2320. Chapter 2320 Mangekyō Byaku-Sharingan: Rewriting Instant Steps

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    Feng Yu Chen, who was stolen from the clothes, can only streak and chase Yoruichi.

    Although the face is very angry, but more from the heart of the shock, even if Feng Yu Chen skilled use of shaving, it is impossible to chase Yoruichi this guy.

    Yoruichi is not wrong. He finished the shaving in split second, but this only means that the acceleration is completed, and the body still consumes part of the time.

    However, the instantaneous step is to move directly, eliminating the need to accelerate this stage.

    But he doesn't think it's saved, but the acceleration of the moment is shorter than the acceleration time of the shaving.

    The ability of the space Teleport is that it needs to cut the space and then teleport the time. This cut space also takes time.

    No matter what kind of Teleportation skills are required, there is a stage to prepare.

    The same is true of Yoruichi's Teleport. After each move, there will be a shaking afterimage, which can still be seen with his eyesight.

    Of course, it is very difficult to analyze the essence of the instant step in a short period of time. Can it be completed within a week?

    No, it should not be said that it can be done, but must be completed!

    He did not realize the extent of being shackled by Byakuya.

    So he has to use some abilities a little.

    While accelerating, Feng Yu Chen used Spiritual Power to engrave the intrinsic world-made curse in space, and the body passed through the curse, and then the eyes swung at high speed.

    White Mangekyou Sharingan! That is Mangekyō Byaku-Sharingan!

    Byakugan's insight into the Spiritual Power meridian and Sharingan's ability to copy, the dual eye technique is used.

    Feng Yu Chen began to transfer Yoruichi's sneak steps into his body, constantly observing the skill of the moment by observing!

    Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to use the ability of Byakugan and Sharingan to gain insight into the opponent's skills, because the ability of different worlds to complete the rewriting is easy, but it is not easy to achieve perfect rewriting.

    Even with the Bloodline optimization of the innate gossip, it is not perfect.

    However, it is important to know that Feng Yu Chen has completed the intrinsic world's curse and is able to synchronize the tensions of two worlds or multiple worlds.

    After a high speed of the inherent world, the eye technique of Byakugan and Sharingan became the Strength of the world in a short time.

    However, Yoruichi's quick step is very fast. If you want to capture it, you need to make corrections once and for all, so it is also difficult for Feng Yu Chen.

    But as the ability to transfer has gradually improved, Feng Yu Chen's reproduction is becoming more and more perfect.

    But for a long time, he has achieved perfect instant copy!

    After lifting the intrinsic world, Feng Yu Chen's Speed ​​has been constantly improving, and has changed from shaving to a real instant, chasing Yoruichi –

    "Bring my clothes back!"

    Feng Yu Chen reached for the shoulder of Yoruichi.

    Just when he thought he could take off the clothes of Yoruichi body –


    For a moment, Yoruichi's figure appeared behind him and kicked heavily.

    "Bang!" ~”

    Feng Yu Chen almost didn't fall to the ground, his body, stopped with a double-handed force on the ground.

    YoNot bad, just a hundred times of instant steps, will you learn the essence? It’s amazing, it’s amazing to get rid of the shaved shadow. I thought you would have to wait at least three days to get rid of the psychological effects of shaving.

    It's strange why I didn't catch me, right?

    Remember what I said to you before?

    Want to win the younger brother, Yu Chen, your light, with the current moment, even if you have learned the essence, it is difficult to fight against him. After all, after mastering the essence, it is not not growing. Experience will change over time. And constantly deepen, so your growth is fast, able to catch up with the white brother, does not mean you can hit him.

    Then I will teach you something else.

    隠 歩 ' ' 'Four Maple' three – air.

    This requires mastering the superb white and instant skill. It is an escape technique combined with the instant step. The younger brother does not know. With this step, you can definitely counterattack at the moment of his surprise.

    The general principle is to leave the coat or other items as a substitute before the attack, to avoid the damage and confuse the opponent. In the fast movement, the visual residual image makes the opponent mistakenly believe that the other party has been stabbed, but it is only pierced. Outer clothes, and I escaped.

    And after using the superb level, even Kakuzu, the other party's cloak, couldn't catch it, just caught the afterimage, just like you did just now. ”

    Yoruichi said with a smile.

    I see……Equivalent to the Body Replacement Technique, what does the meaning of gold shelling? ”

    Feng Yu Chen seems to understand what is general, Jin Yu shelling, which is mentioned in the ancient martial arts of China, and the foundation of the Hokage Three Bodies Technique Body Replacement Technique is also a similar means.

    This is indeed a chance to win a chance.

    "Well, I understand it well, ah…I am thirsty, go help me get something to run, then I will teach you…"Yoruichi lazily stretched his graceful body and leaned over an adobe.

    "Hmph!"Then you give a dress, can't I streak past it? ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Orihime in the distance, and the rain of the Urahara store, Loli, your sister, so streaking in the past will fall off the thrill! ~

    "Oh, do you want me to take off all?" It turns out that you have a preference for your brother-in-law, well, well…Just round your thoughts…"

    Yoruichi is going to get rid of the clothes.

    and moreStop! I don't want clothes for you…"

    Feng Yu Chen wants to cry without tears, especially, stealing people's clothes is not enough, but also confidently want to marry.

    "So fast, go back soon…Oh, yes, give me two more balls…"

    Yoruichi impatiently beats the hand.

    "Your request is really much, when I am a mobile snack bar!"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled and walked back.


    Yoruichi looks at Feng Yu Chen's back and caressed her chest and breathed deeply. Really, I was almost caught by this guy. It was really no face, and she had a tired feeling after using so many instant steps. It seems that there is a lot of activity under the body. Is it too leisurely to make her degenerate?

    The key is forced by Feng Yu Chen. This guy just didn't know how to speed up, suddenly increased the Speed. It really felt some kind of abnormal Reiatsu fluctuations. Although there was only a vague glimpse, she still saw the pair. Different eyes, white pupils and black totems rotating at high speed, what the hell is it!

    Although there is speculation, Yoruichi still dare not confirm, because it is terrible! ——

    Ability to copy!

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