2461. Chapter 2461 [Spirit] (not) complete cycle

    [Today's second, the first one is sent, for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    [Thanks to the floating red shoes of CF water grass children's shoes, congratulations to CF water grass children's shoes promotion book to promote the book's twelfth Meng master, Rongsheng eighth Meng (according to the new plus rule is plus five more, next week to add more statistics】

    When Feng Yu Chen and Yoshino completed the communication with Spiritual Power, Kurumi's body stretched out from the calm wall, and the already prepared Yud (Yud) shot toward Feng Yu Chen.

    As with the previous ten-shot, there were no bullets, as if the previous shots and trajectories were just dreams.

    When receiving the crystal of Yoshino Spirit, Feng Yu Chen's memory came one after another!

    Everything that has been experienced in the world of 'One Week' has returned to the mind!

    Everything is all in sight, at DEM…Form a brother and sister with Zhenna…Meet the ten incense and name it…AST base…Kurumi's attack and agreement…The establishment of DC Society…Akihabara community travel activities…Play with sister MiG with Miku…The memory of the dusty avatar is untied…

    Everything has returned, and the darkness that has been submerged has been alleviated by everything in the 'two-week', and in the arms is a cute and timid girl, who is his sister’s Yoshino in the second week…

    What if he loses his sense and is sealed by Spirit Yoshino?

    I was thinking about revenge, but it hurts the people around me the most easily. I think about the pain that I have suffered in those days. It is obviously at him, and I recognize it, but there is no such intimate connection…

    "It’s really dangerous to fight successfully. However, Yoshino and my seal status are obviously the same. Can you explain it? Mr. Demon Lord? ”

    Kurumi's entire body jumped out of the wall, so straightforward at the sight of Feng Yu Chen's bare body.

    "Not the same, Kurumi has a psychological resistance, so naturally there is no way for me to get the crystal of Spirit, and Yoshino is different. She is totally trusting me and can be connected to each other without scale."

    Feng Yu Chen caressed Yoshino's head and analyzed it –

    "Probably able to confirm both modes.

    The first is the first one, not completely looped. In this case, I can seal part of the source of your Spirit force in my body, because only a part of the source is sealed, so Kurumi can feel the lack of something. But nothing changed.

    There is nothing wrong with this state, but I think that if I die, you should also be affected. The advantage is that you can extract the Spirit from me.

    Then there is the second, fully looped. In this case, the source of Spirit can be directly sealed. This state will lose the Spirit force, and I can use this Spirit force, but it is not really in use. But you can control my body through the will. In short, I have become a part of you, you have become the center of the order and I am limbs…"

    “So, why use the term loop?”

    Kurumi is in the bottom.

    "Because this is not a seal in essence, the elements that keep you as Spirit still exist in your body, and I became your heart at this time, you have the brain, the heart and the brain are very Important? And both sides constitute a system.

    And this seal does not have any elements that can control you. On the contrary, you can control my body in a completely cyclical state. Of course, it must be under my permission. Only I am using Spirit Spiritual corresponding to you. Power will be driven by you. ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained.

    "Well, um, although you said this, but I am sorry, I can't completely circulate with you. Like this incident, in the case of you violently, it seems that I can only deal with it urgently, and I will not bother you. DATE, see you tomorrow…By the way, let me take another point tomorrow. In order to distort the past, I wasted a lot of Spirit power, and unlike what I expected, the Spirit force needed to go back to the past exceeded the original expectations.

    The extra part is from the moment you appear, before this time consumption is normal, this exponation, no matter what kind of past I want to go back, I will be interfered by you, or you will be affected by the process of twisting the past. Interference.

    You won't refuse my [feeding], Yu Chen Student? ”

    Kurumi licked his lips and fell into his own shadow.

    "Thanks, the only thing that can save the Demon Lord is Witch…"

    Feng Yu Chen Seriously thank you, because according to the original development, everything will disappear?

    "Ah, do you want to get rid of me when you say a word of thanks? Demon Lord, I am not saving you, but correcting you to the track that Witch is looking forward to. Don’t be wrong, thank you for never accepting it, good night…”

    Kurumi picked up the eyelashes and slowly disappeared.


    Feng Yu Chen will return to Yoshino's body, and the former sister GAL, as if it is already in reality.


    Yoshino's pick up Feng Yu Chen's hand, probably, some, some…

    "Sorry, Yoshino…"

    Feng Yu Chen and Kurumi talked so much about nature. After all, after recalling the previous memories, I remembered the identity of Elder Brother. The siscon of the two memories suddenly overlapped, so that how can he not feel the ripples in his heart, saying Not excited is fake…


    Yoshino is also shy and can probably perceive the subtle changes of Feng Yu Chen.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded, sure enough…Really, really, I want to be like that…

    It was only after such an interruption by Kurumi, suddenly there was an unusual sense of shame. What is different from the stupid state is that the inner heart is bright and bright, and I fully understand what I am doing. It used to be the name of the three Musketeers… …

    Now memory recovery, more is the psychology of siscon, so excited, so shy, thus affecting Yoshino…

    The simple Yoshino made him embarrassed to ask for the intimate contact just now…

    So still a normal bath…

    However, there is nothing that is not satisfied because…Because it is warm enough, taking a bath with Yoshino, although I did not find the kind of route in GAL, but it is already open-minded, as long as you continue, you can achieve siscon's long-cherished wish…

    However, really, probably won't do this with him? The road to siscon is still very long, only the complete Raiders really the original sister is a graduation!

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