2462. Chapter 2462 of the sister's war

    [Today's second, the second is sent, for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    After bathing, Feng Yu Chen and Yoshino went into the room and went to bed, but some subtlety was that he was pulled out of the room by Yoshino.

    "Next, that's it?" That

    Yoshino is interested in pointing.

    "What about storytelling? Still an animation? ”

    Feng Yu Chen Question.

    "Oh, how did Yu Chen suddenly get upset, that is…"

    Yoshino Nai said in a disappointing tone, "That's the one…"

    "too fast……"

    Feng Yu Chen is blushing, are you going to enter that link? But he is not ready yet.

    "Is it already K…ISS, will you care about such a thing?"

    Yoshino has a narrow eye.

    "No, no, just…"

    Feng Yu Chen can’t stop thinking about it…After all, the previous memory and the current memory have an absolute sense of hedging. The mentality of the previous embrace is completely different from that of the latter, so although he has just been able to do something like Yoshino, there is no way to calm down.

    It’s not like a sly, just feeling that kind of wishfulness seems to be real, so it creates an inexplicable psychology, can’t wait to want more and more contact, but in order not to lose it, it is trying to suppress it…


    Yoshino nodded softly, probably thinking that fit is a matter of course. After all, for her, Feng Yu Chen is the most important partner after Yoshino Nai, so even if there is no problem with the fit…


    Feng Yu Chen got into the bed of Yoshino and soon smelled the light girly feeling, feeling the contact between the skin, the heart is remembering, wanting, wanting, owning, owning…

    “Yu Chen’s taste is very good…”

    Yoshino curled up in the arms of Feng Yu Chen's, and the sweet taste made her feel open-hearted. She liked to smell his taste. When she felt the temperature, she could feel protected.

    Like her knight…


    Swallowing, Feng Yu Chen gradually embraced Yoshino's soft body, siscon's mood has burned to the extreme, Yoshino has become more and more cute in the eyes, can not be restrained, can not be suppressed!


    Yoshino once again felt the burning sensation of Feng Yu Chen, was hugged tightly, and then breathed like a stagnant, repeating the things in the bathroom before…

    Close your eyes with peace of mind, after having contacted once, you will find that this contact becomes abnormal peace of mind…


    Unstoppable movements, Feng Yu Chen and Yoshino gradually became bold with repeated contact and separation. Although limited by knowledge, they did not know what to do next to become more comfortable, but the biological instinct ……

    Feng Yu Chen involuntarily pressed Yoshino under his body…

    The soft Loli body was touched by him every time, and the skin was flooded with pink light, like the Crystal under the fire…



    Finally, in the split second that achieved the Raiders achievement, it’s really coming in, looks at the upcoming…Soon

    “Brother Yu Chen said, leave it to me for the first time…”

    Really that little face blush to the limit, and sure enough, it is not easy to let the sister's position out!

    "Oh, now Onii-chan's sister is Yoshino, even if it's useless, really Say, Yoshino's charm and cuteness are naturally much better than you…So the first time the fit must be Yoshino…"

    Yoshino's smug look at at that.

    "Brother Yu Chen, you said, who is your sister!"

    Really pointing at myself, "that kind of thing, I…I can also, it is okay to marry Brother Yu Chen! ”

    "Onii-chan, now cute Yoshino, but waiting for you to fit, come on…"

    Yoshino Nai is tempted.

    "I can't be treated as if I didn't hear it!!"

    The incense is also blended in. "After hearing the concept of family and family from Yu Chen, I decided to build a happy family with him!"

    "Oh, ah, it’s really lively. Actually, I am quite embarrassed. After all, Yu Chen is my contract, Demon Lord. So, Demon Lord must have Witch for the first time…"

    Kurumi is afraid that the world will not be inserted in the same way…

    "You can grab it, but Yu Ji’s first time only I can have the right!"

    Izayoi Miku also stated that although it is the love of Feng Yu Chen's transformation…

    "Where are you from?" Also ……"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled, blushing to the limit, because the arrow is on the string…

    "Don't care about those guys, Onii-chan goes straight up…"

    Yoshino Nai urged him.

    "I use……(Error, not available)Hand come…"

    Really blushing, absolutely can not give back, will not lose in the ability of my sister!

    "I can do it too…"

    Ten incense chest.

    "I can let avatar solve it, just as the fault of avatar before the punishment, let her…Service…No problem in what position you want…"

    Kurumi blinks…



    Soon, the degree of quarrels became more and more fierce.

    In the end, Feng Yu Chen went to the shower, and sure enough, the impossible environment will be so! !

    Even so, he did not expect to have so many companions, such a noisy and inexplicable possession of some warmth, well, this is enough.

    However, his first time I am afraid I have lost it. Of course, in the second week of the world, there is one, the first week, the kind of Spirit…

    Feng Yu Chen can vaguely recall that he was…Spirit, at first, didn't understand anything. Under the instillation of DEM, I did that to the Spirit girl…

    This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the injury that the girl suffered.

    In any case, she must be rescued!

    The battle with DEM should be carried out. No matter what their purpose is, Feng Yu Chen will follow his own rhythm. However, he does not seem to be an opponent of DEM in the unreversed state. First of all, he has to say that he is familiar with his own ability. Pull Ratatoskr. I want to be a league, just pull Ratatoskr impossible for him to openly fight with DEM…

    Now in the world of two weeks, although the imprisoned Spirit may have forgotten him and her past, he will definitely remember it.


    Although Kurumi succeeded in reversing and made everyone restore the memory of the previous world, but because the problems caused by the distortion of the past have not been solved, a new storm is waiting, this time will be related to the world. Destruction, yes, again, the signs of destruction…

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