the sect.

    Fen Yu Chen, who has no dependence, actually wants to have a dear sister. Of course, that’s not bad, but good gentleman, there is a real sister with an adapted sister also a cousin (Shi Zhi), this guy has to bear from all siscon Resentment!

    And that’s the real sister of the sect, then Kotori is his real sister…Is this possible?

    He and Kotori are brothers and sisters, and Shidao and Zhenna are brothers and sisters, but after some factors, Zhenna and him are righteous brothers and sisters, and Shidao and Kotori are righteous brothers…

    – This dog blood is great!

    If you have Honjou, you will definitely say that.

    It is indeed a dog-like imagination, and Feng Yu Chen feels that his siscon has eroded into the bone marrow.

    So imagined to increase 'excitement'?

    "You…Don't play really…"

    Although Kotori is the commander mode, there is no way to calm down at this time. The simulation is a simulation, but Feng Yu Chen's hot eyes make her heart Void better than…

    "Kotori, my sister…"

    Feng Yu Chen seems to have entered a strange pattern. Double-handed grabbed Kotori's shoulders and pressed her on the wall panel. The petite body shook slightly in front of him, as if it was coming soon. of……

    "Who is your sister…"

    Kotori scorned and reached out to push Feng Yu Chen, after all, after all…

    Why didn't the priests come back, the guy actually pushed her to Yu Chen, and the planning of "Xi Chen" was just a joke, and Yu Chen wouldn't really push him down, why should she be replaced by her, for the sect? Is the sister not heavy? Why can't the sect treat her like Yu Chen treats him like that?

    Ah, yes, the degree of siscon is only Yu Chen can do, the priest probably…


    Feng Yu Chen looks at Kotori The shimmering cheeks like Sakura (cherry) in the rain make the pupils dazzling, and the Sakura (cherry) lips are small and charming, but they are a bit less than Yoshino's cute, but On the exquisiteness is even better, if it is British, then Kotori is delicate, Tsundere is just the right degree, shy and revealing a stubborn look is simply unable to extricate himself.

    dried anchovies insidedried anchovies insideWhy, straight look at me? ”

    Kotori realized that Yu Chen is not just a state of simulation, he is playing really…

    "You are actually Spirit?"

    Feng Yu Chen did not make a violation of Kotori's imagination. Instead, he said that he had not let go of the kind that would force Kotori to accept it. It is only this Kakuzu degree that appreciates Kotori. It is only very satisfying to appreciate. It is.

    "You…Say what?

    Kotori suddenly glanced at Feng Yu Chen. "How do you know?"

    "My body responds. Of course, your cute and delicate, I naturally have a physical reaction, but I am talking about it from the tree of life. As long as Spirit is in contact, I can feel something special, so far. The contacted Spirit has responded, and you are no exception, though weak…"

    Feng Yu Chen's voice is not big, almost only he and Kotori can hear it.

    So,Shidao? ”

    Kotori suddenly imagined a possibility.

    "He's a little weird, you, I can, it's definitely Spirit…"

    Feng Yu Chen Zhangkou…

    Just at this time–

    "Really, you are so slow!"

    Honjou came over and pushed a finger at Feng Yu Chen's back. "What are you looking at, hurry up!"

    With the help of Honjou, Feng Yu Chen started his mouth and Kotori’s surprised mouth…

    Suddenly contacted…

    The expressions of the two people are a bit weird.

    Feng Yu Chen has a wonderful touch that wants to divulge but suddenly stops and seems to be good.

    Kotori is a kind of strange touch that smells sweet and smells.

    Zayin, two people who are completely unprepared…

    This is not the most touching.

    With the split second in contact, the Spiritual Power in Feng Yu Chen begins to flow backwards…

    The outline of the Tree of life is extended behind it, while the crimson particle on the right side of the second row below the first starting point shines, just below the particle corresponding to the Kurumi, which is undoubtedly the corresponding particle of kotori, but unlike Kurumi, Yoshino and Honjou, The particle represented by kotori not blooming crystallization or flowers, but there is a twist!

    As if Strength is blocking the general…

    The two distorted Strengths struggled on the quality. In the end, it seems that Feng Yu Chen’s current tree of life occupied the Internet. However, the other Strength did not show weakness, and it was extremely distorted…

    Feng Yu Chen and Kotori want to push each other away, only to find that they have an infinitely attractive black hole…

    The flame-like Strength emerged from Kotori's body, and the split second exploded, and then the view was absolutely invisible to the human body.

    Kotori body's clothes were all peeled off, the flames were reconstructed into a white girl's kimono, and the kimono was attached with a flame belt like the Hagoromo. Then, Kakuzu, which has absolutely no connection with humans, was extended on the side of the head. The wheel will guard it…

    Feng Yu Chen also wore a costume…

    However, Kotori and Feng Yu Chen, who wore the attire, are not separated from each other. The two rule-like Strengths are entangled in two people. Then, Feng Yu Chen and Kotori's costumes began to distort, and Azure and Crimson's Strength seemed to be a messy combination of puzzles, and even more mosaics…


    At this time, Itsuka Shidou appeared from the door, his body was overflowing with the blushing Energy…

    flameSpirit ……Found it, finally, found it, it turned out to be you, Itsuka Kotori, I want to kill you! Only you will never forgive! ! ”

    Tobiichi Origami's look at the flame at the Kotori body, so familiar colors –

    Spirit of Fire, the name "Efreet", five years ago, summoned a fire to attack Spirit in the residential area of ​​Nanjia Town.

    In front of her, killing her parents…Spirit.

    Finally found out, the reason she struggled to reluctantly to the present is to find her and kill it!

    "There are more fun things…"

    Kurumi interested in the look at everything in this space, the blushing eyes smashed, mouth Kakuzu showed a smile like expectation…

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