2483. Chapter 2482 S Yuji MKotori

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    Sunday, July 2.

    DC Society Diary.

    Recorder: Honjou Nia

    The creation of Homo zhi is finally on track, in "Honjou Xyu Chen", "(Yu Chen x dao) Reverse Lily", "Yu Chen x Seven magic Kyi divine Dragon call" in the selection of a work as comicmarket to the General Assembly, three A good look forward to ah, but sure enough the last one is suitable for the community works, as for the first, as a collection bar …


    The DC team's colleagues started the work, everyone was arranged to work, Honjou to plot the plot and the main painter, Qian Xia, Miku as the deputy artist, Kurumi and Kotori responsible for the purchase of COS clothing, Shixiang, Yoshino responsible for the black painting and other post-painting Origami and Shina are responsible for background filling, while Feng Yu Chen and Shidao are responsible for chores like cooking…

    Ratotoskr's Analytical Village Rain Commander also came to guide…

    Everything goes on an orderly basis.

    "Yu Chen, take off ** and let me squat down!"

    Honjou painted and suddenly said to Feng Yu Chen, who was looking at the book.

    "Oh ?"=”

    Feng Yu Chen, who was watching the book, did not think much, and reached out…

    "Take your sister's ******* Shidao quickly grabbed Feng Yu Chen's arm.

    "Then you take off! Morale. ”

    Kotori reached over.

    "I am here to serve you, the gentleman…"

    The village rain swayed and the body slammed over.

    "Can you draw seriously? Let's miss, what are you doing…i quit

    Shidao grabbed his pants and ran out…

    "Mom, this place should have **, so Dad will be cute…"

    Qian Xia pointed to the manuscript.

    "Well, sure, take off ** is S, and it is even more lovely to draw M!"

    Honjou nodded with appreciation.

    "When is my turn, I want to push it down, push down Yu Ji, it is okay to be pushed down!!"

    Miku's face reveals a blush, super-looking lily story.

    "According to the script, first of all, the sister sauce dragged Yu Chen into the cave, but there is no experience, sister sauce and Yu Chen, both of you show the scene…"

    Honjou said the conductor.

    "I will be the director!"

    Kotori volunteered and took out the camera.

    "I don't want to do that kind of thing in front of you…"

    Really look black, do you really want to draw this book?

    "So who will replace it, I will see thousands of summer…Go and push your father, thousands of summer. ”

    Kotori clapped.

    "Give it to me, director!"

    Thousands of summer flies over.

    orLet me help you.”

    As soon as I reached out, I flew down to Feng Yu Chen's thousands of summers.

    Then simulate the scene…

    "Really, there is some excitement to behave…Yu Chen, what are you excited about, you are shy…I should tear my clothes here, really…Yu Chen, you want to show your wishes and refuse to welcome you, don't take off your clothes…"

    Kotori squatted in one hand and put a book in Zheng's hand to pretend to be a guide.

    "OK, next, ten incense…Don’t go up and fight, you have to have a foreplay…Yu Chen, won't you resist? Although I know that even M is comfortable, but to show the emotion to be strong X…

    Yoshino, riding on Yu Chen's body, forcefully clip it, he is your horse from now on…

    Kurumi, it’s great…

    Origami Your opponent is Kurumi, not to cut Yu Chen…Origami, the expression is too hard, don't just take it off…Repeat again…

    Miku, give me S up, how do you play when you become M!

    Honjou ……Do you want to have a daughter again? STOPSTOPSTOP…"

    Each member took turns to demonstrate the scene.


    "OK, I have an impression, Honjou, can now create…"

    Kotori sat down and drank tea, and the director’s feeling was not bad.

    "There is still one end, the previous meeting was not the decision to push Yu Chen all the way, and finally reversed to knock down Kotori you?"

    Honjou doubts.


    Kotori didn't swallow it in a sip of water. "Don't you push it down?"

    "Does the morale not let you replace him?" Ok, Kotori sauce, as the president of DC Society, you have to work hard…"

    Honjou urged to say.

    "No, absolutely not, really show it!"

    Kotori said very resolutely.

    "It's just a simulation, is there any problem?"

    Honjou doubts.

    "The simulation doesn't work either, absolutely not…"

    Kotori, but…

    "So what is it like Yu Ji?"

    Miku seems to know, Kotori should be like Shidao? Therefore, Yu Chen's words are naturally impossible.

    "No…alright? ”

    Kotori smiled and the result suddenly touched her body. In fact, she actually looked forward to Shidao and Yu Chen…

    After all, Yu Chen is an untimely bomb. Maybe it will be reversed. However, the morale has the ability to seal spirit. Although it has only been tested on her body, if it can seal Yu Chen's ability, it will probably be much better.

    Although Yu Chen also restricts Spirit's Strength, but does not seal the spirit's Strength, it will eliminate the violent component of Spirit's heart. This is the result of the analysis of the village rain tone. Most of the Spirit that Yu Chen contacts can stabilize the mood, subjective. Determine the use of the Spirit force, not the violent attack on humans…

    Yoshino is the only Spirit that can be completely sealed, but in the previous plan to rescue Honjou, Yu Chen once released the seal of the seal, and the indicators for completing the seal are not yet accurately determined…

    "Then Yu Chen will become Yu Ji to push it down. If it is untouched Kotori, it must have a lot of expressions. After all, only Kotori and Shidao are in close contact with Yu Chen in DC, and there will always be a first time. Subtle emotions…"

    Honjou thought and said.

    "Don't run away…President…"

    Kurumi screamed, one avatar appeared, blocking all the exits. She actually wanted to see the subtle emotions of Yu Chen. As Honjou said, the girls who had already contacted were naturally psychologically prepared, and Kotori had never been exposed. Yu Chen will definitely show a good expression?


    Feng Yu Chen turned into Yu Ji's appearance. He was actually so upset by Honjou's script, and he was especially overthrown. Now he finally has the chance to push others down.

    In some books, the example of the staff pushing down the female president is very good…

    "Not allowed too much…"

    Kotori blushes at Feng Yu Chen, if it is a woman, it can still accept a little bit, plus he is Spirit, there are no human thoughts of impure…

    "It's just a simulation. Don't worry, I like it a little more…"

    Feng Yu Chen is approaching Kotori, thinking about the first step of S…

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